Head Neck. 2023 Dec 26. doi: 10.1002/hed.27612. Online ahead of print.
BACKGROUND: There exists a lacuna in the structured reporting of swallowing dysfunction and quality of life (QoL) outcome following major glossectomy.
METHODS: Prospective cohort study to assess the swallowing dysfunction and QoL following STG (subtotal glossectomy) or NTG (near total glossectomy) over a 6-month period using FEES and PAS scale, MDADI, and FACT-HN.
RESULTS: Twenty-four patients were available for analysis. The pre- and post-adjuvant evaluation revealed a statistically significant improvement in the composite MDADI and FACT-HN scores. Subscale analysis of FACT-HN scores revealed maximum deficit in the head and neck cancer-specific score domain followed by functional domain and social well-being domain, with serial improvement noted in the post-adjuvant setting.
CONCLUSION: This study showed serial improvement in terms of swallowing dysfunction although social and functional well-being domains related to QoL continued to reveal major deficits. Better outcomes were seen with preservation of bilateral base of tongue and mandible.
PMID:38146690 | DOI:10.1002/hed.27612