Nevin Manimala Statistics

Abdominal ultrasound image quality is comparable among veterinary sonographers with varying levels of expertise for healthy canine and feline patients

Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2021 Sep 12. doi: 10.1111/vru.13017. Online ahead of print.


Abdominal ultrasonography is increasingly used as a standard diagnostic test in veterinary practices, however, there is little published information regarding the effects of operator experience on image quality. In this prospective observer agreement study, image quality was assessed for abdominal ultrasound examinations performed by nine sonographers (three general practitioners, three credentialed veterinary technicians, and three board-certified specialists). Each sonographer independently performed abdominal ultrasound examinations on the same group of 4 sedated clinically healthy animals (3 dogs, 1 cat) using the same model machine and standardized presets. Twenty-five organs and anatomical landmarks per exam (26 for male dog) were evaluated. Still images and cine loops were recorded for each one of the organs. The final scoring of image quality for each examination was performed by two board-certified veterinary radiologists in a randomized and blinded fashion. Semiquantitative scoring system was used for each reading: 0 – not seen, 1- seen but poor quality/partial seen, 2 – average/good quality, and 3 – excellent quality. The average score for each animal and sonographer was tallied and sonographer groups and individual sonographers were compared. Scores were assessed for normality and data were ranked transformed prior to statistical analysis. No significant differences were found regarding the completeness and quality scores of sonographers of different experience levels and disciplines when measuring specific standard components of a full abdominal scan. There were no statistical differences between individual sonographers or groups of sonographers. Although not statistically significant, the general practitioner’s group showed the greatest variability of their individual scores.

PMID:34510634 | DOI:10.1111/vru.13017

By Nevin Manimala

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