Nevin Manimala Statistics

Testing the measurement invariance of the Korean clinical learning environment, supervision and nurse teacher (CLES+t) scale

Nurse Educ Today. 2021 Sep 10;107:105140. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105140. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: In 2018, the Korean version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision, and Nurse Teacher scale was evaluated for validity and reliability.

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to test the instrument’s measurement invariance and to compare the latent means of groups.

DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study.

SETTINGS: Nursing departments in four metropolitan cities and five regions of Korea. The study sample comprised 507 nursing students.

PARTICIPANTS: Bachelor’s-level nursing students in their third and fourth years who have experienced clinical practicum.

METHODS: Data were collected from November 11 to December 24, 2018 using the Korean Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision, and Nurse Teacher scale. Confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group confirmatory factor analysis were conducted. Measurement invariance of the Korean Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision, and Nurse Teacher scale was tested in the following order: configural invariance, factor-loading invariance, intercept invariance, factor variance/covariance invariance, and residual invariance, by student year, hospital grade (tertiary or general hospital) and assignment of a nurse instructor (or not).

RESULTS: The measurement invariance of the Korean Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision, and Nurse Teacher scale by student year and hospital grade were confirmed by configural invariance, factor-loading invariance, intercept invariance, factor variance/covariance invariance, and residual invariance. The measurement invariance of the scale by assignment of a nurse instructor (or not) was also confirmed for configural invariance, factor-loading invariance, partial intercept invariance, partial factor variance/covariance invariance, and partial residual invariance. Comparing latent mean values, there was a statistically significant difference in the mean of the sub-dimensions of the Korean Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision, and Nurse Teacher scale by student year, hospital grade, and nurse assignment (or not).

CONCLUSIONS: The Korean Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision, and Nurse Teacher scale is an appropriate instrument for measuring the clinical learning environment regardless of student year, hospital grade, or nurse assignment.

PMID:34571445 | DOI:10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105140

By Nevin Manimala

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