Nevin Manimala Statistics

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of the Radiological Emergency Department: the experience of the Maggiore della Carità Hospital in Novara

Emerg Radiol. 2021 Apr 4. doi: 10.1007/s10140-021-01928-z. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: During the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the activity of Emergency Departments worldwide changed dramatically, focusing on diagnosis and care of the Sars-Cov-2 associated disease. These major changes also involved the activity of the Emergency Radiology Department (ERD). This study aimed to analyse the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on imaging studies, both in terms of the amount, frequency and subspecialty of different imaging modalities requested to the ERD of the Maggiore della Carità Hospital in Novara (Italy).

METHODS: To this end, our observational study took into account the imaging studies requested by the emergency department during three-time spans. These were defined as phase 0 (pre-pandemic), phase 1 (pandemic peak with complete lockdown) and phase 2 (post-pandemic peak with partial lifting of restrictive measures), as derived from Italian urgent decrees by the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) which established the duration and entity of the lockdown measures throughout the pandemic. The dataset was processed and then compared with Pearson’s chi-squared test.

RESULTS: During the pandemic peak, our data showed a significant drop in the total number of studies requested and a significant rise in computed tomography (CT) studies. In particular, a statistically significant increase in chest CT studies was found, probably due to the high sensitivity of this imaging method in identifying pulmonary involvement during respiratory tract infection of possible viral etiology (SARS-Cov-2). Moreover, we observed a statistically significant decrease of X-ray (XR) and ultrasound (US) studies during phase 1 compared to phase 0 and phase 2 probably due to a reduction in the numbers of ER visits for minor traumas given the mobility restrictions and people hesitancy in visiting the ER due to fear of contagion.

CONCLUSIONS: We can conclude that the activity of the ERD was heavily impacted by the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. Further studies will be needed to estimate the impact of the pandemic on public health in terms of excess mortality related to delayed diagnosis and care of non-COVID diseases.

PMID:33813649 | DOI:10.1007/s10140-021-01928-z

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Functional Groups of Metazoan Parasites of the Dusky Flounder (Syacium papillosum) as Bioindicators of Environmental Health of the Yucatan Shelf

Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 2021 Apr 3. doi: 10.1007/s00128-021-03177-9. Online ahead of print.


We aimed to compare the percentage of explained variance given by the relationship of species and functional groups of metazoan parasites of the dusky flounder Syacium papillosum and environmental variables from water and sediments in the Yucatan shelf (YS). Parasite data were obtained from 127 S. papillosum specimens collected from 17 of 67 stations. At each station, 46 environmental variables were measured, including hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and physicochemical variables from water and sediments. Fifteen functional groups were defined based on biological characteristics of 48 parasite species. Our multivariate statistical analyses showed that species and functional groups produced similar explained variance values (47.3% and 50% respectively). However, using functional groups the time and financial resources were minimal compared with those used for morphological and molecular identification to produce the species composition matrix. Thus, functional groups are the best choice from the point of view of saving time and money.

PMID:33813633 | DOI:10.1007/s00128-021-03177-9

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Treatment success after rhinosurgery: an evaluation of subjective and objective parameters

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2021 Apr 3. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-06787-5. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Septal deviation and nose deformities are widely prevalent. As a consequence, patients may complain about difficulties in nasal breathing leading to a perception of diminished disease-specific quality of life. In a prospective randomized trial, we aimed to analyse the outcome of septoplasty (SPL) and septorhinoplasty (SRP) on patient satisfaction.

METHODS: Patients with functional indication for SPL (n = 19) or SRP (n = 54) were included and randomized for additional turbinoplasty. Preoperative clinical symptoms were collected with SNOT-20 GAV (Sinu-nasal outcome test-20-German adapted version) and NOSE© (nasal obstruction symptom evaluation) questionnaires. The final evaluation of treatment success was performed 9 months after surgery with SNOT-20 GAV, NOSE© and a self-established feedback questionnaire. Nasal breathing and obstruction were objectively measured with rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry [minimum cross-sectional area 2 (MCA2)].

RESULTS: Minimum cross-sectional area 2 was statistically improved compared to the pre-treatment value in SPL (p = 0.0004) and SRP (p = 0.0001). Regarding MCA2 values of matched patient groups, similar findings were detected (SPL: p = 0.0013, SRP: p < 0.0001). Sinu-nasal outcome test-20 GAV and NOSE© scores were significantly reduced after both surgical procedures (NOSE©: SPL: p < 0.0001, SRP: p < 0.0001; SNOT-20 GAV: SPL: p = 0.0068, SRP: p < 0.0001). Evaluation of patient satisfaction in a self-established feedback questionnaire revealed a motivation of 81% of patients to redo the surgery (SPL 13/16, SRP 34/42) and a notably general satisfaction of 86% for SPL and 80% for SRP.

CONCLUSION: Rhinosurgery leads to quantitative better nasal breathing and increased disease-specific satisfaction. However, this study implies the importance of the right selection of patients and the correct indication of the surgical technique.

PMID:33813628 | DOI:10.1007/s00405-021-06787-5

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Prediction of histologic grade and type of small (< 4 cm) papillary renal cell carcinomas using texture and neural network analysis: a feasibility study

Abdom Radiol (NY). 2021 Apr 4. doi: 10.1007/s00261-021-03044-5. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: To predict the histologic grade and type of small papillary renal cell carcinomas (pRCCs) using texture analysis and machine learning algorithms.

METHODS: This was a retrospective HIPAA-compliant study. 24 noncontrast (NC), 22 corticomedullary (CM) phase, and 24 nephrographic (NG) phase CTs of small (< 4 cm) surgically resected pRCCs were identified. Surgical pathology classified the tumors as low- or high-Fuhrman histologic grade and type 1 or 2. The axial image with the largest cross-sectional tumor area was exported and segmented. Six histogram and 31 texture (20 gray-level co-occurrences and 11 gray-level run-lengths) features were calculated for each tumor in each phase. Feature values in low- versus high-grade and type 1 versus 2 pRCCs were compared. Area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) was calculated for each feature to assess prediction of histologic grade and type of pRCCs in each phase. Histogram, texture, and combined histogram and texture feature sets were used to train and test three classification algorithms (support vector machine (SVM), random forest, and histogram-based gradient boosting decision tree (HGBDT)) with stratified shuffle splits and threefold cross-validation; AUCs were calculated for each algorithm in each phase to assess prediction of histologic grade and type of pRCCs.

RESULTS: Individual histogram and texture features did not have statistically significant differences between low- and high-grade or type 1 and type 2 pRCCs across all phases. Individual features had low predictive power for tumor grade or type in all phases (AUC < 0.70). HGBDT was highly accurate at predicting pRCC histologic grade and type using histogram, texture or combined histogram and texture feature data from the CM phase (AUCs = 0.97-1.0). All algorithms had highest AUCs using CM phase feature data sets; AUCs decreased using feature sets from NC or NG phases.

CONCLUSIONS: The histologic grade and type of small pRCCs can be predicted with classification algorithms using CM histogram and texture features, which outperform NC and NG phase image data. The accurate prediction of pRCC histologic grade and type may be able to further guide management of patients with small (< 4 cm) pRCCs being considered for active surveillance.

PMID:33813624 | DOI:10.1007/s00261-021-03044-5

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Does Familial Mediterranean Fever Provoke Atherosclerosis in Children? Evaluation of Arterial Stiffness and Serum Endocan Levels

Clin Rheumatol. 2021 Apr 4. doi: 10.1007/s10067-021-05721-8. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the risk for atherosclerosis by using echocardiographic arterial stiffness (AS) parameters and serum endocan levels, as a biomarker of endothelial dysfunction (ED) in children with FMF.

METHODS: Seventy-nine children with FMF (12-18 years) and 41 healthy children were included, and clinical features (age at the first attack, age at the time of diagnosis, diagnosis delay time, colchicine dose, biological agent usage, MEFV mutations, and symptoms of attacks) of patients were noted. Arterial stiffness parameters were calculated by using echocardiographic aortic measurements with blood pressure monitoring. Hemogram parameters, acute phase reactants, blood glucose and lipid levels of 12 hours of fasting, and serum endocan levels were evaluated for all participants.

RESULTS: There were no statistically significance regarding demographic features, acute phase reactants, and hemogram parameters. Blood glucose and lipid levels were similar, except for HDL (lower in FMF group, p=0.029). Serum endocan levels did not differ in two groups (p=0.906). Only stiffness of descending aorta was lower in FMF group (p=0.028), and the other AS parameters were similar between two groups (p>0.05 for each parameters).

CONCLUSION: Good disease control could be preventive for atherosclerosis in children with FMF. On the other hand, screening for cardiovascular diseases is essential, particularly for uncontrolled cases. Distribution of MEFV gene mutations KEY POINTS: • Exaggerated inflammation is the prominent feature of FMF attacks; moreover, it is shown that subclinical inflammation might also continue in attack-free periods. • Chronic inflammation contributes to atherosclerotic process in almost all stages by activating endothelial cells, producing reactive oxygen species, and accelerating foam cell and atherosclerotic plaque formations. • However, the results of this study showed that there was no difference in terms of atherosclerotic markers such as serum endocan levels and arterial stiffness parameters between pediatric FMF patients and healthy peers. • Good disease control in pediatric FMF patients may prevent early atherosclerotic changes during childhood, which then may lead a probable decreased risk of subsequent CVD in adulthood.

PMID:33813620 | DOI:10.1007/s10067-021-05721-8

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Factors associated with mortality in older patients sustaining pelvic or acetabular fractures

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021 Apr 3. doi: 10.1007/s00402-021-03873-5. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to investigate potential factors, including delay to surgical stabilisation, affecting mortality in older patients sustaining pelvic or acetabular (PA) fractures.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) database was performed to identify older patients (aged 65 and over) sustaining PA fractures treated surgically in a UK Major Trauma Centre (MTC) between 2015 and 2019. Chi-squared and Fisher tests were used to compare 1-year mortality rates following operative intervention between patients treated within 72 h and after 72 h. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to visualise survival probability; significant predictors of survival were found using Cox proportional hazard models.

RESULTS: Of 564 older patients with PA fractures, 70 met the inclusion criteria. The mean age was 76.1 years. The overall 1-year mortality rate was 20%. When patients were grouped by time to surgery (fracture fixation within or greater than 72 h), there was no statistically significant difference in 1-year mortality. Patients whose surgery was delayed more than 72 h were more likely to have longer hospital stays (p = 0.002) or to have suffered from polytrauma (p = 0.025). Age, Charlson Co-morbidities Index (CCI) and pre-op mobility status were associated with statistically significant differences in overall mortality. The same factors were associated with a significantly increased hazard of death in the multivariate Cox proportional hazards model. Patient gender, mechanism of injury, Injury Severity Score (ISS) > 15 and head injury were not significant predictors of mortality.

CONCLUSION: Surgical intervention within 72 h of injury did not result in decreased mortality in older patients with PA fractures. The 1-year mortality rate between older PA fractures and hip fractures was comparable. Consideration should be given to a combined multidisciplinary approach between orthogeriatric and expert PA surgeons for these patients.

PMID:33813616 | DOI:10.1007/s00402-021-03873-5

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Revascularization rates with coronary angioplasty and mortality in type 2 myocardial infarction: A meta-regression analysis

Am J Emerg Med. 2021 Mar 20;47:145-148. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2021.03.042. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) represents the best therapeutic option for type-1 myocardial infarction (T1MI) in the majority of clinical settings; its role in the treatment of type-2 myocardial infarction (T2MI), however, remains unclear. We therefore sought to assess in a meta-regression analysis the impact of PCI rates on mortality in patients with T2MI according to available observational studies.

METHODS: We performed a meta-regression analysis including all the studies involving in-patients affected by T2MI. We excluded studies not reporting the rate of T2MI patients undergoing PCI and not specifying absolute in-hospital or 1-year all-cause mortality. In the meta-regression analysis we used the in-hospital mortality and 1-year mortality as dependent variables and the rate of PCI as independent; regression was weighted for studies’ size.

RESULTS: After careful examination, 8 studies were selected for the assessment of in-hospital mortality and 8 for 1-year-mortality. We included 3155 and 3756 in-patients for in-hospital and 1-year mortality respectively. At meta-regression analysis, a borderline correlation between PCI rate and in-hospital mortality (p 0.05) and a statistically significant correlation with 1-year mortality (p < 0.01) in T2MI patients were found.

CONCLUSIONS: In a meta-regression analysis higher rates of PCI on T2MI in-patients were associated with lower mortality rates both in-hospital and at 1 year. Whether this association is related to the direct effect of PCI or better general conditions of T2MI patients undergoing a PCI still remains unclear.

PMID:33812330 | DOI:10.1016/j.ajem.2021.03.042

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Jumping to conclusions and suicidal behavior in depression and psychosis

J Psychiatr Res. 2021 Mar 25;137:514-520. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.03.024. Online ahead of print.


Suicidal behavior (SB) involves an impairment in decision-making (DM). Jumping to conclusions bias (JTC), described as the tendency to make hasty decisions based on insufficient information, could be considered as analogous of impaired DM. However, the link between JTC and SB in psychosis and other diagnoses (e.g., depression) has never been studied. This study aims to explore the presence of JTC and SB in a sample comprising 121 patients with psychosis and 101 with depression. Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected, including history of SB and symptom-severity scores. JTC was assessed by the beads task, and patients who reached decisions with the second bead or before were considered to exhibit JTC. Age, gender, diagnosis, educational level, symptom severity, substance use, and SB were compared according to JTC presence. Variables found to be significantly different in this comparison were included in a multivariate analysis. JTC was more prevalent in patients with depression than with psychosis: 55.6% in an 85:15 ratio and 64.6% in a 60:40 ratio. When multivariate logistic regression was applied to study the influence of diagnosis (psychosis versus depression), age, and SB, only SB remained statistically significant (OR 2.05; 95% CI 0.99-4.22; p = 0.05). The population studied was assembled by grouping different samples from previous research, and we have not included control variables such as other clinical variables, neurocognitive measurements, or personality traits. JTC may be more closely linked to SB, as a transdiagnostic variable, rather than to a specific diagnosis.

PMID:33812324 | DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.03.024

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Risk of thyroid cancer following hysterectomy

Cancer Epidemiol. 2021 Mar 31;72:101931. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2021.101931. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Hysterectomy has been associated with increased thyroid cancer risk but whether this reflects a biological link or increased diagnosis of indolent cancers due to greater medical contact remains unclear.

METHODS: We recruited 730 women diagnosed with thyroid cancer and 785 age-matched population controls. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess the association overall, and by tumour BRAF mutational status as a marker of potentially higher-risk cancers. We used causal mediation analysis to investigate potential mediation of the association by healthcare service use.

RESULTS: Having had a hysterectomy was associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer (odds ratio [OR] = 1.45, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.07-1.96). When stratified by indication for hysterectomy, the risk appeared stronger for those who had a hysterectomy for menstrual disorders (OR = 1.67, 95 % CI 1.17-2.37) but did not differ by tumour BRAF status. Approximately 20 % of the association between hysterectomy and thyroid cancer may be mediated by more frequent use of healthcare services.

CONCLUSIONS: The observed increased risk of thyroid cancer among those with hysterectomy may be driven, at least partly, by an altered sex steroid hormone milieu. More frequent healthcare service use by women with hysterectomy accounts for only a small proportion of the association.

PMID:33812322 | DOI:10.1016/j.canep.2021.101931

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Quantitative susceptibility mapping in the thalamus and basal ganglia of systemic lupus erythematosus patients with neuropsychiatric complaints

Neuroimage Clin. 2021 Mar 22;30:102637. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102637. Online ahead of print.


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an auto-immune disease characterized by multi-organ involvement. Although uncommon, central nervous system involvement in SLE, termed neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE), is not an exception. Current knowledge on underlying pathogenic mechanisms is incomplete, however, neuroinflammation is thought to play a critical role. Evidence from neurodegenerative diseases and multiple sclerosis suggests that neuroinflammation is correlated with brain iron accumulation, making quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) a potential hallmark for neuroinflammation in vivo. This study assessed susceptibility values of the thalamus and basal ganglia in (NP)SLE patients and further investigated the in vivo findings with histological analyses of postmortem brain tissue derived from SLE patients. We used a 3T MRI scanner to acquire single-echo T2*-weighted images of 44 SLE patients and 20 age-matched healthy controls. Of the 44 patients with SLE, all had neuropsychiatric complaints, of which 29 were classified as non-NPSLE and 15 as NPSLE (seven as inflammatory NPSLE and eight as ischemic NPSLE). Mean susceptibility values of the thalamus, caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus were calculated. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded post-mortem brain tissue including the putamen and globus pallidus of three additional SLE patients was obtained and stained for iron, microglia and astrocytes. Susceptibility values of SLE patients and age-matched controls showed that iron levels in the thalamus and basal ganglia were not changed due to the disease. No subgroup of SLE showed higher susceptibility values. No correlation was found with disease activity or damage due to SLE. Histological examination of the post-mortem brain showed no increased iron accumulation. Our results suggest that neuroinflammation in NPSLE does not necessarily go hand in hand with iron accumulation, and that the inflammatory pathomechanism in SLE may differ from the one observed in neurodegenerative diseases and in multiple sclerosis.

PMID:33812303 | DOI:10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102637