Nevin Manimala Statistics

Semiquantitative Criteria in the Eye Bank That Correlate with Cornea Guttata in Donor Corneas

Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 Jun;238(6):680-687. doi: 10.1055/a-1498-1846. Epub 2021 Jun 22.


BACKGROUND: Cornea guttata may not be recognized in the eye bank and recent studies have displayed that guttae are transplanted in about 15% of cases in varying severities. The purpose of this study was to establish semiquantitative criteria for the detection of cornea guttata in donor corneas in the eye bank.

METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study, preoperative endothelial pictures of donor corneas were collected and classified according to the post-penetrating keratoplasty cornea guttata grade into three distinct groups: group 1 consists of healthy corneas with no guttae (guttata grade 0); group 2 constitutes corneas with mild asymptomatic cornea guttata (guttata grade +); and group 3 comprises corneas with advanced widespread cornea guttata (guttata grade ++/+++/++++). The preoperative pictures of each group were then individually analyzed using the following five semiquantitative criteria: The number and the area of the cell-depleted surfaces, the presence of less than 50% of the cells having a hexagonal or a circular shape, the presence of cell membrane defects and interruptions, the presence of blebs in the cell membrane, and the presence of groups of cells with a distinct whitish color.

RESULTS: In total, 262 patients were included in this study, with a total number of 1582 preoperative donor corneal endothelial pictures. Out of those pictures, groups 1, 2, and 3 encompassed 995 (62.9%), 411 (26.0%), and 176 (11.1%) pictures, respectively. Three out of the five eye bank criteria were found to correlate with postoperative cornea guttata with a highly significant p value of < 0.001. These three criteria are the presence of less than 50% of the cells having a hexagonal or a circular shape, the presence of cell membrane defects and interruptions and, the presence of blebs. The presence of groups of cells with a distinct whitish color was only a weak predictive factor for cornea guttata (p = 0.069). There was no statistically significant correlation between the number and the area of cell-depleted surfaces and postoperative cornea guttata with a p = 0.181.

CONCLUSION: Three semiquantitative criteria that can be detected in the eye bank using inverted light microscopy seem to correlate with postoperative cornea guttata: The presence of blebs, the presence of cell membrane defects and interruptions, as well as endothelial pictures with less than 50% of the cells having a hexagonal of circular shape. The presence of groups of cells with a distinct whitish color appears to be a weak predictor of cornea guttata.

PMID:34157770 | DOI:10.1055/a-1498-1846

By Nevin Manimala

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