Nevin Manimala Statistics

The clock diet: a practical nutritional guide to manage obesity through chrononutrition

Minerva Med. 2021 Apr 29. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4806.21.07207-4. Online ahead of print.


Chronobiology studies the biological rhythms or circadian cycles of living organisms and their adaptation to external changes. Biological rhythms can affect hormone production cycles such as sleep/wake, and nutrition/fasting, but these factors can also alter the circadian rhythm (CR). In recent years, numerous studies have highlighted how feeding times and frequency can influence biological rhythms. Additionally, individuals’ chronotype, working shifts, and food intake can make a deep impact on people’s tendency to develop obesity and metabolic diseases. In this context, a single food and a specific combination of these, can also affect the CR and fasting cycle and consequently body weight and viceversa. The purpose of the review is to propose practical nutritional recommendations to help in resynchronizing the circadian rhythm as a tool in weight control.

PMID:33913659 | DOI:10.23736/S0026-4806.21.07207-4

By Nevin Manimala

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