Epilepsia. 2022 Feb 9. doi: 10.1111/epi.17183. Online ahead of print.
OBJECTIVE: Postsurgical seizure outcome following laser interstitial thermal therapy (LiTT) for the management of drug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) has been limited to 2 years. Furthermore, its impact on presurgical mood and anxiety disorders has not been investigated. The objectives of this study were (1) to identify seizure outcome changes over a period ranging from 18 to 81 months; (2) to investigate the seizure-free rate in the last follow-up year; (3) to identify the variables associated with seizure freedom; and (4) to identify the impact of LiTT on presurgical mood and anxiety disorders.
METHODS: Medical records of all patients who underwent LiTT for MTLE from 2013 to 2019 at the University of Miami Comprehensive Epilepsy Center were retrospectively reviewed. Demographic, epilepsy-related, cognitive, psychiatric, and LiTT-related data were compared between seizure-free (Engel Class I) and non-seizure-free (Engel Class II + III + IV) patients. Statistical analyses included univariate and multivariate stepwise logistic regression analyses.
RESULTS: Forty-eight patients (mean age = 43 ± 14.2 years, range = 21-78) were followed for a mean period of 50 ± 20.7 months (range = 18-81); 29 (60.4%) achieved an Engel Class I outcome, whereas 11 (22.9%) had one to three seizures/year. Seizure-freedom rate decreased from 77.8% to 50% among patients with 24- and >61-month follow-up periods, respectively. In the last follow-up year, 83% of all patients were seizure-free. Seizure freedom was associated with having mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS), no presurgical focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, and no psychopathology in the last follow-up year. Presurgical mood and/or anxiety disorder were identified in 30 patients (62.5%) and remitted after LiTT in 19 (62%).
SIGNIFICANCE: LiTT appears to be a safe and effective surgical option for treatment-resistant MTLE, particularly among patients with MTS. Remission of presurgical mood and anxiety disorders can also result from LiTT.
PMID:35137956 | DOI:10.1111/epi.17183