J Integr Complement Med. 2023 Nov 8. doi: 10.1089/jicm.2023.0102. Online ahead of print.
Objective: Whole person health care, like that being implemented in the U.S. Veterans Health Administration (VHA), involves person-centered approaches that address what matters most to patients to achieve well-being beyond the biomedical absence of disease. As whole health (WH) approaches expand, their integration into clinical practice is predicated on health care employees reconceptualizing practice beyond find-it-fix-it medicine and embracing WH as a new philosophy of care. This study examined employee perspectives of WH and their integration of this approach into care. Design: We conducted a survey with responses from 1073 clinical and 800 nonclinical employees at 5 VHA WH Flagship sites about their perceptions and use of a WH approach. We used descriptive statistics to examine employees’ support for WH and conducted thematic analysis to qualitatively explore their perceptions about this approach from free-text comments supplied by 475 respondents. Results: On structured survey items, employees largely agreed that WH was a valuable approach but were relatively less likely to have incorporated it into practice or report support within their organization for WH. Qualitative comments revealed varying conceptualizations of WH. While some respondents understood that WH represented a philosophical shift in care, many characterized WH narrowly as services. These conceptualizations contributed to lower perceived relevance, skepticism, and misgivings that WH diverted needed resources away from existing clinical services. Organizational context including leadership messaging, siloed structures, and limited educational opportunities reinforced these perceptions. Conclusions: Successfully transforming the culture of care requires a shift in mindset among employees and leadership alike. Employees’ depictions didn’t always reflect WH as a person-centered approach designed to engage patients to enhance their health and well-being. Without consistent leadership messaging and accessible training, opportunities to expand understandings of WH are likely to be missed. To promote WH transformation, additional attention is needed for employees to embrace this approach to care.
PMID:37935016 | DOI:10.1089/jicm.2023.0102