Adicciones. 2021 Jun 15;0(0):1611. doi: 10.20882/adicciones.1611. Online ahead of print.
The objective is to describe and discuss methods and assumptions to estimate the mortality attributable to alcohol in Spain in 2001-2017. The annual mean number of deaths attributable to alcohol (DAAs) was estimated based on 19 groups of alcohol-related causes of death (18 partially attributable and one directly attributable), and 20 alcohol population-attributable fractions (PAFs), resulting from combining sex, 5 age groups, and the periods 2001-2009 and 2010-2017, for each cause group. Deaths from causes were obtained from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics. For partially attributable causes, Spain-specific PAFs were calculated using the Levin formula with alcohol exposure data from health surveys and sales statistics, and relative risks from international meta-analyses. Annual prevalences of ex-drinkers and seven levels of daily alcohol consumption were considered. The underestimation of self-reported daily average consumption with respect to the sales statistics was corrected by multiplying by a factor of 1.58-3.18, depending on the calendar year. DAA rates standardized by age and standardized proportions of general mortality attributable to alcohol, according to sex, age group, calendar period, type of drinker and autonomous community were calculated. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess how the DAA estimates changed when changing some methodological options, such as the ex-drinker criterion or the introduction of a latency period.
PMID:34171110 | DOI:10.20882/adicciones.1611