Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021 Sep-Oct;41(5):647-655. doi: 10.11607/prd.5666.
This retrospective study evaluated 335 hybrid implants placed in edentulous ridges; 167 were placed with an immediate implant protocol (IIP) and 168 were placed with a delayed implant protocol. Radiographic bone level changes were measured 1 to 23 years after loading. The average bone loss between implant placement and second-stage loading was 0.16 mm in the delayed group and 0.12 mm in the IIP group. Average bone loss from implant loading to the final radiograph was 0.26 mm in the IIP group and 0.13 mm in the delayed group. There was statistically significantly more bone loss in the IIP group, in patients taking amoxicillin (vs those taking azithromycin), in sites with splinted implants (vs nonsplinted implants), and in smokers (vs nonsmokers). However, even when statistically significant, bone loss would be considered clinically insignificant by most clinicians over the 1- to 23-year follow-up.
PMID:34547065 | DOI:10.11607/prd.5666