Nevin Manimala Statistics

Research on track fastener positioning method based on local unidirectional template matching

Sci Prog. 2021 Apr-Jun;104(2):368504211026131. doi: 10.1177/00368504211026131.


Commonly used fastener positioning methods include pixel statistics (PS) method and template matching (TM) method. For the PS method, it is difficult to judge the image segmentation threshold due to the complex background of the track. For the TM method, the search in both directions of the global is easily affected by complex background, as a result, the locating accuracy of fasteners is low. To solve the above problems, this paper combines the PS method with the TM method and proposes a new fastener positioning method called local unidirectional template matching (LUTM). First, the rail positioning is achieved by the PS method based on the gray-scale vertical projection. Then, based on the prior knowledge, the image of the rail and the surrounding area of the rail is obtained which is referred to as the 1-shaped rail image; then, the 1-shaped rail image and the produced offline symmetrical fastener template is pre-processed. Finally, the symmetrical fastener template image is searched from top to bottom along the rail and the correlation is calculated to realize the fastener positioning. Experiments have proved that the method in this paper can effectively realize the accurate locating of the fastener for ballastless track and ballasted track at the same time.

PMID:34143708 | DOI:10.1177/00368504211026131

By Nevin Manimala

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