Nevin Manimala Statistics

Is unemployment associated with inefficient sleep habits? A cohort study using objective sleep measurements

J Sleep Res. 2021 Nov 13:e13516. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13516. Online ahead of print.


Unemployed people could be at risk of developing inefficient sleep habits by spending excessive time in bed, as they lack a structuring activity. This could impact their mental health and reintegration into labour. This study aims to analyse possible associations between employment status and sleep parameters using actigraphy. Subjects (148 employed and 50 unemployed) were drawn from a German population-based cohort. Sleep parameters were measured with the SenseWear Bodymedia Pro 3 armband. Comparison of means concerning sleep duration, sleep efficiency, time of sleep and sleep fragmentation was performed separately for week days and weekends. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to analyse group differences controlling for covariates. Finally, we defined cut-off scores for each sleep variable, and analysed the distribution of subjects above and below these values. Unemployed people did not sleep significantly longer than employed people. However, on week days, they displayed night sleep efficiency reduced by on average > 5% points, they lay down for 28 min longer, had later mid sleep time (38 min) and sleep offset (55 min), as well as more frequent awakenings after sleep onset accounting for being awake 28 min longer (all p ≤ 0.005). Sleep in unemployed subjects compared with employed subjects aged 41-64 years was less efficient, more fragmented and shifted to a later point of the night. Results support prior findings that unemployment has a negative influence on sleep quality. Unemployed individuals could benefit from intervention programmes aiming at the adoption of healthier sleep habits.

PMID:34773314 | DOI:10.1111/jsr.13516

By Nevin Manimala

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