Nevin Manimala Statistics

Graphical models for mean and covariance of multivariate longitudinal data

Stat Med. 2021 Jun 17. doi: 10.1002/sim.9106. Online ahead of print.


Joint mean-covariance modeling of multivariate longitudinal data helps to understand the relative changes among multiple longitudinally measured and correlated outcomes. A key challenge in the analysis of multivariate longitudinal data is the complex covariance structure. This is due to the contemporaneous and cross-temporal associations between multiple longitudinal outcomes. Graphical and data-driven tools that can aid in visualizing the dependence patterns among multiple longitudinal outcomes are not readily available. In this work, we show the role of graphical techniques: profile plots, and multivariate regressograms, in developing mean and covariance models for multivariate longitudinal data. We introduce an R package MLGM (Multivariate Longitudinal Graphical Models) to facilitate visualization and modeling mean and covariance patterns. Through two real studies, microarray data from the T-cell activation study and Mayo Clinic’s primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver study, we show the key features of MLGM. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed mean-covariance estimation approach through simulations.

PMID:34139788 | DOI:10.1002/sim.9106

By Nevin Manimala

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