Nevin Manimala Statistics

Multi-step structure-activity relationship screening efficiently predicts diverse PPARγ antagonists

Chemosphere. 2021 Jul 21;286(Pt 1):131540. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131540. Online ahead of print.


In discovering the potential antagonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), the structure-activity relationship (SAR) is a useful in silico method. However, it is difficult for conventional SAR approaches to predict the activities of antagonists owing to the large structural diversity of antagonistic compounds. This study provides evidence that multi-step SAR screening is applicable for predicting PPARγ antagonists by combining different complementary methodologies. We constructed three models: read-across-like SAR, docking-simulation-interpreting SAR, and deep-learning-based SAR. To provide user-customized prediction results, our multi-step SAR screening model combined the three SAR models in a stepwise manner, which subdivided them according to potential levels of the PPARγ antagonist. The read-across-like SAR, which considered specific antagonist scaffolds, revealed the highest positive predictive value (PPV). The docking-simulation-interpreting SAR, which considered the molecular surface features, revealed high statistics for the PPV and the true-positive rate (TPR). The deep-learning-based SAR showed the highest TPR at the last classification step. This multi-step SAR screening covered the antagonists of high reliability provided by a read-across-like SAR, as well as the antagonists of diverse scaffolds provided by docking-simulation-interpreting SAR and deep-learning-based SAR. Therefore, to predict PPARγ antagonists, multi-step SAR screening could be as a useful tool.

PMID:34346341 | DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131540

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Water Ecosystem Services Footprint of agricultural production in Central Italy

Sci Total Environ. 2021 Jul 16;797:149095. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149095. Online ahead of print.


The appropriate implementation of the concept of Water-related Ecosystem Services (WES) in water resources planning can support the development of productive activities and, at the same time, sustain local ecosystems. However, such implementation it is only possible when both WES supply and demand are evaluated, eventually with a spatially explicit method, for gaining insights into the ecohydrological behavior of a basin and the anthropogenic pressures on the available water resources. Based on the integration of hydrological modelling and Water Footprint (WF) analysis, this study aims at developing a methodology to analyze both the supply and demand of WES, evaluating a Water Ecosystem Services Footprint (WESF) associated with the agricultural sector. The proposed methodology is based on a 3-tiered approach: 1) evaluating the WES demand determined by the agricultural sector using the WF Assessment methodology; 2) quantifying the WES supply by applying the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT); 3) estimating the green, blue, and gray WESF through dedicated indicators in order to identify the main hotspots. The methodology is applied to a specific case study in the upstream part of the Arno river basin (Central Italy). By means of subnational WF statistics the green, blue, and gray WF of the agricultural sector is calculated, determining the spatial distribution of WES demand in the catchment. SWAT results quantify the available water resources, pointing out the blue/green surface water partitioning, where precipitation is divided into 25% runoff and 46% evapotranspiration, and the associated WES supply. Merging the results, the WESF spatial pattern is evaluated, properly identifying the most critical areas in the catchment. WESF represents an operative tool to look at agricultural water management from an ecosystem-based perspective, supporting the identification of the strategies to explore the sustainable coupling of biosphere and anthroposphere.

PMID:34346365 | DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149095

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Monitoring geographical differences in illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco consumption via wastewater-based epidemiology: Six major cities in Turkey

Sci Total Environ. 2021 Jul 20;797:149156. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149156. Online ahead of print.


A national wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) monitoring campaign has been initiated to determine the trends in drug consumption in Turkey since 2019. This study aimed to present the wastewater monitoring results for four periods in 2019 for six major cities with 17 wastewater treatment plants. The study investigated heroin (HER), amphetamine (AMP), methamphetamine (METH), cocaine (COC), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco to understand the temporal and geographical drug consumption trends. The results indicated a trend of regular cannabis use in all the cities. Considering geographical variations, the drug usage trends were not homogeneous within the country for any of the investigated drugs, except cannabis. HER consumption was predominant in Denizli (1042.48 mg/1000 inh/day), while İzmir and Antalya (154.10 and 79.56 mg/1000 inh/day, respectively) topped for COC consumption. Aydın had the highest consumption levels of AMP (90.03 mg/1000 inh/day) and METH (358.13 mg/1000 inh/day), while MDMA consumption was the highest in Samsun (157.64 mg/1000 inh/day). Tobacco consumption was high in Aydın (8791.69 mg/1000 inh/day) and Antalya (5375.17 mg/1000 inh/day), whereas alcohol consumption was higher in Bursa than in the other cities (53434.61 mL/1000 inh/day). There were no statistically significant differences in the weekend consumption levels of the investigated drugs among these six cities. Although this study included the results of 1 year of consumption monitoring, the data confirms internationally published information on the drug trafficking routes of conventional drugs in this region, especially the Heroin-Balkan route. Results from further sampling will enable accurate evaluation of global drug consumption and trafficking, in addition to alcohol and tobacco use.

PMID:34346379 | DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149156

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Statistical considerations for research

Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot. 2021 Aug 4:1-11. doi: 10.1080/17457300.2021.1957583. Online ahead of print.


PMID:34346284 | DOI:10.1080/17457300.2021.1957583

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The effect of antenatal education on expectant mother’s childbirth attitudes, maternal role attainment, and self-confidence levels

Health Care Women Int. 2021 Aug 4:1-21. doi: 10.1080/07399332.2021.1935959. Online ahead of print.


We aim to determine the effect of antenatal education on the attitudes of expectant mothers toward birth, maternal role attainment and self-confidence levels. We carried out this quasi-experimental, non-randomized, prospective study in a hospital located in Istanbul, in the pre- and post-education model. Women in the education group (EG = 60) attended 6 weeks of education. Women in the control group (CG = 60) participated in a periodic follow-up visit. We collected the data using Childbirth Attitudes Questionnaire (CAQ), Pharis Self-Confidence Scale (PSCS), and Semantic Differential Scale-Myself as Mother (MMS). We made three measures in total: in the first visit, after six weeks and in the sixth week postpartum. We found the mean scores of second measurement of CAQ, PSCS, third measurement of MMS statistically significant in favor of EG (p < 0.05). Antenatal educations positively affect childbirth attitude, maternal role attainment and self-confidence levels.Supplemental data for this article is available online at .

PMID:34346299 | DOI:10.1080/07399332.2021.1935959

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The relationship of retinopathy of prematurity with brain-derivated neurotrophic factor, vascular endotelial growth factor-A, endothelial PAD domain protein 1 and nitric oxide synthase 3 gene polymorphisms

Ophthalmic Genet. 2021 Aug 4:1-7. doi: 10.1080/13816810.2021.1961279. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: In addition to risk factors such as low birth weight and uncontrolled oxygen therapy, genetic predisposition is also thought to play a role in the development of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). In our study, we aimed to analyze single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in VEGFA, EPAS1, BDNF and NOS3 genes in infants who develop ROP.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-five mild-moderate and 73 severe ROP cases were included in this study. Eleven different SNPs regions that located in VEGFA, EPAS1, BDNF and NOS3 genes were analysed by SnapShot technique and compared between two groups by the multiple logistic regression analysis.

RESULTS: Statistically significant results were obtained in 8 of the 11 SNPs. It was observed that the excess of mutant alleles in four (VEGFA rs2010963 and rs3025039, EPAS1 rs13419896, NOS3 rs2070744) of these regions increased ROP severity and treatment requirement (p < .001, p < .001, p = .022, p = .004, respectively) while the excess of mutant alleles in the other four regions (VEGFA rs833061, BDNF rs7929344, EPAS1 rs1867785 and rs1868085) showed that ROP severtiy was milder and eliminated the need for treatment (p < .001, p = .019, p = .017, p = .017, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: Considering the results of our study, it was seen that besides the known environmental and demographic factors in ROP pathogenesis, genetic predisposition also had an effect on the clinic and course of ROP. Polymorphisms of VEGFA rs2010963 and rs3025039, EPAS1 rs13419896, NOS3 rs2070744 were found to be associated with severe ROP. More studies involving different populations cases are needed to confirm these findings and enlighten the etiology of ROP.

PMID:34346275 | DOI:10.1080/13816810.2021.1961279

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The effects of transport by pneumatic tube system on urine analysis

Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2021 Aug 4:1-4. doi: 10.1080/00365513.2021.1923058. Online ahead of print.


The pneumatic tube transport system (PTS) is used frequently for the transport of samples in hospitals. Effects of PTS on urine components are unknown. In our study, we aim to examine the influence of PTS on the quality of routine urine microscopic parameters. Urine samples were divided into two groups: group 1 were transported to the laboratory manually and group 2 were transported to the laboratory via the PTS. Each of 187 urine samples was studied with iQ200 automated urine devices for erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, crystal, cast and yeast cells. No statistically significant differences were detected between group 1 and group 2 for urine parameters. For erythrocytes, leukocytes, and epithelial cells, the gamma was 0.982, 0.959, and 1.0, respectively. For crystal, cast and yeast cells, the kappa values were 0.952, 0.866, and 1.0, respectively. PTS has no effect on erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, crystal, cast, and yeast cells in urine analysis. We concluded that PTS can be used in the transport of urine samples.

PMID:34346281 | DOI:10.1080/00365513.2021.1923058

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The Prosody of Two-Syllable Words in French-Speaking Monolingual and Bilingual Children: A Focus on Initial Accent and Final Accent

Lang Speech. 2021 Aug 4:238309211030312. doi: 10.1177/00238309211030312. Online ahead of print.


This study examined the acoustic characteristics of disyllabic words produced by French-speaking monolingual and bilingual children, aged 2;6 to 6;10, and by adults. Specifically, it investigated the influence of age, bilingualism, and vocabulary on final-to-initial syllable duration ratios and on the presence of initial and final accent. Children and adults took part in a word-naming task in which they produced a controlled set of disyllabic words. Duration and maximum pitch were measured for each syllable of the disyllabic word and these values were inserted into mixed-effects statistical models. Results indicated that children as young as 2;6 obtained final-to-initial syllable duration ratios similar to those of adults. Young children realized accent on the initial syllable more often and accent on the final syllable less often than older children and adults. There was no influence of bilingualism on the duration and pitch characteristics of disyllabic words. Children aged 2;6 with smaller vocabularies produced initial accent more often than children with large vocabularies. Our findings suggest that early word productions are constrained by developmental tendencies favouring falling pitch across an utterance.

PMID:34346255 | DOI:10.1177/00238309211030312

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Assessment of ethical competence among clinical nurses in health facilities

Nurs Ethics. 2021 Aug 4:9697330211010259. doi: 10.1177/09697330211010259. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Ethical competence in nursing practice helps clinical nurses to think critically, analyse issues, make ethical decisions, solve ethical problems and behave ethically in their daily work. Thus, ethical competence contributes to the promotion of high-quality care. However, studies on ethical competence in Malawi are scanty.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to explore ethical competence among clinical nurses in selected hospitals in Malawi.

METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in four selected hospitals in Malawi with a sample of 271 clinical nurses. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires, which included a Moral Competence Scale for Home Care Nurses. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were computed for the dataset using STATA version 12.0.

ETHICAL CONSIDERATION: The study protocol complied with all ethical requirements and was approved by the College of Medicine Research Ethics Committee under the University of Malawi.

RESULTS: The clinical nurses in Malawi are ethically competent. However, there is a significantly high number (p < 0.05) of nurses 57% (n = 135) with low ethical competence. There was no significant association between respondents’ demographic variables and level of ethical competence (p > 0.05). Three determinants of high ethical competence level (strong will, judgement skills and recognition of discrepancy of intention) were identified through a reduced model after stepwise logistic regression analysis. Furthermore, results show that indicators of ethical competence include caring, confidentiality and observance of nurses dressing code. The study has also confirmed that the Moral Competence Scale for Home Care Nurses is a reliable tool to assess ethical competence in low-resource settings.

CONCLUSION: The majority of nurses who completed the survey had low ethical competence. However, clinical nurses with high ethical competence level are required to competently manage complex ethical challenges in health facilities. Strategies for enhancing ethical competence such as continuing ethics education, establishment of ethics committees and provision of supportive supervision are recommended to enable nurses in Malawi attain a high level of ethical competence.

PMID:34346258 | DOI:10.1177/09697330211010259

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Screening of biomarkers for prediction of multisite artery disease in patients with recent myocardial infarction

Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2021 Aug 4:1-8. doi: 10.1080/00365513.2021.1921839. Online ahead of print.


A few studies have examined biomarkers in patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and peripheral artery disease (PAD), i.e. multisite artery disease (MSAD). The aim of the study was firstly, to associate biomarkers with the occurrence of PAD/MSAD and secondly, if those can, in addition to clinical characteristics, identify MI patients with MSAD.In two prospectively observational studies including unselected patients with recent MI, PAD was defined as an abnormal ankle-brachial index (ABI) score (<0.9 or >1.4). The proximity extension assay (PEA) technique was used, simultaneously analyzing 92 biomarkers with association to cardiovascular disease. Biomarkers were tested for univariate associations with PAD. Random forest was used to identify biomarkers with a higher association to PAD. The additional discriminatory accuracy of adding biomarkers to clinical characteristics was analyzed by the c-statistics. Nine biomarkers were identified as significantly associated with MSAD/PAD in the primary patient cohort, analyzed early after the MI. In the prediction analysis, six biomarkers were identified associated with PAD. Three of these; Tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR-1), Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR-2) and Growth Differentiation Factor 15 (GDF-15) improved c-statistics when added to clinical characteristics from 0.683 (95% CI 0.610-0.756) to 0.715 (95% CI 0.645-0.784) in the primary patient cohort with a similar result, 0.729 (95% CI 0.687-0.770) to 0.752 (95% CI 0.771-0.792) in the secondary patient cohort. Biomarkers associated with inflammatory pathways are associated with MSAD in MI patients. Three biomarkers of 92; TNFR-1, TNFR-2 and GDF-15, in this exploratory added information in the prediction of MSAD and emphasis the importance of further studies.

PMID:34346268 | DOI:10.1080/00365513.2021.1921839