Nevin Manimala Statistics

Understanding multi-level barriers to medication adherence among adults living with sickle cell disease

Medicine (Baltimore). 2023 Oct 13;102(41):e35400. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000035400.


There is limited research that identifies and examines multi-level barriers to medication adherence among adults with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD); Identify multi-level barriers to medication adherence among adults with SCD; and Examine the relationship between multi-level barriers and medication adherence levels. A cross-sectional study included 130 adults (ages ≥ 18 years old) living with SCD who receive treatment/care from one of the 10 adult SCD clinics within the Networking California for sickle cell care initiative. Study measures included the medication adherence report scale (Professor Rob Horne), Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire (Professor Rob Horne), and patient reported outcomes measurement information system. Participants reported barriers to medication adherence across 3 levels: Community-level barriers (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic); Institutional-level barriers (e.g., bad experiences with the health care system); and Individual-level barriers (e.g., beliefs and depression severity). Depression severity and patient concerns about SCD medication were inversely correlated with medication adherence (rs = -0.302, P < .001; rs = -0.341, P < .001 respectively). Patient beliefs about the necessity of SCD medication were insignificantly correlated with medication adherence (rs = 0.065, P = .464). Medication adherence was higher among patients who had fewer adherence barriers than multiple adherence barriers (Median medication adherence: fewer barriers = 22 vs multiple barrier = 20.50, P = .085), suggesting clinical significance although statistically insignificant. Identifying multi-level adherence barriers and examining their relationship with medication adherence will help develop targeted public health strategies to promote improved medication adherence and wellness among adults with SCD.

PMID:37832127 | DOI:10.1097/MD.0000000000035400

By Nevin Manimala

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