Nevin Manimala Statistics

In vitro elution characteristics of gentamicin- and teicoplanin-loaded CMW1 and Palacos R bone cement

J Orthop. 2021 Apr 15;25:75-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2021.03.024. eCollection 2021 May-Jun.


PURPOSE: To compare the in vitro elution characteristics of CMW1 and Palacos R bone cement loaded with gentamicin, teicoplanin, or in combination.

METHODS: Four bone cement discs were prepared for each cement type. Disc 1 contained no antibiotics; disc 2 contained 0.5 g gentamicin; disc 3 contained 2 g teicoplanin; disc 4 contained 0.5 g gentamicin and 2 g teicoplanin. Elution studies were conducted using a fluorescence polarisation immunoassay technique and performed at intervals of 6 weeks.

RESULTS: For CMW1, gentamicin and teicoplanin elution levels in combination discs were higher than those in the single antibiotic discs (p < 0.001 & p < 0.06). For Palacos R, gentamicin elution levels in combination discs were higher than those in the single antibiotic discs (p < 0.001), but teicoplanin elution levels in combination discs were lesser than that from the single antibiotic discs (p < 0.02). In single and combination discs, gentamicin elution levels in Palacos R were higher than those in CMW1 (p < 0.001 & p < 0.001). Palacos R eluted more teicoplanin than CMW1, except in combined disc with gentamicin, when less teicoplanin was eluted.

CONCLUSION: Antibiotic elution is higher in Palacos R than CMW1. Antibiotic combination in both cement types has the synergistic effect of increasing antibiotic elution, except for teicoplanin from Palacos R. When high elution of gentamicin is required, Palacos R is preferable. When high elution of teicoplanin is required, Palacos R with only teicoplanin is superior to CMW1.

PMID:33935435 | PMC:PMC8079329 | DOI:10.1016/j.jor.2021.03.024

By Nevin Manimala

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