Brain Res. 2024 Aug 11:149158. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2024.149158. Online ahead of print.
The intersection of neuroscience and technology hinges on the development of wearable devices and electrodes that can augment brain networks to improve cognitive capabilities such as learning and concentration. The capacity to enhance networks associated with these functions above baseline capabilities, holds the potential to benefit numerous individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine if electromagnetic field exposure modeled from physiological data would increase instances of flow in participants playing a computer game. The flow state refers to a subjective state of optimal performance experienced by individuals during a variety of tasks. For this study, participants (n = 39, 18-65 years, nfemale = 20) played the arcade game Snake for two ten-minute periods (each with a ten-minute rest period immediately following). For one of the trials, an electromagnetic field was applied bilaterally to the temporal lobes, with the other serving as the control. Brain activity was measured using quantitative electroencephalography, flow experience was measured using the Flow Short Scale and game play scores were also recorded. Results showed deceased beta 1 (12-16 Hz) activity in the left cuneus [t = 4.650, p < 0.01] and left precuneus [t = 4.603, p < 0.01], left posterior cingulate [t = 4.521, p < 0.05], insula [t = 4.234, p < 0.05], and parahippocampal gyrus [t = 4.113, p < 0.05] for trials when the field was active, compared to controls during rest periods. Results from the Flow Short Scale showed a statistically significant difference in mean “concentration ease” scores across electromagnetic field conditions, irrespective of difficulty [t = 2.131, p < 0.05]. In the EMF exposure trials, there was no discernible experience effect; participants with prior experience in the game Snake did not exhibit significantly better performance compared to those without prior experience. This anticipated effect was observed in control conditions. The comparable performance observed between novices and experienced players in the EMF condition indicate a noteworthy learning curve for novices. In all, these results provide evidence supporting the ability of EMF patterned from amygdaloid firing (6-20 Hz) to elicit neurological correlates of flow in brain regions previously reported in the literature, facilitate concentration, and subtly improve game scores. The possibility for wearable devices to support learning, concentration, and focus are discussed.
PMID:39137825 | DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2024.149158