J Craniofac Surg. 2021 Sep 20. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008180. Online ahead of print.
Various recent developments, including legislation in 2014 banning healthcare discrimination against gender minorities, have contributed to expanding insurance coverage for gender-affirming care, which includes facial gender confirmation surgery (FGCS). Increasing evidence suggests FGCS improves quality-of-life outcomes, but literature evaluating FGCS patient demographics, surgical risk factors, procedures, and complications is limited. Therefore, the authors conducted a study of a national surgical database from 2005 to 2019 attempting to fill in these literature gaps. Statistics were used to assess temporal trends after 2014. A total of 203 FGCS cases were identified, with the earliest occurring in 2013. Case volume increased annually from 2015-2019. The average patient age was 34.0 years and racial demographics largely mirrored national estimates for the transgender/non-binary population. Obesity (20.7%) and hypertension (3.9%) were the only patient co-morbidities, although a relatively high proportion were underweight (5.4%). The majority of cases were outpatient procedures (66.5%) conducted by either plastic surgery (38.9%) or otolaryngology (61.1%). Comparing FGCSs by anatomic site, the proportion of tracheal procedures decreased between 2015-17 and 2018-19 (25.6% vs. 10.7%, P = 0.0002) whereas the proportion of brow/forehead reconstructions increased (32.6% versus 63.1%, P = 0.0005). These changes coincided with an increase in mean operative time (168.6 minutes versus 260.0, P = 0.0002). Complications were rare (3.9%), and the most common was surgical site infection (3.4%), a previously unreported outcome in the FGCS literature. Overall, FGCS patients are mostly young healthy individuals from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds, and they have few surgical complications. The increasing volume and complexity of FGCSs may be a result of expanding insurance coverage for previously unaffordable procedures.
PMID:34545054 | DOI:10.1097/SCS.0000000000008180