Nevin Manimala Statistics

Time series transcriptomics reveals a BBX32-directed control of acclimation to high light in mature Arabidopsis leaves

Plant J. 2021 Jun 23. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15384. Online ahead of print.


The photosynthetic capacity of mature leaves increases after several days’ exposure to constant or intermittent episodes of high light (HL) and is manifested primarily as changes in chloroplast physiology. How this chloroplast-level acclimation to HL is initiated and controlled is unknown. From expanded Arabidopsis leaves, we determined HL-dependent changes in transcript abundance of 3844 genes in a 0-6h time-series transcriptomics experiment. It was hypothesised that among such genes were those that contribute to the initiation of HL acclimation. By focussing on differentially expressed transcription (co-)factor (TF) genes and applying dynamic statistical modelling to the temporal transcriptomics data, a regulatory network of 47 predominantly photoreceptor-regulated (co)-TF genes was inferred. The most connected gene in this network was B-BOX DOMAIN CONTAINING PROTEIN32 (BBX32). Plants over-expressing BBX32 were strongly impaired in acclimation to HL and displayed perturbed expression of photosynthesis-associated genes under LL and after exposure to HL. These observations led to demonstrating that as well as regulation of chloroplast-level acclimation by BBX32, CRYPTOCHROME1, LONG HYPOCOTYL5, CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 and SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA-105 are also important. Additionally, the BBX32-centric gene regulatory network provides a view of the transcriptional control of acclimation in mature leaves distinct from other photoreceptor-regulated processes, such as seedling photomorphogenesis.

PMID:34160110 | DOI:10.1111/tpj.15384

By Nevin Manimala

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