Nevin Manimala Statistics

Improved objective Bayesian estimator for a PLP model hierarchically represented subject to competing risks under minimal repair regime

PLoS One. 2021 Aug 12;16(8):e0255944. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255944. eCollection 2021.


In this paper, we propose a hierarchical statistical model for a single repairable system subject to several failure modes (competing risks). The paper describes how complex engineered systems may be modelled hierarchically by use of Bayesian methods. It is also assumed that repairs are minimal and each failure mode has a power-law intensity. Our proposed model generalizes another one already presented in the literature and continues the study initiated by us in another published paper. Some properties of the new model are discussed. We conduct statistical inference under an objective Bayesian framework. A simulation study is carried out to investigate the efficiency of the proposed methods. Finally, our methodology is illustrated by two practical situations currently addressed in a project under development arising from a partnership between Petrobras and six research institutes.

PMID:34383829 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0255944

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Evaluating the distribution of African swine fever virus within a feed mill environment following manufacture of inoculated feed

PLoS One. 2021 Aug 12;16(8):e0256138. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256138. eCollection 2021.


It is critical to understand the role feed manufacturing may have regarding potential African swine fever virus (ASFV) transmission, especially given the evidence that feed and/or ingredients may be potential vectors. The objective of the study was to evaluate the distribution of ASFV in a feed mill following manufacture of contaminated feed. To accomplish this, a pilot-scale feed mill consisting of a mixer, bucket elevator, and spouting was constructed in a BSL-3Ag facility. First, a batch of ASFV-free feed was manufactured, followed by a batch of feed that had an ASFV-contaminated ingredient added to feed, which was then mixed and discharged from the equipment. Subsequently, four additional ASFV-free batches of feed were manufactured using the same equipment. Environmental swabs from 18 locations within the BSL-3Ag room were collected after each batch of feed was discharged. The locations of the swabs were categorized into four zones: 1) feed contact surface, 2) non-feed contact surface < 1 meter away from feed, 3) non-feed contact surface > 1 meter from feed, and 4) transient surfaces. Environmental swabs were analyzed using a qPCR specific for the ASFV p72 gene and reported as genomic copy number (CN)/mL of environmental swab processing buffer. Genomic copies were transformed with a log10 function for statistical analysis. There was no evidence of a zone × batch interaction for log10 genomic CN/mL (P = 0.625) or cycle threshold (Ct) value (P = 0.608). Sampling zone impacted the log10 p72 genomic CN/mL (P < 0.0001) and Ct values (P < 0.0001), with a greater amount of viral genome detected on transient surfaces compared to other surfaces (P < 0.05). This study illustrates that once ASFV enters the feed mill environment it becomes widespread and movement of people can significantly contribute to the spread of ASFV in a feed mill environment.

PMID:34383843 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0256138

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A comparison of comorbidity measures for predicting mortality after elective hip and knee replacement: A cohort study of data from the National Joint Registry in England and Wales

PLoS One. 2021 Aug 12;16(8):e0255602. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255602. eCollection 2021.


BACKGROUND: The risk of mortality following elective total hip (THR) and knee replacements (KR) may be influenced by patients’ pre-existing comorbidities. There are a variety of scores derived from individual comorbidities that can be used in an attempt to quantify this. The aims of this study were to a) identify which comorbidity score best predicts risk of mortality within 90 days or b) determine which comorbidity score best predicts risk of mortality at other relevant timepoints (30, 45, 120 and 365 days).

PATIENTS AND METHODS: We linked data from the National Joint Registry (NJR) on primary elective hip and knee replacements performed between 2011-2015 with pre-existing conditions recorded in the Hospital Episodes Statistics. We derived comorbidity scores (Charlson Comorbidity Index-CCI, Elixhauser, Hospital Frailty Risk Score-HFRS). We used binary logistic regression models of all-cause mortality within 90-days and within 30, 45, 120 and 365-days of the primary operation using, adjusted for age and gender. We compared the performance of these models in predicting all-cause mortality using the area under the Receiver-operator characteristics curve (AUROC) and the Index of Prediction Accuracy (IPA).

RESULTS: We included 276,594 elective primary THRs and 338,287 elective primary KRs for any indication. Mortality within 90-days was 0.34% (N = 939) after THR and 0.26% (N = 865) after KR. The AUROC for the CCI and Elixhauser scores in models of mortality ranged from 0.78-0.81 after THR and KR, which slightly outperformed models with ASA grade (AUROC = 0.77-0.78). HFRS performed similarly to ASA grade (AUROC = 0.76-0.78). The inclusion of comorbidities prior to the primary operation offers no improvement beyond models with comorbidities at the time of the primary. The discriminative ability of all prediction models was best for mortality within 30 days and worst for mortality within 365 days.

CONCLUSIONS: Comorbidity scores add little improvement beyond simpler models with age, gender and ASA grade for predicting mortality within one year after elective hip or knee replacement. The additional patient-specific information required to construct comorbidity scores must be balanced against their prediction gain when considering their utility.

PMID:34383814 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0255602

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Epiphora before and after upper eyelid functional blepharoplasty: A retrospective cohort study

PLoS One. 2021 Aug 12;16(8):e0255988. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255988. eCollection 2021.


Epiphora and dermatochalasis are common presentations in the ophthalmology clinic. To evaluate the change of epiphora before and after functional blepharoplasty, this retrospective cohort study reviewed 39 medical records of epiphora patients who underwent upper blepharoplasty. Severity of epiphora using MUNK score was collected and compared between before and at 6 months after blepharoplasty. The analysis model was performed to measure tear breakup time (TBUT) and frequency of artificial tears use. Subgroups of subjects before blepharoplasty to short baseline TBUT (≤ 10 seconds) and long TBUT (≥ 10 seconds) were also evaluated for the MUNK score change. From the analysis of 39 patients, the results showed a statistically significant decrease in post blepharoplasty MUNK score compared to the baseline (all P < 0.001). There was no significant difference between baseline and post-operative TBUT (P > 0.05). Twenty patients were in the short TBUT group and 19 in the long TBUT group. The reduction of MUNK score after blepharoplasty in the short TBUT group was not different to the long TBUT group (P = 0.50, 95% CI -0.84 to 0.41). However, in short TBUT group, frequency of artificial tears use after surgery was less than pre-operation. From the study, upper eyelid blepharoplasty might be one technique reducing the bothersome epiphora in dermatochalasis patients.

PMID:34383823 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0255988

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Assessment of crop damage by rodent pests from experimental barley crop fields in Farta District, South Gondar, Ethiopia

PLoS One. 2021 Aug 12;16(8):e0255372. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255372. eCollection 2021.


This study was conducted in Farta district, south Gondar from 2019 to 2020 cropping years to identify rodent pest species and estimate damage caused on barley crops. Four independent barley crop fields (40 x 40 m each) were sampled randomly to estimate the loss. Two were located near Alemsaga Priority State Forest and the other two were away from the forest. Four (2 x 2 m) rodent exclusion plots were established at 10 m interval as control units in each selected experimental barley fields using fine wire mesh. Rodent pest species were collected using both Sherman and snap traps throughout the different crop growing stages. The damaged and undamaged barley tillers by pest rodents were counted on five 1 x 1 m randomly sampled quadrats for each selected experimental fields. Variations on pest rodent population between cropping years and sites were analyzed using Chi square test. The mean crop damages between cropping years and experimental field sites were analyzed using two way ANOVA. Arvicanthis abyssinicus, Mastomys natalensis, Arvicanthis dembeensis, Mus musculus, Lophuromys simensis, Tachyoryctes splendens and Hystrix cristata were identified as pest rodents in the study area. A total of 968 individual rodents (427 in 2019 and 541 in 2020) were trapped during the study period. There was a statistical variation (χ2 = 13.42, df = 1 and P<0.05) between trapped individuals of the two successive years. The crop fields near the forest were more vulnerable than away from the forest during both cropping years. Statistical variations was observed on mean crop losses between cropping years and experimental barley crop sites. The highest crop damage was seen at maturity stage and the lowest during sowing in all experimental plots and cropping years. The percentage of barley yield loss due to rodent pests was 21.7 kg ha-1. The monetary value of this yield loss was equivalent to 4875 Birr (121.9 US$ h-1). Alemsaga Forest as shelter and conservation strategies like free of farmland from livestock and terracing for soil conservation have great role for the high rodent pest populations in the study area. Field sanitation, trapping and using restricted rodenticides like zinc phosphide are the possible recommendation to local farmers against rodent pests.

PMID:34383810 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0255372

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A study of the effectiveness of the bilateral and contralateral occult inguinal hernia repair by total extraperitoneal repair with intraperitoneal examination

Asian J Endosc Surg. 2021 Aug 11. doi: 10.1111/ases.12976. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Of the various methods used, the laparoscopic surgical repair of inguinal hernias is widely performed. We aimed to estimate the incidence of bilateral and contralateral occult inguinal hernias in our surgical population and to compare the results of total extraperitoneal repair (TEP) for bilateral and unilateral inguinal hernias, occult and non-occult hernias.

METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed data of patients who underwent TEP for the repair of adult inguinal hernias from January 2012 to November 2018 in our hospital.

RESULTS: Of the data of 259 patients included, 134 (51.7%) and 125 (48.3%) had unilateral and bilateral inguinal hernias, respectively, while 70 patients (27%) were found to have a contralateral occult inguinal hernia, intraoperatively. The mean operative time was 129 ± 48 minutes (range, 43-300 minutes) and 167 ± 55 minutes (range, 85-390 minutes) for the unilateral and bilateral groups, respectively, indicating a significantly longer duration of surgery for the bilateral group (P < .05). Recurrence occurred in 1.5% (5/134) and 0.4% (1/250) of the operated hernias in the unilateral and the bilateral groups, respectively, indicating a significantly lower rate of recurrence in the latter group (P < .05). The two groups showed no statistically significant differences with respect to the remaining perioperative data. The incidence of postoperative complications in occult hernias was not significantly different from that in non-occult hernias.

CONCLUSIONS: Our TEP method, involving a laparoscopic exploration from the intraperitoneal side, can be safely and effectively utilized for the repair of both bilateral and contralateral occult inguinal hernias.

PMID:34382753 | DOI:10.1111/ases.12976

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Handling missing data in a rheumatoid arthritis registry using random forest approach

Int J Rheum Dis. 2021 Aug 12. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.14203. Online ahead of print.


Missing data in clinical epidemiological research violate the intention-to-treat principle, reduce the power of statistical analysis, and can introduce bias if the cause of missing data is related to a patient’s response to treatment. Multiple imputation provides a solution to predict the values of missing data. The main objective of this study is to estimate and impute missing values in patient records. The data from the Kuwait Registry for Rheumatic Diseases was used to deal with missing values among patient records. A number of methods were implemented to deal with missing data; however, choosing the best imputation method was judged by the lowest root mean square error (RMSE). Among 1735 rheumatoid arthritis patients, we found missing values vary from 5% to 65.5% of the total observations. The results show that sequential random forest method can estimate these missing values with a high level of accuracy. The RMSE varied between 2.5 and 5.0. missForest had the lowest imputation error for both continuous and categorical variables under each missing data rate (10%, 20%, and 30%) and had the smallest prediction error difference when the models used the imputed laboratory values.

PMID:34382756 | DOI:10.1111/1756-185X.14203

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Detection of pathogens in blood or feces of adult horses with enteric disease and association with outcome of colitis

J Vet Intern Med. 2021 Aug 12. doi: 10.1111/jvim.16238. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Rates of detecting ≥1 potential enteric pathogens (PEP) or toxins (PEP-T) in feces, blood, or both of horses ≥6 months of age with enteric disease and impact of multiple detections on outcome of horses with colitis has not been reported.

OBJECTIVE: To determine detection rates of PEP/PEP-T in feces, blood, or both of horses with enteric disease and effect of detecting multiple agents on outcome of horses with colitis.

ANIMALS: Thirty-seven hundred fifty-three fecal samples submitted to IDEXX Laboratories and 239 fecal and blood samples submitted to Michigan State University’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (MSUVDL).

METHODS: Retrospective evaluation of PEP/PEP-T testing results was performed to determine rates of detection of 1 or more PEP/PEP-T. Impact of detecting multiple agents on outcome was assessed in 239 horses hospitalized for colitis.

RESULTS: One or more PEP/PEP-T was detected in 1175/3753 (31.3%) and 145/239 (60.7%) of samples submitted to IDEXX Laboratories and MSUVDL, respectively. In a hospitalized cohort, survival to discharge was lower (76%) in horses with 1 agent, compared to horses with either no (88%) or multiple (89%) agents. There was no difference (P = .78) in days of hospitalization between horses with 0 (1-17), 1 (1-33), and > 1 positive (1-20) result. There was no difference in cost of hospitalization (P = .25) between horses with 0 ($2357, $1110-15 553), 1 ($2742, $788-11 005), and >1 positive ($2560, $1091-10 895) result.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Detection rates of PEP/PEP-T in horses with colitis vary with cohorts and tests performed. Detection of more than 1 PEP or PEP-T did not affect outcome.

PMID:34382708 | DOI:10.1111/jvim.16238

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Diffusion Tensor Imaging Reveals Altered Topological Efficiency of Structural Networks in Type-2 Diabetes Patients With and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment

J Magn Reson Imaging. 2021 Aug 12. doi: 10.1002/jmri.27884. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Some patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) progress towards mild cognitive impairment (MCI), while some patients can always maintain normal cognitive function. Network topologic alterations at global and nodal levels between T2DM individuals with and without cognitive impairment may underlie the difference.

PURPOSE: To investigate the topological alterations of the whole-brain white matter (WM) structural connectome in T2DM patients with and without MCI and characterize its relationship with disease severity.

STUDY TYPE: Cross-sectional and prospective study.

SUBJECTS: Forty-four (63.6% females) T2DM patients, 22 with mild cognitive impairment (DM-MCI) and 22 with normal cognition (DM-NC), and 34 (58.8% females) healthy controls (HC).

FIELD STRENGTH/SEQUENCE: 3 T/diffusion tensor imaging.

ASSESSMENT: Graph theoretical analysis was used to investigate the topological organization of the structural networks. The global topological properties and nodal efficiency were investigated and compared. Relationship between network metrics and clinical measurements was characterized.

STATISTICAL TESTS: Student’s t-test, chi-square test, ANOVA, partial correlation analyses, and multiple comparisons correction.

RESULTS: The global topological organization of WM networks was significantly disrupted in T2DM patients with cognitive impairment (reduced global and local efficiency and increased shortest path length) but not in those with normal cognition, compared with controls. The DM-MCI group had significantly decreased network efficiency compared with the DM-NC group. Compared with controls, decreased nodal efficiency was detected in three regions in DM-NC group. More regions with decreased nodal efficiency were found in the DM-MCI group. Altered global network properties and nodal efficiency of some regions were correlated with diabetic duration, HbA1c levels, and cognitive assessment scores.

DATA CONCLUSION: The more disrupted WM connections and weaker organized network are found in DM-MCI patients relative to DM-NC patients and controls. Network analyses provide information for the neuropathology of cognitive decline in T2DM patients. Altered nodal efficiency may act as potential markers for early detection of T2DM-related MCI.


PMID:34382716 | DOI:10.1002/jmri.27884

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Development and validation of a patient experience of care survey for emergency departments

Health Serv Res. 2021 Aug 12. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13853. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: To (1) develop a survey to assess the patient experience of care in hospital-based emergency departments (ED) and (2) evaluate the reliability and validity of composite measures of patient experience using data collected through the experimental implementation of the newly developed Emergency Department Patient Experience of Care (EDPEC) Discharged to Community (DTC) Survey.

DATA SOURCE: 4893 adult patients were treated in the ED of 16 hospitals across the United States in 2018.

STUDY DESIGN: The study utilized a cross-sectional survey.

DATA COLLECTION: Survey development activities included a literature review, focus groups, and cognitive interviews with recently discharged ED patients, technical expert panels, and multiple field experiments. Survey development resulted in a 34-item instrument; the analysis reported here focuses on 18 items on patient experience of care. Using data from the EDPEC DTC Survey in the 2018 Feasibility Test, we performed confirmatory factor analysis to group 15 evaluative survey items into composite measures. We examined internal consistency reliability, interunit reliability, and associations between each composite measure and patients’ overall rating and willingness to recommend the ED.

PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Analyses of 15 evaluative items identified four composite measures: Getting Timely Care, How Well Doctors and Nurses Communicate, Communication about Medications, and Communication about Follow-up. Patient-level internal consistency reliability exceeded 0.75 for two of four composites; ED-level internal consistency reliability exceeded 0.83 for all four composites. Interunit reliability estimates indicated that 450 survey completes per ED results in at least 0.70 reliability for all composites. Higher scores on each composite were associated with higher overall ratings and willingness to recommend the ED.

CONCLUSIONS: The composite measures derived from the EDPEC DTC Survey are statistically reliable and valid. These results provide guidance for EDPEC DTC Survey adopters on how to construct meaningful and psychometrically-sound composite measures for monitoring the quality of care they provide.

PMID:34382685 | DOI:10.1111/1475-6773.13853