Nevin Manimala Statistics

Anterior segment ischemia after laser for retinopathy of prematurity previously treated with antivascular endothelial growth factor

J AAPOS. 2021 May 24:S1091-8531(21)00111-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2021.01.007. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: To assess the risk of vision-threatening anterior segment ischemia (ASI) among retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) patients treated with anti-VEGF followed by laser photocoagulation.

METHODS: The medical records of all infants treated for threshold ROP with laser photocoagulation with and without prior anti-VEGF injections from January 1, 2002, through December 2018 at Mayo Clinic were retrospectively reviewed for the prevalence of vision-threatening ASI.

RESULTS: A total of 241 eyes of 122 infants were included. Mean gestational age was 25.1 weeks (range, 22.9-28.7); mean birth weight was 687.6 g (range, 360-1310 g). Of the 54 eyes (27 patients) treated with anti-VEGF prior to laser, 4 developed ASI (including corneal edema, cataracts, and choroidal effusion) compared with 2 of the 187 eyes (95 patients) treated with laser therapy alone (P = 0.008). Infants receiving both anti-VEGF and laser had a younger gestational age at birth (24.5 vs 25.3 weeks; P < 0.001) and lower birth weight (591.4 g vs 715.0 g; P < 0.001) than those who received laser alone. In multivariate analysis, early gestational age at birth was associated with development of ASI (P = 0.03); the association with anti-VEGF treatment (P = 0.07) fell short of statistical significance.

CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of vision-threatening ASI was higher among infants treated with intravitreal anti-VEGF followed by laser compared to those treated with laser alone. Further investigation is warranted to confirm this finding and identify potential factors for decreasing the risk of ASI.

PMID:34044115 | DOI:10.1016/j.jaapos.2021.01.007

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A Comparison of Negative Pressure and Conventional Therapy in Infected Open Chest Wounds

Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2021 May 26. doi: 10.1089/sur.2020.397. Online ahead of print.


Background: The role of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in the management of open chest wounds is unclear. Our aim was to determine the safety and efficacy of NPWT compared with conventional therapy for open chest wounds. Methods: Ten patients with infected open chest wounds were included in a prospective trial of NPWT after surgical debridement. Their outcomes were compared with those of 11 control patients treated during the same period with surgical debridement and open chest packing only. The control group data were obtained by retrospective review of medical records. Results: The median duration of NPWT was eight days (range 2-29 days), with closure in eight patients (80%). Two patients having NPWT had unveiling of occult pleural fistulas leading to early discontinuation. The patients having NPWT had a shorter median time to closure (7 versus 18 days; p = 0.071) and shorter initial (median 6 versus 20 days; p = 0.026) and total (median 6 versus 25 days; p = 0.024) hospital length of stay. Control patients had higher rates of new-onset atrial fibrillation (46% versus 0; p = 0.035) and septic shock (64% versus 10%; p = 0.024). The chest was either closed or healing at the time of the last visit in 100% of the NPWT patients versus 73% of control patients (p = 0.28). The 1-year survival estimates were 90% for the NPWT patients and 80% for the control patients (p = 0.69). Conclusion: Negative pressure wound therapy is feasible and safe for open infected chest wounds in selected patients compared with open packing alone and may reduce hospital stay duration and major complication rates.

PMID:34042543 | DOI:10.1089/sur.2020.397

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Systematic review and meta-analysis on the safety of dalbavancin

Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1080/14740338.2021.1935864. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Dalbavancin is a semisynthetic lipoglycopeptide antimicrobial agent with activity against Gram-positive bacteria including anaerobes.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Meta-analysis of randomized control trials and large case series (more than 20 patients), were identified by searching Pubmed and Cochrane databases through December 14, 2020.

RESULTS: 3,073 patients from 6 RCTs met the inclusion criteria in acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections, catheter-related infections and osteomyelitis. Treatment emergent adverse effects were described in 30.6% dalbavancin patients, and 38.1% patients with other treatments. Our meta-analysis supports favorable results for dalbavancin treatment (OR 0.79; 95%CI 0.66-0.94; p = 0.01). 2.74% dalbavancin patients had to discontinue treatment versus 2.49% patients on other antibiotics. 4.80% dalbavancin patients versus 5.30% patients with other treatments had severe adverse events. 0.31% in the dalbavancin group and 0.95% receiving other antibiotics died. There was no statistically significant difference in severe adverse effects with OR 0.77; 95% CI 0.52-1.14; p=0.19. Dalbavancin therapy was shown to have statistically significant lower mortality rate (OR 0.26; 95% CI 0.07-0.90; p = 0.03). Observational studies reported few side effects but included a heterogeneous population of patients concerning their diagnosis and the duration of antibiotic treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: Dalbavancin has comparable safety profile relative to other antibiotics and is well-tolerated.

PMID:34042549 | DOI:10.1080/14740338.2021.1935864

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Family Conference Simulation Designed for Physician Assistant Students and Chaplain Residents

J Palliat Med. 2021 May 25. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2019.0563. Online ahead of print.


Background: Physician Assistants (PAs) are increasingly likely to work in clinical areas where family conference skills are needed, but there is currently a lack of family conference education in PA program curricula. Objectives: To (1) describe a novel interprofessional education (IPE) event for PA students and chaplain residents; (2) examine whether participating in the IPE event is associated with improvements in attitudes and knowledge regarding interprofessional teams; and (3) describe participant perceptions about the event. Design: Two cohorts of PA students and chaplain residents completed a required interprofessional simulation activity involving a critically ill patient and a family conference. All participants completed pre- and postsimulation activity questionnaires. Bivariate tests were utilized to analyze the quantitative data. Setting/Subjects: Over two years, 171 PA students and 20 chaplain residents completed the activity at a school of medicine in the United States. Measurements: Pre- and postactivity measurements included role-specific questions plus overlapping sections regarding roles and responsibilities of the other discipline, comfort facilitating end-of-life discussions, and the value of IPE. Results: For PA students, there was a statistically significant increase for all questionnaire items. The largest effect size increases were in PA students’ confidence in provider-patient communication at the end of life (Cohen’s d > 1.1). Chaplain data demonstrated increases in knowledge of the PA role and likelihood of consulting with PAs in the future. Conclusion: This simulation event improved participant attitudes and knowledge relating to interprofessional interactions in the setting of an end-of-life family conference, and may contribute to more effective collaboration between PAs and chaplains in the clinical setting.

PMID:34042524 | DOI:10.1089/jpm.2019.0563

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Imaging features of internal maxillary artery and extracranial middle meningeal artery and their relationships on head CTA

Neuroradiol J. 2021 May 27:19714009211019380. doi: 10.1177/19714009211019380. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: The internal maxillary artery and extracranial middle meningeal artery are vitally important. Anatomical studies of the relationship of between them using computed tomography angiography are rare.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study assessed 75 cases involving 150 sides. And the vascular diameters and lengths of the internal maxillary artery and middle meningeal artery were measured using a GE workstation. The distance between the zygomatic arch midpoint and the internal maxillary artery, the angle between the internal maxillary artery and middle meningeal artery were measured, and the middle meningeal artery branch and internal maxillary artery aneurysm were recorded. The internal maxillary artery course classifications were recorded. All of these parameters were statistically analysed.

RESULTS: Ages ranged from 18 to 72 (average 40.2) years, and there were 30 women (40%, 30/75) and 45 men (60%, 45/75). Internal maxillary artery length from its origin to middle meningeal artery origin was 1.37 ± 0.59 cm. The extracranial middle meningeal artery length was 1.79 ± 0.48 cm. The vessel diameters of internal maxillary artery origin, middle meningeal artery origin, and middle meningeal artery at the skull base were 2.93 ± 0.52 mm, 1.58 ± 0.43 mm, and 1.33 ± 0.43 mm, respectively. Among the 150 sides of internal maxillary artery course type, there were 138 superficial (92%, 138/150) and 12 (8%, 12/150) deep course cases. The angle between the internal maxillary artery and middle meningeal artery was 116.2 ± 35.76°.

CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study elucidate the imaging features of the internal maxillary artery and extracranial middle meningeal artery and their relationships, which are helpful for the extracranial-intracranial bypass and endovascular treatment via the internal maxillary artery and middle meningeal artery.

PMID:34042531 | DOI:10.1177/19714009211019380

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The Comparison of Role Conflict Among Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses Working in Acute Care Hospitals in Ontario Canada

Can J Nurs Res. 2021 May 27:8445621211014421. doi: 10.1177/08445621211014421. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to describe and compare nurses’ perceptions of role conflict by professional designation [registered nurse (RN) vs registered practical nurse (RPN)] in three primary areas of practice (emergency department, medical unit, and surgical unit).

METHODS: This analysis used data (n = 1,981) from a large cross-sectional survey of a random sample of RNs and RPNs working as staff nurses in acute care hospitals in Ontario, Canada. Role conflict was measured by the Role Conflict Scale.

RESULTS: A total of 1,981 participants (RN = 1,427, RPN = 554) met this study’s eligibility criteria and provided complete data. In general, RN and RPN mean total scale scores on role conflict hovered around the scale’s mid-point (2.72 to 3.22); however, RNs reported a higher mean score than RPNs in the emergency department (3.22 vs. 2.81), medical unit (2.95 vs 2.81) and surgical unit (2.90 vs 2.72). Where statistically significant differences were found, the effect sizes were negligible to medium in magnitude with the largest differences noted between RNs and RPNs working in the emergency department.

CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest the need to implement strategies that diminish role conflict for both RNs and RPNs.

PMID:34042538 | DOI:10.1177/08445621211014421

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Catchment Runoff in Industrial Areas Exports Legacy Pollutant Zinc from the Topsoil Rather than Geogenic Zn

Environ Sci Technol. 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c01167. Online ahead of print.


In highly industrialized, densely populated parts of Central Europe, mobilization of legacy Zn pollution from forest ecosystems may negatively affect the quality of water resources. To test this hypothesis, we determined the 66Zn/64Zn isotope ratios of 15 Zn reservoirs and fluxes in an acidified, spruce die-back affected mountain-slope catchment in northern Czech Republic. The δ66Zn values of precipitation, organic horizon, and runoff were statistically indistinguishable. In contrast, δ66Zn values of bedrock orthogneiss and mineral soil were significantly different from δ66Zn values of runoff. The magnitude of within-site Zn isotope fractionations appeared to be relatively small. Despite the large potential source of Zn in bedrock, runoff exported mostly young pollutant Zn that had been temporarily stored in the organic horizon. This conclusion was corroborated by comparing Zn input-output mass balances in the polluted northern catchment and in a relatively unpolluted catchment situated 250 km to the south. Seven-times higher Zn export via runoff at the northern site was controlled by a combination of 10-times higher atmospheric Zn input and five-times higher DOC leaching, compared to the southern site. In industrial areas, atmospherically deposited Zn is leached from headwater catchments in a direct analogy to leaching of highly toxic pollutant Pb.

PMID:34042419 | DOI:10.1021/acs.est.1c01167

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Influence of Lysyl oxidase Polymorphisms in Cancer Risk: An Updated Meta-analysis

Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1089/gtmb.2020.0342. Online ahead of print.


Background: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between polymorphisms in the Lysyl oxidase (LOX) gene with susceptibility to cancer. The role of LOX in carcinogenesis prompted several association studies in various cancer types; however the outcomes of these studies have inconsistent. Thus, we performed a meta-analysis to obtain more precise estimates. Materials and Methods: A literature search yielded 14 articles from which we examined five cancer groups: breast, bone, lung, gastrointestinal, and gynecological cancers. For each cancer group, pooled odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated using standard genetic models. High significance (p-value for association [pa] < 0.00001), homogeneity (I2 = 0%), and high precision of effects (CI difference [CID] <1.0 [upper CI – lower CI]) comprised the three criteria for strength of evidence. We used sensitivity analysis to assess robustness of the outcomes. Results: We generated 28 comparisons from which 13 were significant (pa < 0.05), indicating increased risk, (OR >1.00) found in all cancer groups except breast (pa = 0.10-0.91). Of the 13, three met all criteria (core) for strength of evidence (pa < 0.00001, CIDs 0.49-0.56 and I2 = 0%), found in dominant/codominant models of gynecological cancers (ORs 1.52-1.62, 95% CIs 1.26-1.88) and codominant model of lung cancer (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.19-1.74). These three were deemed robust. Conclusion: Based on the three core outcomes, associations of LOX 473G/A with lung, ovarian, and cervical cancers indicate 1.4-1.6-fold increased risks, underpinned by robustness and high statistical power at the aggregate level.

PMID:34042515 | DOI:10.1089/gtmb.2020.0342

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Dynamics and influencing factors of stem diameter micro-variations during the growing season in two typical forestation species in the loess hilly region, China.

Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao. 2021 May;32(5):1673-1680. doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.202105.005.


Using DC3 high-resolution dendrometer and Granier-type thermal dissipation probes, we measured stem diameter micro-variations and xylem sap flow of two typical forestation species, Quercus liaotungensis and Robinia pseudoacacia, for a growing season in the loess hilly region of China. The main environmental factors (soil water content, solar radiation, air temperature and relative humidity) were monitored. The linkage between diameter micro-variations and transpiration water use were analyzed with respect to their responses to environmental factors. The results showed that the variations in stem diameter and sap flux density of both species had obvious diurnal rhythms. The maximum daily shrinkage was positively correlated with daily sap flux density. The micro-variation of stem diameter at the daily scale was affected by transpiration during the day. The maximum daily shrinkage of stem diameter was positively correlated and well fitted with transpiration driving factors (solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit, and the integrated variable VT). The difference in slopes of regression curves suggested that the daily variation of stem diameter in Q. liaotungensis was greater and more sensitive to meteorological factors than that in R. pseudoacacia. The sap flux densities of both tree species were higher during the period with relatively higher soil water content than that with lower soil water content. The difference of maximum daily diameter shrinkage between different soil water conditions was statistically significant in Q. liaotungensis, but not in R. pseudoacacia. These differences may be related to water use strategies, including transpiration regulation and stem water replenishment.

PMID:34042361 | DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.202105.005

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Species-abundance distribution patterns of Quercus aliena var. acutiserrata forest in Taibai Mountain, China

Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao. 2021 May;32(5):1717-1725. doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.202105.010.


The statistical model (log-normal model), niche models (Zipf model, broken stick mo-del, niche preemption model), and neutral model were used to fit the species-abundance distribution patterns based on the measurements of environmental factors and inventory data of trees with DBH≥1 cm in a 1.5 hm2 plot in the primary forest (PF) and a 1.5 hm2 plot in the secondary forest (SF). The results showed that species-abundance distribution was affected by habitat heterogeneity in Q. aliena var. acutiserrata forest. Topography had a predominant impact on the species-abundance distribution in PF. Species distribution was affected by both neutral and niche processes, with neutral process having a less prominent effect in large convexity habitats. While the neutral model was rejected by the K-S and Chi-square test in low convexity habitats, the species-abundance distribution satisfied the assumption of niche theory. Niche process and neutral process were equally important in the community in areas with steep slopes, while niche differentiation was the dominant in flat areas. In SF, the main factors affecting species distribution were soil nutrients. The niche process was the mainly ecological process affected species-abundance distribution in habitats with high soil available phosphorus, while the niche and neutral processes existed simultaneously in habitats with low soil phosphorus availability. There was a significant scale effect on the species-abundance distribution pattern of Q. aliena var. acutiserrata forests in Taibai Mountain. The niche and neutral processes could protect the species-abundance distribution at the 20 m×20 m scale in PF, while the niche process could explain the species-abundance distribution at the 40 m×40 m and 70 m×70 m scales. The niche and neutral processes combined acted on the species abundance distribution at the 20 m×20 m, 40 m×40 m and 70 m×70 m scales in SF, with niche process being more important than neutral process. Moreover, besides the scale and habitat heterogeneity, the species-abundance distribution patterns of Q. aliena var. acutiserrata forests differed significantly between primary forest and secondary forest under anthropogenic disturbance.

PMID:34042366 | DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.202105.010