Nevin Manimala Statistics

Outcomes of reoperative aortic root surgery

J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2021 Oct 23:S0022-5223(21)01491-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2021.09.060. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to determine the impact of reoperative aortic root replacement on short-term outcomes and survival.

METHODS: This was a retrospective study of aortic root operations from 2010 to 2018. All patients with a complete aortic root replacement were included, and patients undergoing valve-sparing root replacements were excluded. Patients were dichotomized by first-time sternotomy versus redo sternotomy, which was defined as having had a prior sternotomy for whatever reason. Within the redo sternotomy group, reoperative aortic root replacements were identified, being defined as a complete aortic root replacement in patients with a prior aortic root replacement; 1:1 nearest neighbor propensity matching was used to compare outcomes across groups. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were generated and compared using log-rank statistics.

RESULTS: A total of 893 patients undergoing complete ARR were identified, of whom 595 (67%) underwent first-time sternotomy and 298 (33%) underwent redo sternotomy. After matching, postoperative outcomes were similar for the first-time and redo sternotomy groups, including operative mortality. Redo sternotomy was not associated with reduced survival after aortic root replacement compared with first-time sternotomy (P = .084), with 5-year survival of 73.7% for first-time sternotomy and 72.9% for redo sternotomy. In the redo sternotomy group (n = 298), 69 (23%) were reoperative aortic root replacements and 229 (77%) were first-time aortic root replacements. After matching, postoperative outcomes were similar for the first-time and reoperative aortic root replacement groups, including operative mortality. Reoperative aortic root replacement was not associated with reduced survival, compared with first-time aortic root replacement (P = .870), with 5-year survival of 67.9% for first-time aortic root replacement and 72.1% for reoperative aortic root replacement.

CONCLUSIONS: Reoperative aortic root replacement can be performed safely and provides similar survival to first-time aortic root replacement.

PMID:34776246 | DOI:10.1016/j.jtcvs.2021.09.060

By Nevin Manimala

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