J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2022 Apr 15. doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000842. Online ahead of print.
BACKGROUND: Despite a renewed focus in recent years on pain management in the inpatient hospital setting, postoperative pain after elective craniotomy remains under investigated. This study aims to identify which perioperative factors associate most strongly with postoperative pain and opioid medication requirements after inpatient craniotomy.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using an existing dataset, we selected a restricted cohort of patients who underwent elective craniotomy surgery requiring an inpatient postoperative stay during a 7-year period at our institution (n=1832). We examined pain scores and opioid medication usage and analyzed the relative contribution of specific perioperative risk factors to postoperative pain and opioid medication intake (morphine milligram equivalents).
RESULTS: Postoperative pain was found to be highest on postoperative day 1 and decreased thereafter (up to day 5). Factors associated with greater postoperative opioid medication requirement were preoperative opioid medication use, duration of anesthesia, degree of pain in the preoperative setting, and patient age. Notably, the most significant factor associated with a higher postoperative pain score and Morphine milligram equivalents requirement was the time elapsed between the end of general anesthesia and a patient’s first intravenous opioid medication.
CONCLUSION: Postcraniotomy patients are at higher risk for requiring opioid pain medications if they have a history of preoperative opioid use, are of younger age, or undergo a longer surgery. Moreover, early requirement of intravenous opioid medications in the postoperative period should alert treating physicians that a patient’s pain may require additional or alternative methods of pain control than routinely administered, to avoid over-reliance on opioid medications.
PMID:35470325 | DOI:10.1097/ANA.0000000000000842