Nevin Manimala Statistics

Early discharge and postpartum home visit during the COVID-19 pandemic at the HULP (Madrid).

Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2021 Aug 19;95:e202108105.


OBJECTIVE: The COVID-19 pandemic caused that the Health Department of the Autonomous Region of Madrid redirected the Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatology emergency care. On March 24th 2020, the HULP launched a program of postpartum early discharge and home visit. The objective of this work was to detect if the care strategy “Voluntary early discharge and home visit by the midwife (2nd year EIR)” applied by the HULP during the COVID-19 pandemic had any adverse effect on the woman and/or the newborn.

METHODS: Cross-sectional observational descriptive study using convenience sampling among women included in the early discharge-home visit program from March 24th to May 5th 2020. 222 medical records and telephone surveys to postpartum women who complied with the inclusion criteria were analyzed. The statistical analysis was performed using SAS 9.4.

RESULTS: The average of inpatient time was 25 hours and 15 minutes. 8.6% of newborns were sent back to the HULP, and 2.2% were readmitted for hyperbilirubinemia. 2.3% of parents took their infants to the Emergency Care Unit, but only 0.46% needed readmission. 0.4% of postpartum women were readmitted. At the discharge, 84.2% of newborns exclusively breastfed. After one week of the birth, 73.4% of infants were exclusively breastfeeding, 18% were mixed breastfeeding, and 8.6% were bottle feeding. 89.6% of women believed early discharge was appropriate. Home visit was described as “very satisfactory” in 83.3% of cases, and the care provided, in 88.7% of cases.

CONCLUSIONS: With the early discharge-home visit program, continuity of care is provided, health problems were detected and resolved and high maternal satisfaction levels were obtained.


By Nevin Manimala

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