Rofo. 2021 Aug 4. doi: 10.1055/a-1541-8265. Online ahead of print.
PURPOSE: Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of a checklist-style structured reporting template in the setting of whole-body multislice computed tomography in major trauma patients depending on the level of experience of the reporting radiologist.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 140 major trauma scans with the same protocol were included in this retrospective study. In a purely trial-intended reading, the trauma scans were analyzed by three radiologists with different levels of experience (resident, radiologist with 3 years of experience after board certification, and radiologist with 7 years of experience after board certification). The aim was to fill in the checklist 1 template within one minute to immediately diagnose management-altering findings. Checklist 2 was intended for the analysis of important trauma-related findings within 10 minutes. Reading times were documented. The final radiology report and the documented injuries in the patient’s medical record were used as gold standard.
RESULTS: The evaluation of checklist 1 showed a range of false-negative reports between 5.0 % and 11.4 % with the resident showing the highest accuracy. Checklist 2 showed overall high diagnostic inaccuracy (19.3-35.0 %). The resident’s diagnostic accuracy was statistically significantly higher compared to the radiologist with 3 years of experience after board certification (p = 0.0197) and with 7 years of experience after board certification (p = 0.0046). Shorter average reporting time resulted in higher diagnostic inaccuracy. Most of the missed diagnoses were fractures of the spine and ribs.
CONCLUSION: By using a structured reporting template in the setting of major trauma computed tomography, less experienced radiologists reach a higher diagnostic accuracy compared to experienced readers.
KEY POINTS: · In the setting of a pure trial reading, the diagnostic inaccuracy of template-based reporting of major trauma CT examinations is high.. · Fractures in general and especially of the vertebral bodies and ribs were the most commonly missed diagnoses.. · In a study setting, less experienced radiologists seem to reach a higher diagnostic accuracy when using a structured reporting approach..
CITATION FORMAT: · Dendl LM, Pausch AM, Hoffstetter P et al. Structured Reporting of Whole-Body Trauma CT Scans Using Checklists: Diagnostic Accuracy of Reporting Radiologists Depending on Their Level of Experience. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2021; DOI: 10.1055/a-1541-8265.
PMID:34348402 | DOI:10.1055/a-1541-8265