Nevin Manimala Statistics

Stir-up Regimen After General Anesthesia in the Postanesthesia Care Unit: A Nurse Led Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Control Trial

J Perianesth Nurs. 2023 Nov 16:S1089-9472(23)00888-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jopan.2023.07.014. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: To implement a standardized Stir-up Regimen (deep breathing, coughing, repositioning, mobilization [moving arms/legs], assessing and managing pain and nausea) within the first 30 minutes of arrival in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU), with a goal of decreasing recovery time in the immediate postanesthesia period (Phase I).

DESIGN: A pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomized control trial. Initially, data were collected on time in Phase I in three PACUs (control). Subsequently, the same three units were randomized to sequentially transition to the Stir-up Regimen (intervention).

METHODS: A stepped wedge cluster randomized control trial design was used to implement a standardized Stir-up Regimen in three PACUs in an academic hospital for adult patients who received at least 30 minutes of general anesthesia. The measured outcome was the PACU time in minutes from patient arrival to when the patient met Phase I discharge criteria. Differences between intervention and control groups were evaluated using a generalized mixed-effects model. Nurses were educated about the Stir-up Regimen in team huddles, in-services, video demonstrations, email notifications/reminders and reminders, and immediate feedback at the bedside. Implementation science principles were used to assess the adoption of the Stir-up Regimen through a presurvey, postsurvey and spot-check observations in all three PACUs.

FINDINGS: A total of 5,809 PACU adult patient admissions were included: control group (n = 2,860); intervention group (n = 2,949); males (n = 2,602), and females (n = 3,206). The intervention was associated with a reduction in overall mean Phase I recovery time of 4.9 minutes (95% CI: -8.4 to -1.4, P = .007). One PACU decreased time by 9.6 minutes (95% CI: -15.3 to -4.0, P < .001). The other units also reduced Phase I recovery time, but this did not reach statistical significance. The spot-check observations confirmed the intervention was adopted by the nurses, as most interventions were nurse-initiated versus patient-initiated during the first 30 minutes in PACU.

CONCLUSIONS: Standardization of a Stir-up Regimen within 30 minutes of patient PACU arrival resulted in decreased Phase I recovery time.

PMID:37978971 | DOI:10.1016/j.jopan.2023.07.014

By Nevin Manimala

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