Int J Sports Med. 2022 Apr 25. doi: 10.1055/a-1735-3407. Online ahead of print.
We investigated the effect of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on the probability of achieving the verification criterion to confirm that VO2max was obtained in a sample of middle-aged to older adults. Data from twelve men and nine women (60.7±8.5 years, VO2max: 34.8±9.4 mL/kg/min) were used for analysis. Participants had their VO2max measured via a maximal graded exercise test and confirmed using a verification bout on a cycle ergometer. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the effect of CRF (VO2max) on the probability a participant would successfully achieve the verification criterion. Odds ratios are reported to quantify the effect size. No statistically significant relationship was observed between CRF and achieving the verification criterion (β=.081, SE=.0619, Wald=1.420, p=.156). Estimated odds ratio for the effect of CRF on the verification criterion indicated an increase of 8% [Exp(β)=1.08, 95% CI (0.96, 1.22)] in the probability of achieving the verification criterion given a one unit increase in VO2max. Each 1 mL/kg/min increase in VO2max results in an 8% increase in the chance that an individual achieves the verification criterion confirming that VO2max was obtained. Therefore, CRF is likely of practical significance and should be considered when deciding to use a verification trial.
PMID:35468653 | DOI:10.1055/a-1735-3407