BMC Health Serv Res. 2025 Feb 13;25(1):243. doi: 10.1186/s12913-025-12374-9.
BACKGROUND: Despite rolling out publicly-funded hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment across the province of British Columbia (BC), Canada, 35% of people returning positive HCV RNA results in 2020 did not initiate treatment. The HCV epidemic in Canada continues to disproportionately impact people who use drugs and yet, this population has the lowest proportional uptake of HCV treatment. Evidence suggests linkages to healthcare after diagnosis is one of the key factors that impacts uptake of HCV treatment among this priority population. The Hep C Connect pilot project was implemented to characterize HCV testing outcomes and linkage-to-care rates within a low-barrier supervised consumption site (SCS) in Vancouver, BC.
METHODS: All clients (aged ≥ 19 years) attending the Hope to Health SCS in Vancouver, Canada were invited to participate in the pilot study between November 2021 and December 2022. Interviewer-led surveys were conducted and participants were offered same-day HCV point-of-care (POC) antibody (Ab) testing. Participants received a cash honorarium for sharing their time and experiences. Descriptive statistics are shared in order to describe the reach and impact of this pilot project.
RESULTS: The study enrolled 186 participants including 123(66.1%) men and 59(31.7%) women, with a median age of 42 (Q1,Q3- 34,49). Forty-seven (25.3%) participants stated that they use an SCS regularly and 123(66.1%) stated that they get new rigs every day. Notably, 64(34.4%) participants reported not having a primary care provider yet more than three-quarters of the participants (144, 77.4%) reported having been ever tested for HCV. All 186 participants agreed to HCV POC Ab testing with 59.7% returning a positive HCV POC Ab result. Despite good HCV POC Ab uptake and high rates of HCV knowledge, 49(44.1%) of the HCV Ab positive participants chose not to engage in confirmatory ribonucleic acid (RNA) testing.
CONCLUSIONS: The Hep C Connect pilot explored the gaps evident in the HCV cascade-of-care as it pertains to people who use drugs. Findings suggest that, despite high levels of HCV knowledge, the employment of blood draw RNA testing deterred people from engaging in confirmatory testing. Improving the HCV cascade-of-care will require alternative strategies that are more acceptable to this population.
PMID:39948586 | DOI:10.1186/s12913-025-12374-9