JAMA. 2025 Feb 13. doi: 10.1001/jama.2024.28517. Online ahead of print.
IMPORTANCE: The impact of recent abortion bans on infant mortality is not fully understood. There is also limited evidence on how these bans may interact with long-standing racial and ethnic disparities in infant health.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of abortion bans with changes in infant mortality and to compare this association in racial and ethnic groups based on analyses within and across states.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This population-based, serial, cross-sectional study used a bayesian panel model to examine infant mortality rates in 14 states that implemented complete or 6-week abortion bans and compared them with predictions of infant mortality rates based on pre-ban mortality rates and states without bans. Data included all live births and infant deaths from all 50 US states and the District of Columbia for 2012 through 2023. Models accounted for temporal trends and state-specific factors, with analyses stratified by race and ethnicity, timing of death, and cause of death.
EXPOSURE: Complete or 6-week abortion bans.
MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURES: Infant mortality rate, analyzed overall and by subgroups.
RESULTS: The analysis found higher than expected infant mortality in states after adoption of abortion bans (observed vs expected, 6.26 vs 5.93 per 1000 live births; absolute increase, 0.33 [95% credible interval (CrI), 0.14-0.51]; relative increase, 5.60% [95% CrI, 2.43%-8.73%]). This resulted in an estimated 478 excess infant deaths in the 14 states with bans during the months affected by bans. The estimated increases were higher among non-Hispanic Black infants compared with other racial and ethnic groups, with 11.81 observed vs 10.66 expected infant deaths per 1000 live births, an absolute increase of 1.15 (95% CrI, 0.53-1.81) and relative increase of 10.98% (95% CrI, 4.87%-17.89%). The observed infant mortality rate due to congenital anomalies was 1.37 vs 1.24 expected (absolute increase, 0.13 [95% CrI, 0.04-0.21]; relative increase, 10.87% [95% CrI, 3.39%-18.08%]), while the rate not due to congenital anomalies was 4.89 observed vs 4.69 expected (absolute increase, 0.20 [95% CrI, 0.02-0.38]; relative increase, 4.23% [95% CrI, 0.49%-8.23%]). Texas had a dominant influence on the overall results and there were larger increases in southern vs nonsouthern states.
CONCLUSIONS: US states that adopted abortion bans had higher than expected infant mortality after the bans took effect. The estimated relative increases in infant mortality were larger for deaths with congenital causes and among groups that had higher than average infant mortality rates at baseline, including Black infants and those in southern states.
PMID:39946113 | DOI:10.1001/jama.2024.28517