Nevin Manimala Statistics

Analysis of COVID-19 pandemic in USA, using Topological Weighted Centroid

Comput Biol Med. 2021 Jul 21;136:104670. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104670. Online ahead of print.


The first case of COVID-19 in USA was reported on January 20, 2020. The number of COVID-19 confirmed cases and death has increased since the first reported case and the outbreak has appeared in all states. This paper analyzes disease outbreak using Topological Weighted Centroid (TWC), which is a data driven intelligent geographical dynamical system that models disease spread in space and time. In this analysis the COVID-19 cases in USA on March 26, 2020 as provided by Johns Hopkins University is used. The COVID-19 outbreak is mapped by the TWC method. We were able to predict and capture some features of the pandemic spread using the early data. Although we have used the geographical distance from the latitude and longitude coordinates, our results indicate that one of the main paths of diseases spread are arguably airline routes. In this analysis, we used a large set of data. A modified version of TWC, is named TWC-Windowing to elaborate the effect of data from all places.

PMID:34343889 | DOI:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104670

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Binding kinetics of liposome conjugated E-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 measured with atomic force microscopy

Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2021 Jul 26;207:112002. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.112002. Online ahead of print.


Various ligand-functionalized liposomes have been developed for targeted therapies. Typically, the binding properties of the ligands and targeted proteins are measured with surface plasmon resonance (SPR), where the proteins are immobilized on a rigid surface. However, the difference of protein-ligand binding kinetics between liposome-conjugated protein and rigid surface-conjugated protein is not fully understood. In this work, the binding kinetics of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) and E-selectin conjugated on liposome and on rigid surfaces are investigated with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The results suggest that protein orientation and diffusion on liposomal membrane can alter the binding kinetics of the protein-ligand interaction. Specifically, the association and dissociation rate constant of AFM probe-conjugated E-selectin and glass-conjugated PSGL-1 are measured as 9.32 × 104 M-1s-1 and 1.54 s-1, respectively. While for the liposome-conjugated E-selectin and glass-conjugated PSGL-1, the kinetic constants are measured as 5.00 × 107 M-1s-1 and 2.76 s-1, respectively. Thus, there is an order’s magnitude increase of binding affinity (from kd = 16.51 μM to kd = 0.06 μM) when protein is attached to liposome compared to attached to a rigid surface. The results might provide better understanding and pave the way for the future design of the ligand-targeted liposomes.

PMID:34343911 | DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.112002

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Micropollutant transformation and taxonomic composition in hybrid MBBR – A comparison of carrier-attached biofilm and suspended sludge

Water Res. 2021 Jul 16;202:117441. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117441. Online ahead of print.


The suspended sludge and carrier-attached biofilms of three different hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) systems were investigated with respect to their transformation potential for a broad range of micropollutants (MPs) as well as their microbial community composition. For this purpose, laboratory-scale batch experiments were conducted with the separated suspended sludge and the carrier-attached biofilm of every system in triplicate. For all batches the removal of 31 MPs as well as the composition of the microbial community were analyzed. The carrier-attached biofilms from two hybrid MBBR systems showed a significant higher overall transformation potential in comparison to the respective suspended sludge. Especially for the MPs trimethoprim, diclofenac, mecoprop, climbazole and the human metabolite 10,11-dihydro-10-hydroxycarbamazepine consistently higher pseudo-first-order transformation rates could be observed in all three systems. The analysis of the taxonomic composition revealed taxa showing higher relative abundances in the carrier-attached biofilms (e. g. Nitrospirae and Chloroflexi) and in the suspended biomasses (e. g. Bacteroidetes and Betaproteobacteria). Correlations of the biodiversity indices and the MP biotransformation rates resulted in significant positive associations for 11 compounds in suspended sludge, but mostly negative associations for the carrier-attached biofilms. The distinct differences in MP removal between suspended sludge and carrier-attached biofilm of the three different MBBR systems were also reflected by a statistically significant link between the occurrence of specific bacterial taxa (Acidibacter, Nitrospira and Rhizomicrobium) and MP transformation rates of certain MPs. Even though the identified correlations might not necessarily be of causal nature, some of the identified taxa might serve as suitable indicators for the transformation potential of suspended sludge or carrier-attached biofilms.

PMID:34343873 | DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2021.117441

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Internal consistency and concurrent validity of self-report components of a new instrument for the assessment of suicidality, the Suicide Ideation and Behavior Assessment Tool (SIBAT)

Psychiatry Res. 2021 Jul 29;304:114128. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114128. Online ahead of print.


This study aimed to assess the internal consistency of self-report components of the Suicide Ideation and Behavior Assessment Tool (SIBAT) and validate it with relevant elements of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). The SIBAT is a newly developed instrument for the evaluation of suicidality. In this study, we invited university students and trainees participating in a study of addictions to complete the self-report component of the SIBAT as an add-on study. We evaluated the internal consistency of the self-report component of the SIBAT and validated it against the suicidality component of the MINI. Data were analysed using both complete case analysis and multiple imputation. SIBAT data were collected for 394 participants, 314 of whom had also completed the MINI. The internal consistency of modules 2, 3, and 5 of the SIBAT was high. Each item from module 5 had a statistically significant association with the corresponding item from the MINI. The sum of scores from modules 2 and 3 had a moderate correlation with the assessment of suicide risk determined by the MINI, and a strong correlation with the total score of SIBAT module 5. The completion median time of modules 2, 3 and 5 was 14.3 min.

PMID:34343876 | DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114128

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Confirmation of early non-bulbar onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Spanish league soccer players

J Neurol Sci. 2021 Jul 24;428:117586. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2021.117586. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: Sports-related activity has been proposed as a risk factor for ALS, particularly among professionals playing American football and soccer, with a reported prevalence between two and forty times higher than the general population. Early onset (by two decades) was described among Italian soccer players as early as 2005. This study aims to characterise the phenotype of seven Spanish retired professional and semi-professional soccer players.

METHODS: The cases were identified using the following sources: (i) personal archives from a leading ALS Unit, (ii) PubMed and specialised websites, and (iii) self-reports of patients in the media. Age and site of onset, survival time, history of trauma, playing position and time between retirement and first symptoms were investigated for soccer players in the Spanish league diagnosed between 2000 and 2020.

RESULTS: Seven ALS cases were identified. The mean age at onset was 41.5 years (SD 9.2, median 45.5, range 31.5-51.2). Onset was bulbar in one individual, while six experienced spinal onset. Three patients had the flail arm syndrome variant. Two cases were goalkeepers, two defenders and three midfielders. Four had a history of trauma (two serious). Survival time for the two deceased patients was 71.8 months. Mean time between retirement and first symptoms was 9.4 years (SD 8.0, median 15.2, range 0.1-17.5).

CONCLUSIONS: Our study has the largest sample size of non-Italian league soccer professionals and semi-professionals, and our results corroborate early onset (by 23.7 years). Unlike the Italian cohorts, bulbar onset is rare, and upper limb onset is most common.

PMID:34343861 | DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2021.117586

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Increased modularity of the resting-state network in children with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate after speech rehabilitation

Brain Behav. 2021 Aug 3:e02094. doi: 10.1002/brb3.2094. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: Speech therapy is the primary management followed the physical management through surgery for children with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate (NSCLP). However, the topological pattern of the resting-state network after rehabilitation remains poorly understood. We aimed to explore the functional topological pattern of children with NSCLP after speech rehabilitation compared with healthy controls.

METHODS: We examined 28 children with NSCLP after speech rehabilitation (age = 10.0 ± 2.3 years) and 28 healthy controls for resting-state functional MRI. We calculated functional connections and the degree strength, betweenness centrality, network clustering coefficient (Cp), characteristic path length (Lp), global network efficiency (Eg), local network efficiency (Eloc), modularity index (Q), module number, and participation coefficient for the between-group differences using two-sample t tests (corrected p < .05). Additionally, we performed a correlation analysis between the Chinese language clear degree scale (CLCDS) scores and topological properties in children with NSCLP.

RESULTS: We detected significant between-group differences in the areas under the curve (AUCs) of degree strength and betweenness centrality in language-related brain regions. There were no significant between-group differences in module number, participation coefficient, Cp, Lp, Eg, or Eloc. However, the Q (density: 0.05-0.30) and QAUC (t = 2.46, p = .02) showed significant between-group differences. Additionally, there was no significant correlation between topological properties of statistical between-group differences and CLCDS scores.

CONCLUSIONS: Although nodal metric differences existed in the language-related brain regions, the children with NSCLP after speech rehabilitation had similar global network properties, module numbers, and participation coefficient, but increased modularity. Our results suggested that children with NSCLP achieved speech rehabilitation through function specialization in the language-related brain regions. The resting-state topology pattern could be of substantive neurobiological importance and potential imaging biomarkers for speech rehabilitation.

PMID:34343416 | DOI:10.1002/brb3.2094

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Ready2Change: Preliminary effectiveness of a telephone-delivered intervention program for alcohol, methamphetamine and cannabis use problems

Drug Alcohol Rev. 2021 Aug 3. doi: 10.1111/dar.13363. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: Telehealth has considerable potential to overcome many of the barriers to accessing care for substance use problems, thereby increasing the opportunity for earlier intervention. The Ready2Change program is a multiple-session outbound telephone-delivered cognitive and behavioural intervention for mild-to-moderate substance use disorders, embedded within a long-established 24/7 alcohol and drug helpline. We sought to analyse routinely collected program data in a preliminary study to examine the effectiveness of Ready2Change in reducing substance use problem severity and psychological distress.

METHODS: A retrospective analysis of program data from December 2013 to June 2018 was performed. Analysed cases were 249 clients living in Victoria, Australia with alcohol (n = 191), methamphetamine (n = 40) or cannabis (n = 18) as their primary drug of concern. A within-subjects design was used to examine pre- and post-intervention substance use problem severity and psychological distress.

RESULTS: For alcohol cases, there was a statistically significant decrease in alcohol problem severity [AUDIT, mean difference = -12.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) -14.0, -11.5]. Statistically significant reductions in drug problem severity (DUDIT) were observed for methamphetamine (mean difference = -17.3, 95% CI -20.9, -13.7) and cannabis (mean difference = -15.9, 95% CI -22.3, -9.6) cases. All groups showed reductions in problem severity for other substances used (P < 0.05) and psychological distress (P < 0.001).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest Ready2Change benefits clients with alcohol, methamphetamine and cannabis use problems, with the potential to improve treatment access for health inequity groups including those living in remote areas. These findings warrant further investigation into the effectiveness of this program.

PMID:34343370 | DOI:10.1111/dar.13363

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Percutaneous Neuromodulation of the Brachial Plexus and Sciatic Nerve for the Treatment of Acute Pain Following Surgery: Secondary Outcomes From a Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study

Neuromodulation. 2021 Aug 3. doi: 10.1111/ner.13492. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: We recently reported that percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS or “neuromodulation”) decreased pain and opioid consumption within the first two weeks following ambulatory surgery. However, the anatomic lead locations were combined for the analysis, and benefits for each location remain unknown. We therefore now report the effects of percutaneous PNS for brachial plexus and sciatic nerve leads separately.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Before surgery, leads were implanted percutaneously to target the brachial plexus (N = 21) for rotator cuff repair or sciatic nerve (N = 40) for foot/ankle surgery, followed by a single injection of local anesthetic. Postoperatively, subjects were randomized in a double masked fashion to 14 days of electrical stimulation (N = 30) or sham/placebo (N = 31) using an external pulse generator. The primary outcome of interest was opioid consumption and pain scores evaluated jointly. Thus, stimulation was deemed effective if superior on either outcome and at least noninferior on the other.

RESULTS: For brachial plexus leads, during the first seven postoperative days pain measured with the numeric rating scale in participants given active stimulation was a median [interquartile range ] of 0.8 [0.5, 1.6] versus 3.2 [2.7, 3.5] in patients given sham (p < 0.001). For this same group, opioid consumption in participants given active stimulation was 10 mg [5, 20] versus 71 mg [35, 125] in patients given sham (p = 0.043). For sciatic nerve leads, pain scores for the active treatment group were 0.7 [0, 1.4] versus 2.8 [1.6, 4.6] in patients given sham (p < 0.001). During this same period, participants given active stimulation consumed 5 mg [0, 30] of opioids versus 40 mg [20, 105] in patients given sham (p = 0.004). Treatment effects did not differ statistically between the two locations.

CONCLUSIONS: Ambulatory percutaneous PNS of both the brachial plexus and sciatic nerve is an effective treatment for acute pain free of systemic side-effects following painful orthopedic surgery.

PMID:34343394 | DOI:10.1111/ner.13492

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Joint association and classification analysis of multi-view data

Biometrics. 2021 Aug 3. doi: 10.1111/biom.13536. Online ahead of print.


Multi-view data, that is matched sets of measurements on the same subjects, have become increasingly common with advances in multi-omics technology. Often, it is of interest to find associations between the views that are related to the intrinsic class memberships. Existing association methods cannot directly incorporate class information, while existing classification methods do not take into account between-views associations. In this work, we propose a framework for Joint Association and Classification Analysis of multi-view data (JACA). Our goal is not to merely improve the misclassification rates, but to provide a latent representation of high-dimensional data that is both relevant for the subtype discrimination and coherent across the views. We motivate the methodology by establishing a connection between canonical correlation analysis and discriminant analysis. We also establish the estimation consistency of JACA in high-dimensional settings. A distinct advantage of JACA is that it can be applied to the multi-view data with block-missing structure, that is to cases where a subset of views or class labels is missing for some subjects. The application of JACA to quantify the associations between RNAseq and miRNA views with respect to consensus molecular subtypes in colorectal cancer data from The Cancer Genome Atlas project leads to improved misclassification rates and stronger found associations compared to existing methods.

PMID:34343342 | DOI:10.1111/biom.13536

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Deriving within-person estimates of delta-beta coupling: A novel measure for identifying individual differences in emotion and neural function in childhood

Dev Psychobiol. 2021 Aug 3. doi: 10.1002/dev.22172. Online ahead of print.


Delta-beta coupling is increasingly used to understand early emotional development. However, little is known about the development of the coupling, limiting its utility for identifying normative or aberrant functioning. We used a prospective longitudinal sample (N = 122) to compare measures of within-person and between-person coupling between ages 3 and 5, track the developmental trajectory of coupling, identify individual differences in patterns of development, and explore emotion-related predictors and outcomes of discrete developmental patterns. Within-person measures, limited in overall utility, were most useful when (1) statistical approaches produced more homogenous groups within the overall sample (extreme groups or latent classes) or (2) the full developmental course was considered. We found two trajectories of change in frontal coupling and three trajectories of change in parietal coupling. Coupling trajectories were predicted by observed fear and approach/avoidance at age 3. In addition, high levels of frontal coupling at age 3 that declined and then levelled out through age 5 were associated with lower levels of internalizing by age 5. This work provides a foundation for understanding normative change in delta-beta coupling across the preschool years and useful insight for the use of this metric in future work.

PMID:34343349 | DOI:10.1002/dev.22172