Nevin Manimala Statistics

Comparison of Corticotomy and Micro-osteoperforation during Canine Retraction: A Split-Mouth Design

P R Health Sci J. 2023 Dec;42(4):311-317.


OBJECTIVE: Compare the efficacy of the micro-osteoperforation (MOP) and corticotomy techniques in terms of maxillary canine retraction.

METHODS: Thirteen patients (5 females, 8 males; mean age, 18.07 ± 6.74 years) with healthy permanent dentition and requiring the extraction of maxillary first premolars were included in a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. Those subjects with previous orthodontic or endodontic treatment of the canines were excluded. At least 3 months post-extraction, MOPs and corticotomies were performed distal to the canines. Mini-screws with closed-coil springs (150 g) were used for the canine retraction. Dental casts were made at baseline (T0) and 3 months post-intervention (T1). Trained and calibrated examiners measured the distances from the canines to the second premolars on both sides. A signed-rank sum test was used to compare the amount of canine retraction achieved in 3 months (T0-T1) on the 2 sides.

RESULTS: Retraction (mm) at the incisal level was similar in the corticotomy (3.34 ± 1.01) and MOP patients (2.74 ± 1.10) (P = 0.11); furthermore, there were no differences in the degree of medial retraction between the corticotomy (2.56 ± 0.67) and MOP (2.27 ± 0.82) (P = 0.31) procedures. No adverse events were observed.

CONCLUSION: There were not any clinically or statistically significant differences in retraction between the interventions. At 3 months, a MOP is as effective as a corticotomy in accelerating the rate of tooth movement.


By Nevin Manimala

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