Nevin Manimala Statistics

Impact of Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants on the Change of Antithrombotic Regimens in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Korean Circ J. 2021 Jan 25. doi: 10.4070/kcj.2020.0407. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Antithrombotic therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) has changed in recent years with new data from large randomized trials and updates to clinical guidelines. This study aimed to investigate the trends in periprocedural antithrombotic regimens in Korean patients with AF undergoing PCI with non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs).

METHODS: Using the claims database of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment during 2013-2018, 27,594 patients with AF undergoing PCI were identified. The annual prevalence of PCI and prescriptions of each antithrombotic agent, including antiplatelet agents and oral anticoagulants, within 30 days after PCI were investigated.

RESULTS: During 2013-2018, the number of patients with AF undergoing PCI increased up to 1.3-fold (from 3,913 to 5,075 patients per year). After the introduction of NOACs, the proportion of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) decreased from 71.9% to 49.8% but still occupied the largest proportion among antithrombotic regimens. Triple antithrombotic therapy (TAT) use increased from 25.4% to 46.0%, and NOAC has rapidly replaced warfarin as the oral anticoagulant of choice. TAT was preferred to DAPT for patients with CHA₂DS₂-VASc score ≥2. Among various factors, prior intracranial hemorrhage was the most powerful predictor of favoring DAPT use over TAT.

CONCLUSION: Since the introduction of NOACs, the patterns of periprocedural antithrombotic regimens have changed rapidly toward more use of TAT, specifically with NOAC-based regimen. Appropriate stroke prevention with oral anticoagulants is still underutilized in patients with AF undergoing PCI in Korea.

PMID:33764010 | DOI:10.4070/kcj.2020.0407

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Effects of the Competitive Season and Off-Season on Knee Articular Cartilage in Collegiate Basketball Players Using Quantitative MRI: A Multicenter Study

J Magn Reson Imaging. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1002/jmri.27610. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Injuries to the articular cartilage in the knee are common in jumping athletes, particularly high-level basketball players. Unfortunately, these are often diagnosed at a late stage of the disease process, after tissue loss has already occurred.

PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: To evaluate longitudinal changes in knee articular cartilage and knee function in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball players and their evolution over the competitive season and off-season.

STUDY TYPE: Longitudinal, multisite cohort study.

POPULATION: Thirty-two NCAA Division 1 athletes: 22 basketball players and 10 swimmers.

FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: Bilateral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using a combined T and T2 magnetization-prepared angle-modulated portioned k-space spoiled gradient-echo snapshots (MAPSS) sequence at 3T.

ASSESSMENT: We calculated T2 and T relaxation times to compare compositional cartilage changes between three timepoints: preseason 1, postseason 1, and preseason 2. Knee Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores (KOOS) were used to assess knee health.

STATISTICAL TESTS: One-way variance model hypothesis test, general linear model, and chi-squared test.

RESULTS: In the femoral articular cartilage of all athletes, we saw a global decrease in T2 and T relaxation times during the competitive season (all P < 0.05) and an increase in T2 and T relaxation times during the off-season (all P < 0.05). In the basketball players’ femoral cartilage, the anterior and central compartments respectively had the highest T2 and T relaxation times following the competitive season and off-season. The basketball players had significantly lower KOOS measures in every domain compared with the swimmers: Pain (P < 0.05), Symptoms (P < 0.05), Function in Daily Living (P < 0.05), Function in Sport/Recreation (P < 0.05), and Quality of Life (P < 0.05).

CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that T2 and T MRI can detect significant seasonal changes in the articular cartilage of basketball players and that there are regional differences in the articular cartilage that are indicative of basketball-specific stress on the femoral cartilage. This study demonstrates the potential of quantitative MRI to monitor global and regional cartilage health in athletes at risk of developing cartilage problems.

LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 2 Technical Efficacy Stage: 2.

PMID:33763929 | DOI:10.1002/jmri.27610

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Effect of microsurgical varicocelectomy on fertility outcome and treatment plans of patients with severe oligozoospermia: An original report and meta-analysis

Andrologia. 2021 Mar 24:e14059. doi: 10.1111/and.14059. Online ahead of print.


Varicocele ligation has been proven to restore semen parameters and improve pregnancy rates in men with clinical disease. However, its effect in men with severe oligozoospermia (SO) is less clearly elucidated. This original report and meta-analysis examined the impact of subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy on semen parameters and fertility outcomes of men with SO. A retrospective chart review of 85 patients was conducted on patients with SO who underwent microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy. A literature search was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 8 studies investigating the effects of varicocele ligation in men with SO were included for the meta-analysis. The original study reported significant improvements in semen parameters following surgery. 78 patients had a pre-operative TMSC < 5 million. Following surgery, 9 (11.5%) patients had a total motile sperm count (TMSC) between 5 and 9 million, while 14 (17.9%) patients had a TMSC > 9 million. Furthermore, the meta-analysis demonstrated a statistically significant increase in sperm count, total motility and TMSC following surgery. The reported natural pregnancy rate was 27.5%. Varicocelectomy does present as an important treatment option for SO patients because improvements in TMSC can broaden their fertility treatment options.

PMID:33763931 | DOI:10.1111/and.14059

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Factor structure of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory (FCRI): Comparison of international FCRI factor structure data and factor analysis of the Dutch FCRI-NL using three predominantly breast cancer samples

Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2021 Mar 25:e13431. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13431. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: Factor structure results of Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory (FCRI) translations are inconclusive. Through investigating the factor structure, this study aimed to improve the FCRI and its usability. Therefore, we did a comprehensive comparison of the factor structure results of all translations, by exploring and improving the structure of the Dutch FCRI-NL and by testing this new factor structure in two patient samples.

METHODS: To compare factor structure results of FCRI translations, we did a literature search using PubMed and Google Scholar. We performed exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in a mixed cancer sample. The confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were secondary analyses performed in two randomized controlled trial samples: consecutive breast cancer patients and distressed, mainly breast cancer patients.

RESULTS: All translations showed comparable and reasonable factor structure results; however, the FCRI factor structure can be improved. The EFA resulted in a four-factor solution: fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) severity, cognitive coping, impact of FCR on functioning and behavioural coping. However, the 4-factor CFAs did not fit the sample 2 and 3 data well.

CONCLUSION: Further exploring the FCRI-NL factor structure did not result in a psychometrically stronger FCRI-NL. Therefore, we recommend retaining the 7-factor FCRI-NL.

PMID:33763943 | DOI:10.1111/ecc.13431

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The alcohol advertising ban in Norway: Effects on recorded alcohol sales

Drug Alcohol Rev. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1111/dar.13289. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: Although bans or restrictions on alcohol advertising are recommended as one of the three most effective and cost-effective policies to curb alcohol consumption, the best evidence to support this is indirect. The aim of this study was to examine whether the complete ban on alcohol advertising in Norway in 1975 had any effect on total alcohol sales.

METHODS: Annual time series of recorded alcohol sales (1960-2006) were analysed. Autoregressive integrated moving average interrupted time series techniques were used to model the effect of the advertising ban, adjusting for alcohol prices and wages.

RESULTS: The autoregressive integrated moving average analyses showed a negative and statistically significant effect of the ban on total recorded alcohol sales, suggesting an immediate and lasting reduction of 7.4% (P = 0.002).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The complete ban on alcohol advertising in 1975 in Norway reduced recorded alcohol sales. This suggests that the ban had a protective effect by reducing total alcohol consumption. The conclusion remains tentative because of possible effects of unrecorded alcohol consumption and marketing on social media and satellite TV channels.

PMID:33763886 | DOI:10.1111/dar.13289

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Informative array testing with multiplex assays

Stat Med. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1002/sim.8954. Online ahead of print.


High-volume testing of clinical specimens for sexually transmitted diseases is performed frequently by a process known as group testing. This algorithmic process involves testing portions of specimens from separate individuals together as one unit (or “group”) to detect diseases. Retesting is performed on groups that test positively in order to differentiate between positive and negative individual specimens. The overall goal is to use the least number of tests possible across all individuals without sacrificing diagnostic accuracy. One of the most efficient group testing algorithms is array testing. In its simplest form, specimens are arranged into a grid-like structure so that row and column groups can be formed. Positive-testing rows/columns indicate which specimens to retest. With the growing use of multiplex assays, the increasing number of diseases tested by these assays, and the availability of subject-specific risk information, opportunities exist to make this testing process even more efficient. We propose specific specimen arrangements within an array that can reduce the number of retests needed when compared with other array testing algorithms. We examine how to calculate operating characteristics, including the expected number of tests and the SD for the number of tests, and then subsequently find a best arrangement. Our methods are illustrated for chlamydia and gonorrhea detection with the Aptima Combo 2 Assay. We also provide R functions to make our research accessible to laboratories.

PMID:33763901 | DOI:10.1002/sim.8954

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A Prospective, Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Infarct Development in Patients With Intracranial Stenosis

J Magn Reson Imaging. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1002/jmri.27605. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic (i.e., moyamoya) intracranial steno-occlusive disease experience high 2-year infarct rates.

PURPOSE: To investigate whether cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) measures may provide biomarkers of 1-to-2-year infarct risk.

STUDY TYPE: Prospective, longitudinal study.

SUBJECTS: Adult participants (age = 18-85 years) with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic disease (N = 26) or non-atherosclerotic (i.e., moyamoya; N = 43) and stenosis ≥50% of a major intracranial artery were initially scanned within 45 days of stroke. Follow-up imaging (target = 1.5 years) was acquired for new infarct assessment.

FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: 3.0 Tesla with normocapnic arterial spin labeling (ASL) and blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) imaging acquired during an interleaved hypercapnic (3 minutes) and normocapnic (3 minutes) respiratory stimulus.

ASSESSMENT: CBF, maximum CVR, and time-to-maximum CVR (i.e., CVRDELAY ) were calculated. Laterality indices (difference between infarcted and contralesional hemispheres divided by sum of absolute values) of metrics at enrollment were contrasted between participants with vs. without new infarcts on follow-up.

STATISTICAL TESTS: Laterality indices were compared using non-parametric Wilcoxon tests (significance: two-sided P < 0.05) and effect sizes as Cohen’s d. Continuous variables are presented as mean ± SD.

RESULTS: New infarcts were observed on follow-up in 15.0% of participants. The laterality index of the CVRDELAY was elevated (P = 0.01) in participants with atherosclerosis with new infarcts (index = 0.13) compared to participants without new infarcts (index = 0.05).

DATA CONCLUSION: Elevated CVRDELAY may indicate brain parenchyma at increased risk for new infarcts in patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic disease treated with standard-of-care medical management.


PMID:33763922 | DOI:10.1002/jmri.27605

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The presence of smear-layer affects the antimicrobial action of root canal sealers

Int Endod J. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1111/iej.13522. Online ahead of print.


AIM: To assess the chemical and microstructural characteristics of dentine after the use of two irrigation protocols and correlate this with the antimicrobial properties of HCSC and changes to the dentine structure / chemistry after sealer placement.

METHODOLOGY: Two irrigation protocols – Protocol A using 2% NaOCl used 5mL/5 min and Protocol B with 2% NaOCl (5mL/5 min) followed by 17% EDTA (5mL/3 min) were used to prepare dentine. The chemical and microstructural changes following irrigation were assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy (n=5) on dentine obtained from the mid-root and coronal parts of extracted human teeth. Four sealers (AH Plus, BioRoot, MTA Fillapex, TotalFill) were characterized by SEM/EDS (n=3). The ability of the sealers to eradicate intratubular Enterococcus faecalis biofilms was assessed by live/dead dye and confocal laser scanning microscopy to measure the percentage of living cells. The effect of combined irrigation and root filling on the dentine was assessed by SEM and EDS analysis (n=5). Statistical analysis was undertaken using one-way ANOVA and a number of post hoc tests to detect intergroup differences. The F test was used for comparison of variances in the microbiology testing.

RESULTS: The use of NaOCl alone left the smear layer seemingly intact, with traces of chlorine remaining on dentine. The use of BioRoot sealer restored the calcium ion levels of dentine which are depleted by the irrigation with EDTA. BioRoot exhibited antimicrobial properties against intratubular bacteria even in the presence of smear layer (Protocol A). The smear layer removal improved the bactericidal effect of all sealers and Ca2+ leaching. The use of a chelating agent was important for the intratubular sealer penetration for AH Plus but not the other sealers.

CONCLUSION: The removal of smear layer was associated with greater penetration of AH Plus into the dentinal tubules but not for the penetration of HCSC sealers. BioRoot was a more effective sealer in reducing the bacterial load in the dentinal tubules than the other materials tested and the presence of smear layer did not affect its activity.

PMID:33763882 | DOI:10.1111/iej.13522

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A binary hidden Markov model on spatial network for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease spreading pattern analysis

Stat Med. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1002/sim.8956. Online ahead of print.


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurological disease that starts at a focal point and gradually spreads to other parts of the nervous system. One of the main clinical symptoms of ALS is muscle weakness. To study spreading patterns of muscle weakness, we analyze spatiotemporal binary muscle strength data, which indicates whether observed muscle strengths are impaired or healthy. We propose a hidden Markov model-based approach that assumes the observed disease status depends on two latent disease states. The model enables us to estimate the incidence rate of ALS disease and the probability of disease state transition. Specifically, the latter is modeled by a logistic autoregression in that the spatial network of susceptible muscles follows a Markov process. The proposed model is flexible to allow both historical muscle conditions and their spatial relationships to be included in the analysis. To estimate the model parameters, we provide an iterative algorithm to maximize sparse-penalized likelihood with bias correction, and use the Viterbi algorithm to label hidden disease states. We apply the proposed approach to analyze the ALS patients’ data from EMPOWER Study.

PMID:33763884 | DOI:10.1002/sim.8956

Nevin Manimala Statistics

International travel-related control measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Mar 25;3:CD013717. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013717.pub2.


BACKGROUND: In late 2019, the first cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) were reported in Wuhan, China, followed by a worldwide spread. Numerous countries have implemented control measures related to international travel, including border closures, travel restrictions, screening at borders, and quarantine of travellers.

OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of international travel-related control measures during the COVID-19 pandemic on infectious disease transmission and screening-related outcomes.

SEARCH METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, Embase and COVID-19-specific databases, including the Cochrane COVID-19 Study Register and the WHO Global Database on COVID-19 Research to 13 November 2020.

SELECTION CRITERIA: We considered experimental, quasi-experimental, observational and modelling studies assessing the effects of travel-related control measures affecting human travel across international borders during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the original review, we also considered evidence on severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In this version we decided to focus on COVID-19 evidence only. Primary outcome categories were (i) cases avoided, (ii) cases detected, and (iii) a shift in epidemic development. Secondary outcomes were other infectious disease transmission outcomes, healthcare utilisation, resource requirements and adverse effects if identified in studies assessing at least one primary outcome.

DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently screened titles and abstracts and subsequently full texts. For studies included in the analysis, one review author extracted data and appraised the study. At least one additional review author checked for correctness of data. To assess the risk of bias and quality of included studies, we used the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) tool for observational studies concerned with screening, and a bespoke tool for modelling studies. We synthesised findings narratively. One review author assessed the certainty of evidence with GRADE, and several review authors discussed these GRADE judgements.

MAIN RESULTS: Overall, we included 62 unique studies in the analysis; 49 were modelling studies and 13 were observational studies. Studies covered a variety of settings and levels of community transmission. Most studies compared travel-related control measures against a counterfactual scenario in which the measure was not implemented. However, some modelling studies described additional comparator scenarios, such as different levels of stringency of the measures (including relaxation of restrictions), or a combination of measures. Concerns with the quality of modelling studies related to potentially inappropriate assumptions about the structure and input parameters, and an inadequate assessment of model uncertainty. Concerns with risk of bias in observational studies related to the selection of travellers and the reference test, and unclear reporting of certain methodological aspects. Below we outline the results for each intervention category by illustrating the findings from selected outcomes. Travel restrictions reducing or stopping cross-border travel (31 modelling studies) The studies assessed cases avoided and shift in epidemic development. We found very low-certainty evidence for a reduction in COVID-19 cases in the community (13 studies) and cases exported or imported (9 studies). Most studies reported positive effects, with effect sizes varying widely; only a few studies showed no effect. There was very low-certainty evidence that cross-border travel controls can slow the spread of COVID-19. Most studies predicted positive effects, however, results from individual studies varied from a delay of less than one day to a delay of 85 days; very few studies predicted no effect of the measure. Screening at borders (13 modelling studies; 13 observational studies) Screening measures covered symptom/exposure-based screening or test-based screening (commonly specifying polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing), or both, before departure or upon or within a few days of arrival. Studies assessed cases avoided, shift in epidemic development and cases detected. Studies generally predicted or observed some benefit from screening at borders, however these varied widely. For symptom/exposure-based screening, one modelling study reported that global implementation of screening measures would reduce the number of cases exported per day from another country by 82% (95% confidence interval (CI) 72% to 95%) (moderate-certainty evidence). Four modelling studies predicted delays in epidemic development, although there was wide variation in the results between the studies (very low-certainty evidence). Four modelling studies predicted that the proportion of cases detected would range from 1% to 53% (very low-certainty evidence). Nine observational studies observed the detected proportion to range from 0% to 100% (very low-certainty evidence), although all but one study observed this proportion to be less than 54%. For test-based screening, one modelling study provided very low-certainty evidence for the number of cases avoided. It reported that testing travellers reduced imported or exported cases as well as secondary cases. Five observational studies observed that the proportion of cases detected varied from 58% to 90% (very low-certainty evidence). Quarantine (12 modelling studies) The studies assessed cases avoided, shift in epidemic development and cases detected. All studies suggested some benefit of quarantine, however the magnitude of the effect ranged from small to large across the different outcomes (very low- to low-certainty evidence). Three modelling studies predicted that the reduction in the number of cases in the community ranged from 450 to over 64,000 fewer cases (very low-certainty evidence). The variation in effect was possibly related to the duration of quarantine and compliance. Quarantine and screening at borders (7 modelling studies; 4 observational studies) The studies assessed shift in epidemic development and cases detected. Most studies predicted positive effects for the combined measures with varying magnitudes (very low- to low-certainty evidence). Four observational studies observed that the proportion of cases detected for quarantine and screening at borders ranged from 68% to 92% (low-certainty evidence). The variation may depend on how the measures were combined, including the length of the quarantine period and days when the test was conducted in quarantine.

AUTHORS’ CONCLUSIONS: With much of the evidence derived from modelling studies, notably for travel restrictions reducing or stopping cross-border travel and quarantine of travellers, there is a lack of ‘real-world’ evidence. The certainty of the evidence for most travel-related control measures and outcomes is very low and the true effects are likely to be substantially different from those reported here. Broadly, travel restrictions may limit the spread of disease across national borders. Symptom/exposure-based screening measures at borders on their own are likely not effective; PCR testing at borders as a screening measure likely detects more cases than symptom/exposure-based screening at borders, although if performed only upon arrival this will likely also miss a meaningful proportion of cases. Quarantine, based on a sufficiently long quarantine period and high compliance is likely to largely avoid further transmission from travellers. Combining quarantine with PCR testing at borders will likely improve effectiveness. Many studies suggest that effects depend on factors, such as levels of community transmission, travel volumes and duration, other public health measures in place, and the exact specification and timing of the measure. Future research should be better reported, employ a range of designs beyond modelling and assess potential benefits and harms of the travel-related control measures from a societal perspective.

PMID:33763851 | DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD013717.pub2