Magn Reson Med. 2021 Feb 23. doi: 10.1002/mrm.28715. Online ahead of print.
PURPOSE: Spin-echo (SE) functional MRI (fMRI) can be highly advantageous compared to gradient-echo (GE) fMRI with respect to magnetic field-inhomogeneity artifacts. However, at 3T, the majority of blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI experiments are performed using T2∗ -weighted GE sequences because of their superior sensitivity compared to SE-fMRI. The presented SE implementation of a highly accelerated GE pulse sequence therefore aims to improve the sensitivity of SE-fMRI while profiting from a reduction of susceptibility-induced signal dropout.
METHODS: Spin-echo MR encephalography (SE-MREG) is compared with the more conventionally used spin-echo echo-planar imaging (SE-EPI) and spin-echo simultaneous multislice (SE-SMS) at 3T in terms of capability to detect neuronal activations and resting-state functional connectivity. For activation analysis, healthy subjects underwent consecutive SE-MREG (pulse repetition time [TR] = 0.25 seconds), SE-SMS (TR = 1.3 seconds), and SE-EPI (TR = 4.4 seconds) scans in pseudorandomized order applied to a visual block design paradigm for generation of t-statistics maps. For the investigation of functional connectivity, additional resting-state data were acquired for 5 minutes and a seed-based correlation analysis using Stanford’s FIND (Functional Imaging in Neuropsychiatric Disorders) atlas was performed.
RESULTS: The increased sampling rate of SE-MREG relative to SE-SMS and SE-EPI improves the sensitivity to detect BOLD activation by 33% and 54%, respectively, and increases the capability to extract resting-state networks. Compared with a brain region that is not affected by magnetic field inhomogeneities, SE-MREG shows 2.5 times higher relative signal strength than GE-MREG in mesial temporal structures.
CONCLUSION: SE-MREG offers a viable possibility for whole-brain fMRI with consideration of brain regions that are affected by strong susceptibility-induced magnetic field gradients.
PMID:33624352 | DOI:10.1002/mrm.28715