Nevin Manimala Statistics

Quality evaluation and health risk assessment of karst groundwater in Southwest China

Sci Total Environ. 2024 Jun 28:174371. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174371. Online ahead of print.


Groundwater in karst regions is of immense value due to its vital support for regional ecosystems and residents’ livelihoods. However, it is simultaneously threatened by multi-source pollution from agricultural non-point sources, industrial and domestic point sources, and mining activities. This study focuses on the Guangxi of China, which features typical karst topography, aiming to thoroughly assess the groundwater quality and related health risks in Guangxi, especially identifying the impacts of various key pollution sources on the groundwater environment. A total of 1912 groundwater samples were collected, covering an area of approximately 237,600 km2. The spatial distribution of pollutants was analysed using the Nemeroww index method and Kriging interpolation, while multivariate statistical and cluster analysis methods were employed to identify the main types of pollution sources. Furthermore, based on the human health risk assessment model of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), a risk assessment was conducted for key pollutants. The results revealed widespread heavy metal contamination in Guangxi’s groundwater, particularly with concentrations of Mn, As, Al, Pb reaching up to 9.4 mg/L, 2.483 mg/L, 37.95 mg/L, 4.761 mg/L, respectively, significantly exceeding China’s national Class III groundwater quality standards. Cluster analysis indicated that mining and industrial activities are the primary sources of pollution. The health risk assessment demonstrated that these activities pose a significant risk to public health. The aim of this study is to provide a scientific basis for the protection of the groundwater environment in Guangxi and other karst areas, the formulation of pollution prevention and control strategies, and the optimization of urban and industrial land use layouts. Future research should focus on advanced isotopic and molecular biological techniques to trace pollution sources more precisely and evaluate the effectiveness of pollution control measures.

PMID:38945232 | DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174371

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Application of 3D printing positioning technology in parasagittal meningioma surgery: A single-center retrospective study

World Neurosurg. 2024 Jun 28:S1878-8750(24)01092-1. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.06.134. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of 3D printing positioning technology for resection of parasagittal meningioma.

METHODS: Information related to clinical history, application of 3D printing positioning technology, neuroimaging, surgical related information and postoperative hospital days of consecutive patients with parasagittal meningioma between January 2020 and December 2022 were retrospectively collected. Patients were divided into two groups based on whether the 3D printing positioning technology was applied. The values between groups were statistically compared.

RESULTS: A total of 41 patients were enrolled. In cases using 3D printing positioning technology (14 patients), the location of craniotomy was much better and the postoperative hospital stay was much shorter.

CONCLUSION: The application of 3D printing positioning technology in parasagittal meningioma surgery could improve the location of craniotomy, and reduce the postoperative hospital stay. It is a low-cost positioning technology, and has the potential to be applied to other superficial intracranial tumors.

PMID:38945205 | DOI:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.06.134

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Diet Optimization in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Impact on Disease Relapse and Inflammatory Markers. A 1-year Prospective Trial

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2024 Jun 29;33(2):184-193. doi: 10.15403/jgld-5482.


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recent research has shown that Western-style diets have been associated with an increased risk of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Our aim was to examine the link between an anti-inflammatory diet and the maintenance of IBD remission, as well as to assess the potential therapeutic advantages of this dietary approach in preserving IBD remission.

METHODS: The inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to a total of 189 individuals with IBD, with 21 individuals not meeting the criteria. Therefore, 168 eligible patients were enrolled in the study and allocated to either an anti-inflammatory diet or a regular diet, based on their personal preference.

RESULTS: A cohort of 168 IBD adult patients was recruited for the study: 88 patients with ulcerative colitis and 80 with Crohn’s disease. The intervention group received an anti-inflammatory diet consisting of the removal of red and processed meat, fried foods, high-lactose foods, fast food, white bread, sugar, and vegetable oils rich in omega-6 for a period of 1 year. The clinical response was maintained in 80 patients (95.2%) in the intervention group and in 72 patients (85.7%) in the control group (p-value=0.036). Although not statistically significant, fecal calprotectin was higher in the control group than in the intervention group at follow-up.

CONCLUSIONS: Patients who adhered to an anti-inflammatory diet exhibited a higher rate of maintenance of clinical remission. Furthermore, improvement in inflammation tests was observed in the intervention group, reinforcing the proposition that IBD is a lifestyle-related disease.

PMID:38944867 | DOI:10.15403/jgld-5482

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Clinical Presentation and Treatment Response in Coeliac Disease

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2024 Jun 29;33(2):170-176. doi: 10.15403/jgld-5364.


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The environmental factors, apart from gluten ingestion predisposing to coeliac disease are poorly known. Smoking is associated with many immune-mediated diseases, but research on coeliac disease is scarce. This study aims to investigate how smoking affects the clinical presentation, presence of comorbidities and response to gluten-free diet in coeliac disease.

METHODS: Altogether 815 adults with coeliac disease participated in a nationwide cross-sectional study. Participants were interviewed and smoking habits (never, former, or current smoker), clinical presentation of coeliac disease and presence of comorbidities were elicited. Serology and severity of small bowel mucosal lesions at diagnosis were gathered from the participants’ medical records and follow-up serology was measured. Gastrointestinal symptoms and psychological well-being were assessed using validated questionnaires.

RESULTS: Current smokers were more often male and were diagnosed at younger ages than never or former smokers. There were no differences between the groups in clinical presentation, severity of symptoms or mucosal lesions at diagnosis or in dietary compliance and clinical, serological, and histological recovery. Musculoskeletal disorders, particularly osteoporosis and osteopenia, were more common in never smokers than in other groups (14.5% vs. 5.1% and 4.1%, p<0.001), and cardiovascular disorders were diagnosed more often in former smokers (36.2% vs. 23.5% and 21.9%, p=0.003).

CONCLUSIONS: Smoking does not seem to have an impact on the clinical presentation, severity of symptoms or mucosal damage in coeliac disease. Histological and clinical recovery as well as seroconversion on gluten-free diet are not affected by smoking status.

PMID:38944862 | DOI:10.15403/jgld-5364

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Optimization of ERCP Technique to Improve the Sensitivity of Biliary Brushing: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2024 Jun 29;33(2):254-260. doi: 10.15403/jgld-5376.


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with brush cytology is an important tool in the diagnosis of hepatobiliary malignancies. However, reported sensitivity of brush cytology is suboptimal and differs markedly per study. The aim of this study is to analyze the optimal technique of endobiliary brushing during ERCP.

METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis according was performed using Pubmed, Embase and Cochrane library, and reported reported according to the PRISMA guidelines. The intervention reported should involve ERCP, performed by the endoscopist with a comparison of different brushing techniques. The primary outcome was sensitivity for malignancy. Studies published up to December 2022 were included. Percutaneous techniques and cytological or laboratory techniques for processing of material were excluded. Bias was assessed using the Quadas-2 tool. Pooled sensitivity rates and Forest plots were analyzed for the primary outcome.

RESULTS: A total of 16 studies were included. Three studies reported on brushing before or after dilation of a biliary stricture. No improvement in sensitivity was found. Five studies reported on alternative brush designs. This did not lead to improved sensitivity. Seven studies reported on the aspiration and analysis of bile fluid, which resulted in a 16% increase in sensitivity (95% CI 4-29%). One study reported an increased in the number of brush passes to the stricture, providing an increase in sensitivity of 20%. Substantial heterogeneity between studies was found, both methodological and statistical.

CONCLUSIONS: Increasing the number of brush-passes and sending bile fluid for cytology increases the sensitivity of biliary brushings during ERCP. Dilation before brushing or alternative brush designs did not increase sensitivity.

PMID:38944859 | DOI:10.15403/jgld-5376

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Helicobacter Pylori Prevalence in Communities from Southern Regions of Romania with Limited Access to Health Services: A Cross-sectional Study

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2024 Jun 29;33(2):159-163. doi: 10.15403/jgld-5600.


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection has an unknown prevalence in certain Romanian regions. We aimed to estimate it in communities from Southern regions of Romania with limited access to health services.

METHODS: We designed a cross-sectional study to include adult voluntary participants in the “Health in the neighborhood” medical assistance program. This was offered in villages with deprived healthcare availability from Southern regions of Romania. An immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of H. pylori stool antigen was used for testing.

RESULTS: We included 708 adult voluntary participants in 10 villages, 6 from Muntenia and Oltenia Regions (Southern Romania), 2 from Dobrogea and 2 from Moldova (2.4% of all village inhabitants). H. pylori prevalence in Romanian Southern regions was 28.2%, (95%CI: 24-32.6%), and overall was 27.1%, (95%CI: 23.9-30.6%). There were no significant differences of H. pylori infection pertaining to regions distribution (p=0.711), gender ratio (p=0.779), age distribution (p=0.471) and hemoglobin value (p=0.503).

CONCLUSIONS: H. pylori prevalence in communities from Southern regions of Romania with limited access to health services was 28.2%, 95%CI: 24-32.6%.

PMID:38944851 | DOI:10.15403/jgld-5600

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Phishing in muddy waters: Reeling in methodological flaws in n-3 fatty acid research

Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2024 Jun 20;63:162-163. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2024.06.020. Online ahead of print.


PMID:38944831 | DOI:10.1016/j.clnesp.2024.06.020

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Effects of different training models and subsequent exercise cessation on adipose tissue and associated variables

Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2024 Jun 22;63:133-141. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2024.06.024. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: The General Adaptation Syndrome and the supercompensation Model are concepts widely applied in exercise science. Considering that fat is essential for tissue and the main energy source during continuous moderate-intensity exercise (MICE), the hypothesis arises that this type of effort may pay off after a detraining period.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate how different exercise models, followed by a period of detraining, affected adipose tissue cellularity in adult rats. Two specific models were examined: moderate-intensity continuous exercise (MICE) and high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIT).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is an experimental study in which rats were allocated into three groups: i) Continuous moderate-intensity exercise (MICE); ii) High-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIT); and iii) Control group (GC). Data were collected in three moments, namely: baseline values (T1), after which the animals exercised on a treadmill for eight weeks (T2) and then were followed up for four weeks after interruption of physical exercise (T3). For statistical analysis, a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, with Tukey’s post-hoc for the group (GC, MICE, or HIIT) and Bonferroni’s for the moment (T1, T2 and T3).

RESULTS: Regarding the periepididymal mass, GC showed an increase of 45% in T3 compared to T2. The HIIT and MICE groups had lower T3 values when compared to the CG. Comparing groups relative to the delta variation between T2 and T3 showed a difference in periepididymal mass (p = 0.012), with HIIT showing lower values than CG (p = 0.009). Analysis of the number of periepididymal adipocytes showed that HIIT (p < 0.001) and GC (p = 0.003) captured smaller numbers of cells than MICE.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our findings demonstrated positive effects of both interventions (HIIT and MICE) in the control of periepididymal adipose tissue mass of adult rats after 4 weeks of exercise interruption, with less mass gain in HIIT. More adipocytes were observed in MICE compared to HIIT and GC. These results suggest that both exercise models helped control fat accumulation, even after detraining.

PMID:38944827 | DOI:10.1016/j.clnesp.2024.06.024

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Comment on: influence of the time-task constraint on ocular metrics of semi-elite soccer

Sci Med Footb. 2024 Jun 30:1-3. doi: 10.1080/24733938.2024.2374804. Online ahead of print.


This letter offers a constructive review of the article ‘Influence of the time-task constraint on ocular metrics of semi-elite soccer’ by Luis-del Campo et al. (2023), focusing on methodological considerations and avenues for future research enhancement. The study investigates the impact of task constraints on eye-tracking metrics among semi-elite soccer players, aiming to gauge mental workload during training sessions. While the study presents valuable insights, there are opportunities for methodological refinement. Suggestions include emphasizing sample size determination, randomization of the experimental conditions, and employing robust statistical analyses to mitigate potential biases. Moreover, future studies could benefit from integrating external load measures alongside heart rate monitoring to comprehensively assess training task variations. Despite these considerations, the study underscores the promising application of eye-tracking techniques in evaluating mental workload during soccer training, paving the way for further exploration and refinement of methodologies to enhance player performance assessment and training optimization in the field.

PMID:38944826 | DOI:10.1080/24733938.2024.2374804

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The practice of exclusive enteral nutrition in children with Crohn’s disease

Orv Hetil. 2024 Jun 30;165(26):1002-1009. doi: 10.1556/650.2024.33053. Print 2024 Jun 30.


Bevezetés: A kizárólagos enteralis táplálás az elsőként választandó indukciós kezelés gyermekkori, kis kockázatú, luminalis Crohn-betegségben. A Magyar Gyermekkori Gyulladásos Bélbetegség Regiszter adatai alapján ezt a terápiát egyre több centrumban alkalmazzák. Nemzetközi felmérések szerint a kizárólagos enteralis táplálás gyakorlati megvalósítása igen eltérő az egyes centrumokban. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a kizárólagos enteralis táplálás hazai gyakorlatának és az ezzel kapcsolatos nehézségeknek a felmérése volt. Módszer: Online kérdőív alkalmazásával mértük fel a kizárólagos enteralis táplálás gyakorlatát. A 26 kérdésből álló kérdőívet 34 gyermek-gasztroenterológusnak küldtük el. Eredmények: A kérdőívet 21-en (62%) töltötték ki, és a kitöltők minden kérdésre válaszoltak. A válaszadó kollégák több mint fele (57%) mindig kizárólagos enteralis táplálást javasol indukciós kezelésként frissen diagnosztizált Crohn-beteg gyermekeknek. A válaszolók 66,7%-a Crohn-betegek számára fejlesztett, speciális tápszert alkalmaz (66,7%), és többségük a tápszer mellett csak víz fogyasztását engedélyezi (61,9%). Néhányan jóváhagyják keménycukorka, rágógumi vagy tiszta folyadék fogyasztását. Negyedük alkalmaz szondatáplálást oralis intolerancia esetén. Relapsus esetén a megkérdezettek 50%-a javasol ismételten kizárólagos enteralis táplálást. A válaszadók 62%-át segíti dietetikus a munkája során. Következtetés: Összességében elmondható, hogy a hazai gyermek-gasztroenterológusok a nemzetközi gyakorlathoz hasonló arányban, az aktuális ajánlásokat követve alkalmazzák a kizárólagos enteralis táplálást Crohn-betegségben. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(26): 1002–1009.

PMID:38944825 | DOI:10.1556/650.2024.33053