Nevin Manimala Statistics

Correlation of sperm HDS with sperm DFI and morphology and its influence on in vitro fertilization in infertile males

Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2023 Apr;29(4):317-322.


OBJECTIVE: To invest the correlation of sperm high DNA stainability (HDS) with sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and sperm abnormalities and its influence on in vitro fertilization (IVF) in male infertility patients, and assess the clinical value of HDS.

METHODS: Using flow cytometry-assisted sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA), we examined sperm HDS and sperm DFI in 322 male infertility patients undergoing IVF due to female fallopian tube factors only. Based on sperm HDS, we divided the patients into five groups and compared the semen routine parameters, percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm (MAS), sperm DFI, rates of fertilization, cleavage and high-quality embryos, and pregnancy outcomes among different HDS groups.

RESULTS: Among the 322 male infertility patients, 119 (36.96%) were found with a sperm HDS of 0 - <5%, 117 (36.34%) of 5% - <10%, 50 (15.53%) of 10% - <15%, 23 (7.14%) of 15% - <20%, and 13 (4.03%) of ≥20%. Sperm concentration, motility and progressive motility were decreased with the increase of sperm HDS, but with no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05), so were the rates of fertilization, high-quality embryos and pregnancy (P > 0.05). Sperm DFI and sperm abnormality were correlated positively with sperm HDS (r = 0.236, r = 0.203). The rate of early abortion was remarkably increased in those with sperm HDS greater than 10%.

CONCLUSION: Sperm HDS may be a risk indicator of sperm DFI and sperm abnormality, and can be used as a predictive indicator of early abortion in IVF.


By Nevin Manimala

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