Nevin Manimala Statistics

MYP2 locus genes: Sequence variations, genetic association studies and haplotypic association in patients with High Myopia

Int J Biochem Mol Biol. 2021 Feb 15;12(1):35-48. eCollection 2021.


High Myopia (HM) is a common complex-trait eye disorder. There is essential evidence that genetic factors play a significant role in the development of nonsyndromic high myopia. Identification of susceptibility genes of high myopia will shed light on the pathophysiological mechanism underlying their genesis. This was a case control study examining the prospect of association of DLGAP1, EMILIN2 & MYOM1 genes on MYP2 locus in purely ethnic (Kashmiri) population representing a homogeneous cohort. Genomic DNA was extracted using phenol chloroform and salting out method. Extracted DNA was genotyped for polymorphic variations in MYOM1, EMILIN2 and DLGAP1 genes involving Sanger di-deoxy method. Allele frequencies were tested for Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium in 224 cases and compared with 220 emmetropic controls. In DLGAP1, documented single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); Pro517Pro was observed. A previously reported Asn451Asn SNP was observed in EMILIN2. MYOM1 showed five polymorphic variations; two in coding region (Gly333Gly & Gly341Ala) and three intronic (c.1022+23, G>A; c.3418+44 G>T & c.3418+65; C>G). All of the elucidated SNPs were having statistical significant role in increasing or decreasing the risk of disease. Although not statistically significant, a novel Glu507Lys SNP was observed in DLGAP1 (P>0.05). In silico predictions showed MYOM1 Gly341Ala to be benign & tolerated substitution while as DLGAP1 Glu507Lys to be possibly damaging substitution. The studied SNPs followed Over-Dominant, Recessive and Co-Dominant mode of inheritance with specific haplotypes associated with the disease. Our study reveals the involvement of MYP2 locus candidate gene polymorphism in the pathogenesis of HM.

PMID:33824778 | PMC:PMC8012819

By Nevin Manimala

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