Nevin Manimala Statistics

Trading off spatio-temporal properties in 3D high-speed fMRI using interleaved stack-of-spirals trajectories

Magn Reson Med. 2021 Mar 10. doi: 10.1002/mrm.28742. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Highly undersampled acquisitions have been proposed to push the limits of temporal resolution in functional MRI. This contribution is aimed at identifying parameter sets that let the user trade-off between ultra-high temporal resolution and spatial signal quality by varying the sampling densities. The proposed method maintains the synergies of a temporal resolution that enables direct filtering of physiological artifacts for highest statistical power, and 3D read-outs with optimal use of encoding capabilities of multi-coil arrays for efficient sampling and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

METHODS: One- to four-shot interleaved spherical stack-of-spiral trajectories with repetition times from 96 to 352 ms at a nominal resolution of 3 mm using different sampling densities were compared for image quality and temporal SNR (tSNR). The one- and three-shot trajectories were employed in a resting state study for functional characterization.

RESULTS: Compared to a previously described single-shot trajectory, denser sampled trajectories of the same type are shown to be less prone to blurring and off-resonance vulnerability that appear in addition to the variable density artifacts of the point spread function. While the multi-shot trajectories lead to a decrease in tSNR efficiency, the high SNR due to the 3D read-out, combined with notable increases in image quality, leads to superior overall results of the three-shot interleaved stack of spirals. A resting state analysis of 15 subjects shows significantly improved functional sensitivity in areas of high off-resonance gradients.

CONCLUSION: Mild variable-density sampling leads to excellent tSNR behavior and no increased off-resonance vulnerability, and is suggested unless maximum temporal resolution is sought.

PMID:33749021 | DOI:10.1002/mrm.28742

By Nevin Manimala

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