Nevin Manimala Statistics

Effect of Microscopic Third Ventriculostomy (Lamina Terminalis Fenestration) on Shunt-needed Hydrocephalus in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Prague Med Rep. 2021;122(1):14-24. doi: 10.14712/23362936.2021.2.


There are reports that in patients with aSAH (aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage), LTF (lamina terminalis fenestration) reduces the rate of shunt-needed hydrocephalus via facilitation of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) dynamic, diminished leptomeningeal inflammation, and decreased subarachnoid fibrosis. Regarding the conflicting results, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of LTF on decreased shunt-needed hydrocephalus in patients with aSAH. A cross-sectional retrospective study was carried out to survey all patients with confirmed aSAH operated from March 2011 to September 2016 in an academic vascular center (Rasool Akram Hospital in Tehran, Iran). Of a total of 151 patients, 72 patients were male and 79 were female. The mean age of the participants was 51 years. A transiently CSF diversion (EVD – external ventricular drainage) was performed (the acute hydrocephalus rate) on 21 patients (13.9%). In 36 patients (23.8%), aneurysm occlusion with LTF and in 115 patients (76.2%) only aneurysm occlusion surgery was performed. In hydrocephalus follow-up after surgery, 13 (12%) patients needed shunt insertion (the rate of shunt-needed hydrocephalus). The statistical analysis demonstrated no significant relation between LTF and shunt-needed hydrocephalus. Confirmation of the hypothesis that LTF may decrease the rate of shunt-needed hydrocephalus can significantly decrease morbidity, mortality, and treatment costs of shunting (that is a simple, but a potentially dangerous procedure). So, it is advised to plan and perform an RCT (randomized controlled trial) that can remove the confounding factors, match the groups, and illustrate the exact effect of LTF on shunt-needed hydrocephalus.

PMID:33646938 | DOI:10.14712/23362936.2021.2

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Comparison of the Baska Mask® and Endotracheal Tube on Hemodynamic and Respiratory Parameters in Septoplasty Cases

Prague Med Rep. 2021;122(1):5-13. doi: 10.14712/23362936.2021.1.


Laryngeal mask (LM) types have been used as an airway device for an alternative to the standard endotracheal tube (ETT). One of the novel type of LM, the Baska Mask®, can be a safe alternative among the airway devices. The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the new generation supraglottic airway device the Baska Mask® and the ETT on hemodynamic parameters (heart rate, mean arterial pressure), airway pressure and end tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) in patients undergoing general anesthesia. After the approval of the ethics committee, 70 patients who underwent septoplasty were included in the study. Written informed consent forms were taken from these patients. Demographic data of the patients were recorded. Hemodynamic data of patients were measured and recorded preoperative, during induction, at the time of intubation 1th, 3th and 5th minute and during extubation. Also, airway pressure and EtCO2 values of the patients were measured and recorded at the time of intubation, 1th, 3th and 5th minutes. Demographic data were similar in both groups. Mean arterial pressure, heart rate and airway pressure were lower in the group 2 (the Baska Mask® group) than in the group 1 (ETT group) and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). EtCO2 values were similar in both groups. No patients had tube leakage. In terms of hemodynamic and respiratory parameters the Baska Mask® is more advantageous than the ETT in short-term surgeries.

PMID:33646937 | DOI:10.14712/23362936.2021.1

Nevin Manimala Statistics

In era of online learning, new testing method aims to reduce cheating

Engineers demonstrate how a testing strategy they call ‘distanced online testing’ can effectively reduce students’ ability to receive help from one another in order to score higher on a test taken at individual homes during social distancing.
Nevin Manimala Statistics

Prevalence of statin utilization and adherence among privately insured subjects in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2021 Mar;27(3):392-398. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.3.392.


BACKGROUND: Puerto Ricans are the Hispanic subgroup with the highest adjusted prevalence of statin-eligible patients. However, no study has described statin utilization and adherence among subjects living on the island of Puerto Rico. OBJECTIVES: To (a) estimate the prevalence of beneficiaries with diabetes aged between 40 and 75 years; (b) estimate the prevalence of statin utilization among beneficiaries with diabetes; and (c) estimate secondary adherence to statins among beneficiaries with diabetes. METHODS: With pharmacy claims data from a commercial pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, this study used a retrospective longitudinal design to analyze all pharmacy claims generated by 115,674 beneficiaries aged between 40 and 75 years with continuous enrollment during 2018. Beneficiaries with diabetes were defined by having ≥ 2 pharmacy claims for antidiabetic agents during 2018. Statin utilization was defined by having ≥ 1 pharmacy claim for statins among beneficiaries with diabetes. The proportion of days covered (PDC) was used to measure secondary adherence to statins. Parametric and nonparametric statistics were used to describe statin utilization and adherence. RESULTS: The prevalence of beneficiaries with diabetes was 7.8%. Of the 8,975 beneficiaries with diabetes, 5,129 (57.1%) received ≥ 1 prescription for a statin. Older males with diabetes were more likely to receive prescriptions for statins. The median PDC for the 4,553 beneficiaries with ≥ 2 prescriptions for statins was 63.4%; 3,306 (72.6%) beneficiaries filled their statin prescriptions for a 30-day supply only; and 1,252 (27.5%) beneficiaries had a PDC ≥ 80%. The highest PDC (92.3%) was observed for beneficiaries who received statins for a 90-day supply only. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study that has measured statin utilization and adherence among patients with diabetes living in Puerto Rico. The utilization and adherence to statins among privately insured beneficiaries with diabetes in Puerto Rico are suboptimal. Future studies should focus on understanding the reasons for the suboptimal use of statins and on potential interventions at the beneficiary and provider level to increase statin utilization. DISCLOSURES: No outside funding supported this study. The authors have no conflicts of interest or financial disclosures to disclose related to this study.

PMID:33645248 | DOI:10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.3.392

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Design and effect of performance-based pharmacy payment models

J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2021 Mar;27(3):306-315. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.3.306.


BACKGROUND: Community pharmacy participation in performance-based payment models has increased in recent years. Despite this, there has been neither much research done to evaluate the effect of these models on health care quality and spending nor is there extensive literature on the design of these models. OBJECTIVES: To (a) describe the types of measures used in performance-based pharmacy payment models (PBPPMs); (b) describe the financial impact of PBPPMs on pharmacies; (3) explore pharmacy owners’ perceptions of PBPPMs; and (4) describe any practice changes made in response to PBPPMs. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study that surveyed independent community pharmacy owners between November 2019 and January 2020. The survey included 45 items split into 5 sections that covered respondent characteristics and the 4 domain objectives. Descriptive statistics were used for quantitative responses, and free-text responses were assessed for themes. RESULTS: Of the 68 individuals who responded to the survey, 42 were community pharmacy owners who met the study eligibility criteria, and 30 responded to most survey items. Owners expressed frustration at the design of PBPPMs, with 90% stating that they did not feel that the actions necessary to meet or exceed performance standards were within their control, and 90% also reported a loss of revenue because of these models. In addition, large numbers of respondents felt that they did not have enough information on how performance measures were computed (76.7%) or how cut-points were determined (86.7%). Despite negative feelings, most owners reported implementing changes in service offerings as a result of these models. CONCLUSIONS: PBPPMs appear to be commonplace and put substantial financial burden on community pharmacies. Study results suggest that greater education by payers could improve pharmacist engagement, as could involvement of pharmacies in the design and maintenance of PBPPMs. DISCLOSURES: This work was supported by a grant from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, which was not involved in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; or the decision to submit this article for publication. Urick reports consulting fees from Pharmacy Quality Solutions. The other authors declare no conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

PMID:33645246 | DOI:10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.3.306

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Renal Allograft Biopsy Findings in Live-related Renal Transplant Recipients

J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2021 Feb;31(2):197-201. doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2021.02.197.


OBJECTIVE: To determine the pattern of histopathology in living-related, kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) from a transplant centre in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.

STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive, observational study.

PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Institute of Kidney Diseases, Peshawar, from August 2008 to July 2018.

METHODOLOGY: A retrospective review of graft biopsy reports and clinical charts from living-related, kidney transplant recipients was carried out. Allograft biopsies were done for graft dysfunction with no apparent cause. The biopsy pathology was classified according to updated Banff classifications. The descriptive statistics were used to tabulate the results.

RESULTS: Out of the 55 biopsies, 51 (92.73%) were from males with mean age of 34.35±9.40 years. Out of 52 percutaneous biopsies, 10 (19.23%) belonged to the normal category. Category 2 (borderline rejection) and 3 (acute/active cellular rejection) were seen in three (5.7%) and one (1.9%) cases, respectively. Interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy (Banff Category 5) was observed in 18 (34.62%) cases. Banff Category 6 (others) was seen in 19 (36.5%) cases, in which calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) toxicity was commonest (17 [89.4%] of 19 cases). Mixed lesions were found in 19 (36.5%) cases. Out of the 19 mixed category cases, 12 (63.16%) showed both Category 3 and Category 5 changes with most of the cases showing mild to moderate IF/TA; while one case had severe IF/TA. Three graft nephrectomies were done, one each for recurrent oxalosis, nephroblastoma and fungal infection.

CONCLUSION: Among the studied specimens, mixed lesions were the predominant findings, followed by others (mostly CNI toxicity) and IFTA categories. The frequency of acute/active rejections was low and that of chronic changes higher, in keeping with delayed biopsies. Key Words: Allograft biopsy, Graft dysfunction, Rejection, Kidney.

PMID:33645189 | DOI:10.29271/jcpsp.2021.02.197

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The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Performance of Postgraduate Medical Trainee Doctors: A Nationwide Epidemiological Study in Pakistan

J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2021 Feb;31(2):182-187. doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2021.02.182.


OBJECTIVE: To find out various organizational, personal, and systemic factors influencing the performance of the postgraduate trainee doctors in managing COVID-19 pandemic.

STUDY DESIGN: Analytical cross-sectional study.

PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Conducted in various medical institutions of Pakistan from 15th April to 30th June, 2020.

METHODOLOGY: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on 11,656 postgraduate doctors. They were contacted through the e-log system of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. Semi-structured questionnaire was used consisting of demographic details, presenting symptoms, systemic involvements, clinical features, diagnostic tests, management of cases, authenticity of the information used, telemedicine services, practice of preventive measures, training and interactive educational activities, performance-based tasks and details about workplace environment. Mean and standard deviation was reported for continuous variables. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to report p values.

RESULTS: Among 11,656 postgraduate doctors, 3,193 (27.4%) were directly involved in the management of COVID-19 patients in designated special corona facilities. Multivariate analysis was performed to control confounders. The risk factors, found statistically significant with performance, were presence of comorbidity (OR 1.261; 95% C.I.1.06-1.50), allergic and autoimmune disorders (OR 1.18; 95% C.I.1.03-1.35), confirmed COVID-19 status due to exposure (OR 0.570; 95% C.I.0.41-0.81), and care provision to old parents (OR 1.299; 95% C.I.1.19-1.42).

CONCLUSION: The effect of COVID-19 on performance of postgraduate doctors was multi-factorial. Significant risk factors were presence of a comorbidity, allergic and autoimmune disorders, and confirmed COVID-19 due to exposure. Key Words: COVID 19, Postgraduate trainee, Pandemic, Comorbidity, PCR.

PMID:33645186 | DOI:10.29271/jcpsp.2021.02.182

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Pulmonary Functions in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease and their Effect after Hemodialysis

J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2021 Feb;31(2):144-149. doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2021.02.144.


OBJECTIVE: To determine the pulmonary functions in patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and the associated factors including the acute effects of hemodialysis.

STUDY DESIGN: Observational, cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Nephrology Department in collaboration with Pulmonology Department, Shalamar Hospital, Lahore, from October to November 2019.

METHODOLOGY: All patients of age 18-75 years, on regular hemodialysis (HD) for more than three months, who quitted smoking 10 years back and stable, were included in the study. Demographic data was collected and blood samples were sent for hematological and biochemical laboratory parameters. Pulmonary functions were assessed by spirometry for Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and Forced Expiratory Volume in first second (FEV1) and FVC/FEV1 before and after dialysis.

RESULTS: Out of 102 patients, 62 (60.8%) were males and 79 (77.5%) were on twice-weekly dialysis. DM 44 (43.1%) and chronic glomerulonephritis 21 (19.5%) were the major causes of ESRD in these patients. In this study, FVC and FEV1 were abnormal in majority of the patients 73 (71.6%) and 76 (74.5%), which was statistically significant (p<0.05) supporting restrictive lung disease (RLD). Factors associated with RLD were male gender (p=0.006) and diabetes mellitus (p=0.003). Hemodialysis did not improve pulmonary functions significantly. FEV1 and FVC had a negative correlation with age and body mass index (BMI).

CONCLUSION: Restrictive lung disease is the most common pulmonary dysfunction among ESRD patients. Factors associated with pulmonary dysfunctions were male gender and diabetes mellitus. Hemodialysis did not improve pulmonary functions. Key Words: ESRD, Pulmonary functions, Restrictive lung disease, Fluid overload.

PMID:33645179 | DOI:10.29271/jcpsp.2021.02.144

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Bayesian network Meta-analysis of Chinese medicine injections in treatment of chronic renal insufficiency

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2021 Jan;46(2):454-466. doi: 10.19540/j.cnki.cjcmm.20200622.501.


In this study, Honghua Injection, Danshen Injection, Shenkang Injection, Shuxuetong Injection, Lulutong Injection, Shenxiong Glucose Injection and Chuanxiong Injection were compared for their clinical efficacy on chronic renal insufficiency by using the method of network Meta-analysis, with Western medicine as the common reference. The randomized controlled trial(RCT) of Hong-hua Injection, Danshen Injection, Shenkang Injection, Shuxuetong Injection, Lulutong Injection, Shenxiong Glucose Injection and Chuanxiong Injection for the treatment of chronic renal insufficiency were obtained by computer-based retrieval. The literature quality was evaluated by using the method in Cochrane Reviewer’s Handbook 5.1 after independent screening of the included literature by two reviewers. The RJAGS package and GEMTC package of RevMan 5.3, GEMTC software, R software were used for statistical analysis to compare and sort the different injections in terms of efficacy. A total of 6 197 patients with chronic renal failure were included in 79 RCTs, involving 8 treatment measures. The effective rates of conventional treatment combined with Shenxiong Injection(OR=3.55, 95%CI[1.98, 6.37], P&lt;0.000 1), Honghua Injection(OR=3.77, 95%CI[2.45, 5.81], P&lt;0.000 01), Shuxuetong Injection(OR=6.71, 95%CI[3.30, 13.65], P&lt;0.000 01) and Shenkang Injection(OR=4.14, 95%CI[3.42, 5.03], P&lt;0.000 01) were all better than that in control group, and the effective rate of Honghua Injection combined with conventional treatment(OR=3.89, 95%CI[1.73, 8.74], P=0.001) was better than that in Danshen Injection combined with conventional treatment, all with statistically significant differences. By comprehensive comparison, Shuxuetong Injection, Honghua Injection and Shenkang Injection combined with Western medicine had good clinical effect on the effective rate, serum creatinine reduction and urea nitrogen reduction in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. However, due to the relatively low quality of the included literature, the conclusion has yet to be verified clinically.

PMID:33645135 | DOI:10.19540/j.cnki.cjcmm.20200622.501

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Botanical origin identification of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma based on color digitalization

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2021 Feb;46(4):902-906. doi: 10.19540/j.cnki.cjcmm.20201122.103.


The color characteristic information of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma powder was obtained by spectrophotometer, the feasibility of rapid identification of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma origin based on chromaticity value was studied by statistical analysis. The results of rank correlation analysis showed that a~*(P&lt;0.01), b~*(P&lt;0.01) had significantly correlation with the origin of medicinal herbs, which could be used as two important parameters to distinguish the origin of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, the larger the a~* value, the more red the powder color,and the greater the b~* value, the more yellow the powder color. Meanwhile, through Fisher discriminant analysis, the linear discriminant functions of different genus Rhei Radix et Rhizoma were established, which was Rheum tanguticum=40.666a~*+0.019b~*-213.303, Rh. palmatum=34.121a~*+0.061b~*-151.770, Rh. officinale=28.071a~*+0.113b~*-104.604 3, the coincidence rate of cross-validation was over 95%, among them, the discriminant rate of Rh. tanguticum and Rh. officinale reached 100%;In addition, using the percentile method to analyze the 90% reference value range of three different origin of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, as a result, Rh. tanguticum a~*(10.236 5-10.604 7), b~*(32.294 8-34.841 7); Rh. palmatum a~*(8.602 7-8.770 0), b~*(27.534 8-28.968 6), and Rh. officinale a~*(6.825 7-7.464 3),b~*(21.001 6-27.716 4). According to this study, rank correlation analysis and Fisher discriminant analysis are feasible to distinguish the base of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma in a certain range, and provide some theoretical basis for the identification of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma. It also provides a new method and idea for the identification of other multi-base Chinese medicine.

PMID:33645095 | DOI:10.19540/j.cnki.cjcmm.20201122.103