Nevin Manimala Statistics

Mergeomics 2.0: a web server for multi-omics data integration to elucidate disease networks and predict therapeutics

Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 May 28:gkab405. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab405. Online ahead of print.


The Mergeomics web server is a flexible online tool for multi-omics data integration to derive biological pathways, networks, and key drivers important to disease pathogenesis and is based on the open source Mergeomics R package. The web server takes summary statistics of multi-omics disease association studies (GWAS, EWAS, TWAS, PWAS, etc.) as input and features four functions: Marker Dependency Filtering (MDF) to correct for known dependency between omics markers, Marker Set Enrichment Analysis (MSEA) to detect disease relevant biological processes, Meta-MSEA to examine the consistency of biological processes informed by various omics datasets, and Key Driver Analysis (KDA) to identify essential regulators of disease-associated pathways and networks. The web server has been extensively updated and streamlined in version 2.0 including an overhauled user interface, improved tutorials and results interpretation for each analytical step, inclusion of numerous disease GWAS, functional genomics datasets, and molecular networks to allow for comprehensive omics integrations, increased functionality to decrease user workload, and increased flexibility to cater to user-specific needs. Finally, we have incorporated our newly developed drug repositioning pipeline PharmOmics for prediction of potential drugs targeting disease processes that were identified by Mergeomics. Mergeomics is freely accessible at and does not require login.

PMID:34048577 | DOI:10.1093/nar/gkab405

By Nevin Manimala

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