Nevin Manimala Statistics

Reflex triggers in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

Medicina (B Aires). 2023;83(6):890-899.


INTRODUCTION: Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is an epileptic syndrome with onset in childhood and adolescence with myoclonus, absences, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Reflex stimuli such as sensitivity to light or photosensitivity, eyelid opening and closing, and praxis induction produce epileptiform discharges and seizures. These reflex triggers are not all systematically studied.

OBJECTIVE: Examine reflex features in patients with JME.

METHODS: One hundred adolescents and adults with JME who received different anti-seizure treatments were evaluated consecutively. A standard electroencephalogram was performed with an intermittent light stimulation (SLI) protocol and another for the evaluation of praxias through neurocognitive activity (CNA). The statistical analysis was descriptive and of correlation with a p > 0.05.

RESULTS: Current age was 28±11 (14-67). The seizure began at 15 years ±3 (Range 8-25 years). They presented myoclonus and generalized tonic-clonic seizures in 58%. 50% received valproic acid and 31% continued with seizures. Epileptiform discharges at rest 20%; hyperventilation 30%; eyelid opening and closing 12%; photoparoxysmal response in SLI 40%; CNA 23%. Higher percentage of discharges and delay in performing CNA in those who presented seizures. Valproic acid compared to other drugs did not demonstrate superiority in seizure control.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm the importance of studying reflex traits for diagnosis, follow-up, and therapeutic control.


By Nevin Manimala

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