J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2021 Oct-Dec;33(4):598-601.
BACKGROUND: The study was to look for effectiveness of vitamin D-3 in cutaneous warts in comparison with cryotherapy at dermatology department of Pak Emirates Military Hospital Rawalpindi. It was a randomized control trial conducted at the Department of dermatology Pak Emirates Military Hospital Rawalpindi. Ten months, June 2019 to May 2020.
METHODS: A total of 50 patients of cutaneous warts diagnosed by consultant dermatologist were included in the study. Patients were randomized into groups by lottery method. Group A received the Intralesional vitamin D 3 while Group B received cryotherapy. Comparison was made in both the groups regarding the response as complete or partial or no resolution of the wart.
RESULTS: Out of 50 patients with cutaneous warts on any location of the body, 23 (46%) received intralesional vitamin D3 while 27 (54%) received cryotherapy as allocated treatment. Twenty-four (48%) patients were female while 26 (52%) were male. Planter warts 41 (82%) were the commonest type according to the site of warts followed by palmar 6 (12%). Application of chi-square test revealed that Vitamin D3 was statistically significantly related to complete resolution of warts as compared to cryotherapy (p-value<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Cutaneous warts were most commonly seen on the feet of the affected patients. They had a good response to both of the therapies but intralesional vitamin D3 emerged as more effective option of the two in terms of management of these cutaneous warts.