Nevin Manimala Statistics

Does Choice of Steroid Matter for Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain with Sacroiliac Joint Injections: a Retrospective Study

Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2021 Mar 24;25(5):34. doi: 10.1007/s11916-021-00942-7.


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Prevalence of chronic low back pain (cLBP) is increasing. Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is a common source of cLBP, but data behind its diagnosis and treatment is controversial. There is moderate quality evidence for effectiveness of therapeutic SIJ injections. However, there are no studies comparing the two most common steroid preparations, methylprednisolone (MTP) and triamcinolone (TAC) in SIJ injections.

RECENT FINDINGS: After institutional IRB approval, a retrospective chart review was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of SIJ injections in terms of pain relief at 1-month follow-up and compare MTP versus TAC. All injections were performed by a single pain physician with fluoroscopic guidance.

RESULTS: Sixty-five percent of patients in the MTP group and 57% patients in the TAC group had >50% pain relief at 1-month follow-up, with no statistical difference between the two groups. Patients in the TAC group had significantly greater BMI and consisted of higher proportion of smokers (72% patients in TAC group versus 39% patients in the MTP group, p-value 0.004). Other sources of pain such as facet joints were unmasked post-procedurally after SIJ injections, with this unmasking being significant for the TAC group. Opiate use decreased in the MTP group from 35% pre-procedurally to 20% post-procedurally, and this difference did not reach statistical significance. Both MTP and TAC are effective in providing pain relief for SIJ pain at 1-month follow-up, with no statistical difference between the two types of steroids. Although not statistically significant, there is a modest reduction in opiate use in the MTP group.

PMID:33760993 | DOI:10.1007/s11916-021-00942-7

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Direct anterior approach provides better functional outcomes when compared to direct lateral approach in hip hemiarthroplasty following femoral neck fracture

Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1007/s00590-021-02941-1. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: This study aims to compare the differences between direct anterior approach (DAA) and direct lateral approach (DLA) in hip hemiarthroplasty (HHA) after displaced femoral neck fracture (FNF) in early functional outcome, hospital length of stay, morbidity and mortality rates.

METHODS: This non-interventional retrospective study, carried out at a tertiary trauma centre within the Spanish National Health System, included all patients who underwent a bipolar HHA between 1st January 2018 and 31st December 2019 performed by 2 of our hip unit surgeons.

RESULTS: A total of 94 patients were included (40 in DAA group and 54 in DLA group). Median follow-up was 19.2 months (range 8-30.8 months). Postoperative degree of mobilisation showed statistically significant differences in favour of DAA group, where 35% of patients were able to walk with no assistance after surgery. DAA group had 1 day less of hospitalisation in contrast with DLA group overall (8 days vs 9 days, respectively, p < 0.05). Statistically significant differences were not detected in comparing postoperative complications, re-operations rates or 6-months mortality rate.

CONCLUSION: Our study highlights the benefits of DAA for HHA after displaced FNF in terms of postoperative mobilisation degree and hospitalisation length of stay when compared to DLA.

PMID:33760998 | DOI:10.1007/s00590-021-02941-1

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Water balance and influence mechanism analysis: a case study of Hongjiannao Lake, China

Environ Monit Assess. 2021 Mar 24;193(4):219. doi: 10.1007/s10661-021-09013-1.


Hongjiannao groundwater exchange was the largest desert freshwater lake in China (57.25 km2 in 1986). However, it shrank sharply over the past 34a (1986-2019), with the smallest lake area 31.41 km2 in 2015. The objective of this study was to use the Landsat images, ASTER GDEM V2 data, and meteorology and statistics data, in combination with the water balance model to calculate the dynamics of water balance elements, quantify and characterize the interannual variations in lake-groundwater exchanges, and analyze its influencing factors by using the geographical detector. The results showed that in the stable stage (1986-1997), the average rate of the lake area, water level, and lake volume change was -0.26 km2/a, -0.0483 m/a, and -0.0009 km3/a, respectively. Precipitation, river inflow, and groundwater were 0.0203 km3, 0.0485 km3, and 0.0098 km3, which accounts for the whole input were 25.83%, 61.70%, and 12.47%, respectively; evaporation was 0.0786 km3. In the reduction stage (1998-2015), the average rate of the lake area, water level, and lake volume change was -1.21 km2/a, -0.2422 m/a, and -0.0101 km3/a, respectively. Before 2006, precipitation, river inflow, and groundwater were 0.0154 km3, 0.0475 km3, and -0.0025 km3, respectively; from 2006 to 2009, precipitation, river inflow, and groundwater were 0.0143 km3, 0.0334 km3, and 0.0058 km3, respectively; after 2009, precipitation, river inflow, and groundwater were 0.0139 km3, 0.0199 km3, and 0.0085 km3, respectively. Evaporation decreased from 0.0714 to 0.0480 km3 from 1998 to 2015. In the growth stage (2016-2019), the average rate of the lake area, water level, and lake volume change were 1.38 km2/a, 0.27 m/a, and 0.0088 km3/a, respectively. Precipitation, river inflow, and groundwater were 0.0209 km3, 0.0005 km3, and 0.0373 km3, which accounts for the whole input were 46.63%, 52.12%, and 1.25%, respectively; evaporation was 0.0187 km3. Compared with the stable stage, groundwater in the growth stage reduced from 12.47% (0.0098 km3) to only 1.25% (0.0005 km3). From 1998 to 2004, Hongjiannao Lake experienced continuous losing conditions (discharge from the lake to groundwater), with a variable exchange volume of up to -0.01582 km3 in 1999. Through geographical detector analysis, it was found that temperature was the dominant factor from 1988 to 1997, while human factors were the dominant factors from 1998 to 2015.

PMID:33760989 | DOI:10.1007/s10661-021-09013-1

Nevin Manimala Statistics

High rates of return to play and work follow knee extensor tendon ruptures but low rate of return to pre-injury level of play

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1007/s00167-021-06537-4. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Extensor mechanism ruptures (EMR) of the knee are rare but debilitating injuries that always require surgery to restore knee function. The purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature to ascertain the rate of return to play following patellar or quadriceps tendon ruptures.

METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines, using the EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Library databases. Inclusion criteria consisted of clinical studies reporting on return to play after patellar or quadriceps tendon repair. Statistical analysis was performed with the use of SPSS.

RESULTS: Our review found 48 studies including 1135 cases meeting our inclusion criteria. There were 33 studies including 757 patellar tendon (PT) repairs, and 18 studies including 378 quadriceps tendon (QT) repairs. The overall rate of return to play for PT repairs was 88.9%, with 80.8% returning to the same level of play. The overall rate of return to play for QT repairs was 89.8%, with 70.0% returning to the same level of play. Among professional athletes, the overall rate of return to play after PT repair and QT repair was 76.9% and 70.9%, respectively. Following PT repair, 95.8% were able to return to work, and following QT repair, 95.9% were able to return to work.

CONCLUSION: The overall rate of return to play was high following both PT and QT repairs. Moreover, a high percentage of those patients were able to return to their pre-operative level of sport with a low risk for re-rupture.


PMID:33760963 | DOI:10.1007/s00167-021-06537-4

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Estimating the Influence of Physicochemical and Biochemical Property Indexes on Selection for Amino Acids Usage in Eukaryotic Cells

J Mol Evol. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1007/s00239-021-10003-7. Online ahead of print.


Proteins can evolve by accumulating changes on amino acid sequences. These changes are mainly caused by missense mutations on its DNA coding sequences. Mutations with neutral or positive effects on fitness can be maintained while deleterious mutations tend to be eliminated by natural selection. Amino acid changes are influenced by the biophysical, chemical, and biological properties of amino acids. There is a multiplicity of amino acid properties that can influence the function and expression of proteins. Amino acid properties can be expressed into numerical indexes, which can help to predict functional and structural aspects of proteins and allow statistical inferences of selection pressure on amino acid usage. The accuracy of these analyses may be compromised by the existence of several numerical indexes that measure the same amino acid property, and the lack of objective parameters to determine the most accurate and biologically relevant index. In the present study, the gradient consistency test was used in order to estimate the magnitude of directional selection imparted by amino acid biochemical and biophysical properties on protein evolution.

PMID:33760966 | DOI:10.1007/s00239-021-10003-7

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Emergent robotic versus laparoscopic surgery for perforated gastrojejunal ulcers: a retrospective cohort study of 44 patients

Surg Endosc. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1007/s00464-021-08447-5. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Perforated gastrojejunal ulcers are a known complication following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery requiring emergent surgical repair. The robotic approach has not been evaluated for emergency general surgery.

METHODS: A retrospective cohort study from 2015 to 2019 was performed identifying all patients who underwent repair of perforated gastrojejunal ulcers after RYGB at a single institution. Patient characteristics and outcomes were compared by robotic or laparoscopic approach.

RESULTS: Of the 44 patients analyzed, there were 24 robotic and 20 laparoscopic repairs of perforated gastrojejunal ulcers. No patients were initially approached with open surgery. In-room-to-surgery-start time was significantly faster in the robotic group than the laparoscopic group (25 versus 31 min, p = 0.01). Complication rate, complication severity, operating time, hospital length of stay, postoperative vasopressor requirement, discharge to home, hospital length of stay and 30-day readmission were all improved in the robotic group, although these were not statistically significant. Both total inpatient and procedural costs were more in the robotic group than the laparoscopic group.

CONCLUSION: Perforated hollow viscus is not a contraindication for the use of the surgical robot, which may improve outcomes.

PMID:33760973 | DOI:10.1007/s00464-021-08447-5

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Behavioural factors as predictors of self-rated health among Polish adolescent girls

J Mother Child. 2021 Jan 29;23(2):109-116. doi: 10.34763/devperiodmed.20192302.109116.


INTRODUCTION: Self-rated health (SRH), an indicator which is extensively used in population studies, constitutes a measure of health closely linked to morbidity, mortality and overall health status and enjoys popularity in surveys monitoring adolescents. Most studies show that at puberty girls assess their health as worse than boys do, and the difference widens with age. Moreover, puberty is a crucial period for health, since it is the time when health risk behaviours are often initiated or become established.

AIM: To analyse the associations between high scores on self-rated health among 15-year-old girls, participants of the Healthy Me programme, and their selected health behaviours.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study covered a group of 1173 second-grade female students from 48 lower secondary schools located in rural and urban areas of 16 voivodeships all over Poland. The participants answered questions about chronic diseases or disability, self-rated health, diet, leisure activities, physical activity and health risk behaviours. In the statistical analysis, the association between self-rated health and individual indicators of health behaviour was examined using logistic regression.

RESULTS: Two thirds of the girls assessed their health as excellent or good. Only approximately 5% of the respondents made the “extreme negative” assessment. In the final multivariate analysis, five factors remained important predictors of high self-rated health scores: regular participation in physical education classes, vigorous physical activity, daily breakfast consumption, consumption of fruit at least once a day and sleep for at least 8 hours a day.

CONCLUSIONS: Regularparticipation in physical education classes, vigorousphysical activity, consumption of breakfast and fruit every day, as well as sleep for at least 8 hours a day are powerful predictors of high scores on self-rated health of 15-year-old adolescent girls.Public health activities aimed at adolescents should focus on the positive aspects of health and a lifestyle paying special attention on pro health behaviours.

PMID:33759409 | DOI:10.34763/devperiodmed.20192302.109116

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Lung ultrasound reduces the number of chest x-rays in newborns with pneumothorax

J Mother Child. 2021 Jan 29;23(3):172-177. doi: 10.34763/devperiodmed.20192303.172177.


AIM OF THE STUDY: To determine the impact of lung ultrasonography as an imaging method used to diagnose and monitor newborns with symptomatic pneumothorax and to assess the risk factors for pneumothorax and the outcomes in newborns with symptomatic pneumothorax.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A single-centre retrospective study enrolled patients born after 32 weeks of gestation, with a diagnosis of pneumothorax in the first week of life. The 118 patients who were included in the study were divided into two groups. Group A (51 infants) comprised those children who were treated between 2007 and 2010, while group B (n=67) those from the years 2013 to 2016. The children from group A were monitored with repeated chest X-rays. Those from group B received repeated lung ultrasonography supported by chest X-ray in those cases where there was diagnostic uncertainty. Comparison was made between the groups with respect to pneumothorax risk factors, treatment methods and the use of imaging during the period of treatment. The statistical analysis used χ2, Mann-Whitney and Student’s t-tests.

RESULTS: There were no significant demographic or clinical differences between the two groups. Both the use of nCPAP (nasal continuous positive airway pressure) (p<0.001) and diagnosed perinatal asphyxia (p=0.036) were higher in group B. Congenital pneumonia occurred more often in group A (p=0.041). Earlier detection of pneumothorax (p=0.001) and shorter hospital stay (p=0.03) were observed in group B. However, the total number of imaging (lung ultrasound and chest X-ray combined) was higher (p<0.001) in group B.

CONCLUSION: This study confirmed the usefulness of lung ultrasound in monitoring newborns with pneumothorax, moreover significantly limiting X-ray radiation.

PMID:33759427 | DOI:10.34763/devperiodmed.20192303.172177

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Stress and work-life balance in undergraduate dental students in Birmingham, United Kingdom and Hong Kong, China

J Dent Educ. 2021 Mar 23. doi: 10.1002/jdd.12596. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: Dentistry is a challenging profession, subjecting students to various stressors which can affect well-being. This study in 2019 investigates the relationship between stress and work-life balance in dental students at University of Birmingham and The University of Hong Kong, from two different countries.

METHODS: Online anonymous questionnaires were completed by 54 students from Birmingham and 48 students from Hong Kong. Ethical approval was gained by both centres. Quantitative and qualitative data were captured with Likert scales and open questions. Using simple descriptive statistics in SPSS, Pearson chi-square tests determined statistical significance between categorical and quantitative variables (p < 0.05).

RESULTS: The majority of students from University of Birmingham (38.9%) felt “extremely stressed,” whereas the majority of students from The University of Hong Kong (45.8%) only felt “slightly stressed” (p < 0.001). Exercise and emotional support appeared to be positive approaches for stress relief. Hong Kong dental students (68.8%) reported a good work-life balance compared to significantly fewer students (24.1%) in University of Birmingham (p < 0.001).

CONCLUSION: Major stressors in this study included examinations and fear of failure. Students found that hobbies and extracurricular activities contributed to a healthier lifestyle. A better work-life balance reduced reported stress levels.

PMID:33759460 | DOI:10.1002/jdd.12596

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Treatment allocation strategies for umbrella trials in the presence of multiple biomarkers: A comparison of methods

Pharm Stat. 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.1002/pst.2119. Online ahead of print.


Umbrella trials are an innovative trial design where different treatments are matched with subtypes of a disease, with the matching typically based on a set of biomarkers. Consequently, when patients can be positive for more than one biomarker, they may be eligible for multiple treatment arms. In practice, different approaches could be applied to allocate patients who are positive for multiple biomarkers to treatments. However, to date there has been little exploration of how these approaches compare statistically. We conduct a simulation study to compare five approaches to handling treatment allocation in the presence of multiple biomarkers – equal randomisation; randomisation with fixed probability of allocation to control; Bayesian adaptive randomisation (BAR); constrained randomisation; and hierarchy of biomarkers. We evaluate these approaches under different scenarios in the context of a hypothetical phase II biomarker-guided umbrella trial. We define the pairings representing the pre-trial expectations on efficacy as linked pairs, and the other biomarker-treatment pairings as unlinked. The hierarchy and BAR approaches have the highest power to detect a treatment-biomarker linked interaction. However, the hierarchy procedure performs poorly if the pre-specified treatment-biomarker pairings are incorrect. The BAR method allocates a higher proportion of patients who are positive for multiple biomarkers to promising treatments when an unlinked interaction is present. In most scenarios, the constrained randomisation approach best balances allocation to all treatment arms. Pre-specification of an approach to deal with treatment allocation in the presence of multiple biomarkers is important, especially when overlapping subgroups are likely.

PMID:33759353 | DOI:10.1002/pst.2119