Nevin Manimala Statistics

Comparison Between the Deviations After 1 and 24 Hours of Diagnostic Occlusion for Basic and Divergence Excess Types of Intermittent Exotropia

J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2021 Aug 1:1-5. doi: 10.3928/01913913-20210610-02. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: To compare the clinically significant (5 prism diopters [PD] or greater) changes in deviations after 1 and 24 hours of diagnostic monocular occlusion specifically for basic and divergence excess types of intermittent exotropia.

METHODS: In this prospective study, diagnostic monocular occlusion was performed at 1 and 24 hours before surgery in patients with intermittent exotropia. A change of 5 PD or greater in the near and distance deviation after occlusion was considered clinically significant and used as the cut-off point for analysis. The mean clinically significant changes between the deviations after 1 and 24 hours of occlusion in patients with basic and divergence excess types of intermittent exotropia were compared.

RESULTS: A total of 21 patients with basic type and 20 patients with divergence excess type intermittent exotropia were included. No statistically significant differences were found for the mean near and distance deviations, the number of patients who had a clinically significant (5 PD or greater) increase, or the magnitude of increase in near and distance deviations after 1 hour versus 24 hours of diagnostic occlusion in patients with both types of intermittent exotropia.

CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic monocular occlusion for 1 hour is sufficient in patients with basic and divergence excess types of intermittent exotropia. [J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 20XX;X(X):XX-XX.].

PMID:34435900 | DOI:10.3928/01913913-20210610-02

By Nevin Manimala

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