Nevin Manimala Statistics

Measuring the impact of systemic sclerosis on oral health-related quality of life in a UK population

J Oral Pathol Med. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1111/jop.13177. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: The objective of the present study was to identify the impact of systemic sclerosis (SSc) upon oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of affected individuals resident in the UK.

METHODS: A total of 100 patients and their partners or carers were invited to complete questionnaires regarding the impact of SSc on quality of life and psychological wellbeing using valid and reliable patient-reported outcome measures (OHIP-14, MHISS, OIDP, MDAS and HADS. A total of 50 patients with SSc and 18 partners or carers who acted as controls returned the completed questionnaires. Statistical analyses were performed for comparisons of different variables.

RESULTS: All the mean scores of OHIP-14 [SSc (16.5±12.4) Vs controls (6.06±7.6, P .001)], MHISS components were significantly higher in patients than those of control group [SSc (21.26±12) Vs controls (4.8±7.3, P<.0001)]. Majority of OIDP mean scores were significantly worse in patients compared with controls [SSc (10±8.7) Vs controls (1.72±3.4, P<.0001)]. The mean of total MDAS [SSc (11.7±5.3) Vs controls (9.5±4.4)] and HADS scores were higher in patients compared to controls [SSc depression (4.8±3.3) and anxiety (6±4.6) Vs controls (3.7±3.1) (4.7±3.9)].

CONCLUSIONS: Although the present study are limited by the low response rate and its cross-sectional design, present results highlighted that systemic sclerosis has a negative impact on OHRQoL of the affected individuals hence the evaluation of associated psychological impact including anxiety and depression symptoms is needed to better understand, monitor and evaluate the disease comorbidity in patients with SSc.

PMID:33763880 | DOI:10.1111/jop.13177

By Nevin Manimala

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