Nevin Manimala Statistics

PanDepth, an ultrafast and efficient genomic tool for coverage calculation

Brief Bioinform. 2024 Mar 27;25(3):bbae197. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbae197.


Coverage quantification is required in many sequencing datasets within the field of genomics research. However, most existing tools fail to provide comprehensive statistical results and exhibit limited performance gains from multithreading. Here, we present PanDepth, an ultra-fast and efficient tool for calculating coverage and depth from sequencing alignments. PanDepth outperforms other tools in computation time and memory efficiency for both BAM and CRAM-format alignment files from sequencing data, regardless of read length. It employs chromosome parallel computation and optimized data structures, resulting in ultrafast computation speeds and memory efficiency. It accepts sorted or unsorted BAM and CRAM-format alignment files as well as GTF, GFF and BED-formatted interval files or a specific window size. When provided with a reference genome sequence and the option to enable GC content calculation, PanDepth includes GC content statistics, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of copy number variation analysis. Overall, PanDepth is a powerful tool that accelerates scientific discovery in genomics research.

PMID:38701418 | DOI:10.1093/bib/bbae197

By Nevin Manimala

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