Nevin Manimala Statistics

Central rib and the nutritive value of leaves in forage grasses

Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 8;11(1):5440. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84844-z.


In grasses, leaf expansion and central rib growth occur in a non-proportional manner, with potential implications to the nutritive value of leaves. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship among blade length, percentage of central rib, anatomical characteristics and the nutritive value along the length of leaf blades of different sizes and hierarchical order of insertion on the tiller axis of Napier elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Napier). Two experiments were carried out with isolated growing plants during the summer of 2017 (January to March). Central rib mass increased linearly with the increase in leaf blade mass and its percentage relative to blade mass decreased from the base to the tip of the leaf. There were no significant variations in anatomical characteristics along the length of leaf blades when central rib was not taken into account. The central rib showed negative relationship with nutritive value. The apical portions of long leaves showed similar digestibility to short leaves. The multivariate analysis of Cluster and Principal Components grouped the response variables according to leaf hierarchical order, final blade length and percentage of structural tissues, highlighting the relationship between leaf size, structural tissues and nutritive value.

PMID:33686178 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-84844-z

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Genetic correlates of socio-economic status influence the pattern of shared heritability across mental health traits

Nat Hum Behav. 2021 Mar 8. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01053-4. Online ahead of print.


Epidemiological studies show high comorbidity between different mental health problems, indicating that individuals with a diagnosis of one disorder are more likely to develop other mental health problems. Genetic studies reveal substantial sharing of genetic factors across mental health traits. However, mental health is also genetically correlated with socio-economic status (SES), and it is therefore important to investigate and disentangle the genetic relationship between mental health and SES. We used summary statistics from large genome-wide association studies (average N ~ 160,000) to estimate the genetic overlap across nine psychiatric disorders and seven substance use traits and explored the genetic influence of three different indicators of SES. Using genomic structural equation modelling, we show significant changes in patterns of genetic correlations after partialling out SES-associated genetic variation. Our approach allows the separation of disease-specific genetic variation and genetic variation shared with SES, thereby improving our understanding of the genetic architecture of mental health.

PMID:33686200 | DOI:10.1038/s41562-021-01053-4

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Partial hepatectomy enhances the growth of CC531 rat colorectal cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo

Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 8;11(1):5356. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85082-z.


Partial hepatectomy (PHx) is the gold standard for the treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases. However, after removing a substantial amount of hepatic tissue, growth factors are released to induce liver regeneration, which may promote the proliferation of liver micrometastases or circulating tumour cells still present in the patient. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of PHx on the growth of liver metastases induced by intrasplenic cell inoculation as well as on in vitro proliferation of the same cancer cell line. Liver tumours were induced in 18 WAG/RijHsd male rats, by seeding 250,000 syngeneic colorectal cancer cells (CC531) into the spleen. The left lateral lobe of the liver was mobilized and in half of the animals it was removed to achieve a 40% hepatectomy. Twenty-eight days after tumour induction, the animals were sacrificed and the liver was removed and sliced to assess the relative tumour surface area (RTSA%). CC531 cells were cultured in presence of foetal calf serum, non-hepatectomised (NRS) or hepatectomized rat serum (HRS), and their proliferation rate at 24, 48, and 72 h was measured. RTSA% was significantly higher in animals which had undergone PHx than in the controls (non-hepatectomised) (46.98 ± 8.76% vs. 18.73 ± 5.65%; p < 0.05). Analysing each lobe separately, this difference in favour of hepatectomized animals was relevant and statistically significant in the paramedian and caudate lobes. But in the right lobe the difference was scarce and not significant. In vitro, 2.5% HRS achieved stronger proliferative rates than the control cultures (10% FCS) or their equivalent of NRS. In this experimental model, a parallelism has been shown between the effect of PHx on the growth of colorectal cancer cells in the liver and the effect of the serum on those cells in vitro.

PMID:33686132 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-85082-z

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Association between medication adherence and intrapatient variability in tacrolimus concentration among stable kidney transplant recipients

Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 8;11(1):5397. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84868-5.


This study analyzed the association between medication adherence and the intrapatient variability (IPV) of tacrolimus concentrations among kidney transplant recipients through a post hoc analysis of the dataset from a recently conducted randomized controlled trial. Among 138 patients enrolled in the original trial, 92 patients with ≥ 5 months of medication event monitoring system (MEMS) use and ≥ 4 tacrolimus trough values were included in this post hoc analysis. The variability of tacrolimus trough levels was calculated using coefficient variation (CV) and mean absolute deviation. Adherence was assessed using MEMS and self-report via the Basal Assessment of Adherence to Immunosuppressive Medication Scale. There were no statistically significant differences in the CV [median 16.5% [interquartile range 11.6-25.5%] and 16.0% [11.5-23.5%], respectively, P = .602] between the nonadherent (n = 59) and adherent groups (n = 33). There was also no significant correlation between the CV and adherence detected by MEMS (taking adherence, ρ = – 0.067, P = .527; dosing adherence, ρ = – 0.098, P = .352; timing adherence, ρ = – 0.113, P = .284). Similarly, adherence measured by self-report did not significantly affect the IPV (P = .452). In this post hoc analysis, nonadherent behavior, measured through electronic monitoring or self-report, did not affect the IPV.

PMID:33686160 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-84868-5

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Characterisation, identification, clustering, and classification of disease

Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 8;11(1):5405. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84860-z.


The importance of quantifying the distribution and determinants of multimorbidity has prompted novel data-driven classifications of disease. Applications have included improved statistical power and refined prognoses for a range of respiratory, infectious, autoimmune, and neurological diseases, with studies using molecular information, age of disease incidence, and sequences of disease onset (“disease trajectories”) to classify disease clusters. Here we consider whether easily measured risk factors such as height and BMI can effectively characterise diseases in UK Biobank data, combining established statistical methods in new but rigorous ways to provide clinically relevant comparisons and clusters of disease. Over 400 common diseases were selected for analysis using clinical and epidemiological criteria, and conventional proportional hazards models were used to estimate associations with 12 established risk factors. Several diseases had strongly sex-dependent associations of disease risk with BMI. Importantly, a large proportion of diseases affecting both sexes could be identified by their risk factors, and equivalent diseases tended to cluster adjacently. These included 10 diseases presently classified as “Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified”. Many clusters are associated with a shared, known pathogenesis, others suggest likely but presently unconfirmed causes. The specificity of associations and shared pathogenesis of many clustered diseases provide a new perspective on the interactions between biological pathways, risk factors, and patterns of disease such as multimorbidity.

PMID:33686097 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-84860-z

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Hypertension in neonates treated with intravitreal bevacizumab for retinopathy of prematurity

J Perinatol. 2021 Mar 8. doi: 10.1038/s41372-021-01021-w. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: To investigate if preterm neonates developed systemic hypertension after intravitreal bevacizumab for retinopathy of prematurity.

METHODS: Patients who received treatment between January 1, 2011 and January 31, 2019 were eligible for inclusion. Patients with pre-existing hypertension, congenital eye disease, or who were discharged within 72 h of treatment were excluded. Charts were reviewed for baseline data, co-morbidities, and the development of systemic hypertension within 4 weeks post treatment.

RESULTS: After exclusions, 64 patients were analyzed. New-onset systemic hypertension was identified in 44 (69%) infants. There were no statistical differences in the demographic characteristics or presence of co-morbidities between the hypertensive and non-hypertensive groups. Of those who developed hypertension, the majority presented within the first week post treatment (55%).

CONCLUSIONS: The majority of infants who received intravitreal bevacizumab developed new-onset systemic hypertension after treatment. Further studies may explore hypertension as a potential side effect of bevacizumab in the neonatal population.

PMID:33686120 | DOI:10.1038/s41372-021-01021-w

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A first-passage approach to diffusion-influenced reversible binding and its insights into nanoscale signaling at the presynapse

Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 8;11(1):5377. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84340-4.


Synaptic transmission between neurons is governed by a cascade of stochastic calcium ion reaction-diffusion events within nerve terminals leading to vesicular release of neurotransmitter. Since experimental measurements of such systems are challenging due to their nanometer and sub-millisecond scale, numerical simulations remain the principal tool for studying calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release driven by electrical impulses, despite the limitations of time-consuming calculations. In this paper, we develop an analytical solution to rapidly explore dynamical stochastic reaction-diffusion problems based on first-passage times. This is the first analytical model that accounts simultaneously for relevant statistical features of calcium ion diffusion, buffering, and its binding/unbinding reaction with a calcium sensor for synaptic vesicle fusion. In particular, unbinding kinetics are shown to have a major impact on submillisecond sensor occupancy probability and therefore cannot be neglected. Using Monte Carlo simulations we validated our analytical solution for instantaneous calcium influx and that through voltage-gated calcium channels. We present a fast and rigorous analytical tool that permits a systematic exploration of the influence of various biophysical parameters on molecular interactions within cells, and which can serve as a building block for more general cell signaling simulators.

PMID:33686123 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-84340-4

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Standardizing human brain parcellations

Sci Data. 2021 Mar 8;8(1):78. doi: 10.1038/s41597-021-00849-3.


Using brain atlases to localize regions of interest is a requirement for making neuroscientifically valid statistical inferences. These atlases, represented in volumetric or surface coordinate spaces, can describe brain topology from a variety of perspectives. Although many human brain atlases have circulated the field over the past fifty years, limited effort has been devoted to their standardization. Standardization can facilitate consistency and transparency with respect to orientation, resolution, labeling scheme, file storage format, and coordinate space designation. Our group has worked to consolidate an extensive selection of popular human brain atlases into a single, curated, open-source library, where they are stored following a standardized protocol with accompanying metadata, which can serve as the basis for future atlases. The repository containing the atlases, the specification, as well as relevant transformation functions is available in the neuroparc OSF registered repository or .

PMID:33686079 | DOI:10.1038/s41597-021-00849-3

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Key factors in a rigorous longitudinal image-based assessment of retinopathy of prematurity

Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 8;11(1):5369. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84723-7.


To describe a database of longitudinally graded telemedicine retinal images to be used as a comparator for future studies assessing grader recall bias and ability to detect typical progression (e.g. International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ICROP) stages) as well as incremental changes in retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Cohort comprised of retinal images from 84 eyes of 42 patients who were sequentially screened for ROP over 6 consecutive weeks in a telemedicine program and then followed to vascular maturation or treatment, and then disease stabilization. De-identified retinal images across the 6 weekly exams (2520 total images) were graded by an ROP expert based on whether ROP had improved, worsened, or stayed the same compared to the prior week’s images, corresponding to an overall clinical “gestalt” score. Subsequently, we examined which parameters might have influenced the examiner’s ability to detect longitudinal change; images were graded by the same ROP expert by image view (central, inferior, nasal, superior, temporal) and by retinal components (vascular tortuosity, vascular dilation, stage, hemorrhage, vessel growth), again determining if each particular retinal component or ROP in each image view had improved, worsened, or stayed the same compared to the prior week’s images. Agreement between gestalt scores and view, component, and component by view scores was assessed using percent agreement, absolute agreement, and Cohen’s weighted kappa statistic to determine if any of the hypothesized image features correlated with the ability to predict ROP disease trajectory in patients. The central view showed substantial agreement with gestalt scores (κ = 0.63), with moderate agreement in the remaining views. Of retinal components, vascular tortuosity showed the most overall agreement with gestalt (κ = 0.42-0.61), with only slight to fair agreement for all other components. This is a well-defined ROP database graded by one expert in a real-world setting in a masked fashion that correlated with the actual (remote in time) exams and known outcomes. This provides a foundation for subsequent study of telemedicine’s ability to longitudinally assess ROP disease trajectory, as well as for potential artificial intelligence approaches to retinal image grading, in order to expand patient access to timely, accurate ROP screening.

PMID:33686091 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-84723-7

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Clinical Analysis of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome Complicated by Plastic Bronchitis in Children

Klin Padiatr. 2021 Mar;233(2):63-68. doi: 10.1055/a-1288-3670. Epub 2021 Mar 8.


OBJECTIVE: To summarize the clinical features of primary nephrotic syndrome (PNS) complicated by plastic bronchitis (PB) in children to provide guidance for treatment.

METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of the clinical data of 25 children hospitalized with NS complicated by PB in our Hospital between 10/2016 and 03/2019, and summarized the clinical manifestations, imaging and fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) examinations, treatment course and outcome of them.

RESULTS: 1). The 25 children, with a nephrotic syndrome (NS) course of one to 36 months, were all diagnosed with PB after FOB, among which 8 cases (32%) had respiratory failure and required ventilatory support. All of them started with respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough, and then suffered from dyspnea and progressive aggravation after 1-3 day(s) of onset, with rapid occurrence of bidirectional dyspnea and even respiratory failure in severe cases. 2). Laboratory test for pathogens: influenza A virus H1N1 (11 cases), influenza B virus (9 cases), adenovirus (3 cases) and mycoplasma pneumoniae (2 cases). There was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) between children with common NS complicated by influenza virus (IV) infection (not accompanied by dyspnea) and those with kidney disease who developed PB in the white blood cell count, lymphocyte count, the inflammatory biomarkers C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) and humoral immunity (IgG level), yet the total IgG level was found significantly higher and the blood albumin level lower in the latter (P<0.05). 3). The 25 children were all examined with the FOB and treated with lavage, 15 of which had typical bronchial tree-like casts and 10 broken and stringy casts. Based on histopathological classification, all children were of Type I. 4). Twenty children (80%) with influenza were administered the antiviral drug Oseltamivir, 20 (80%) were treated with antibiotics, oral hormones were replaced with the same dosage of intravenous Methylprednisolone for 5 cases (20%), and 20 (80%) were intravenously administered gamma globulins (400-500 mg/kg x 3 days). These children showed a remarkable improvement after treatment and there were no deaths.

CONCLUSION: NS children are at high risk of influenza virus infection. Children with a severe case of NS are more susceptible to PB. If symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing and progressive bidirectional dyspnea occur, FOB examination and lavage treatment should be performed as early as possible. Hyper-IgE-emia and hypoproteinemia may be the high risk factors for PNS complicated by PB in children. ZIEL: Ziel der Studie war es, durch Zusammenfassung der klinischen Merkmale des primären nephrotischen Syndroms (PNS) mit komplizierender plastischer Bronchitis (PB) im Kindesalter eine Orientierungshilfe für die Therapie der Erkrankung zu geben.

METHODIK: Wir führten eine retrospektive Prüfung der klinischen Daten von 25 Kindern durch, die zwischen Oktober 2016 und März 2019 in unser Krankhaus aufgenommen wurden, und erstellten eine Zusammenfassung der klinischen Symptome, Untersuchungen mit bildgebenden Verfahren und fiberoptischer Bronchoskopie (FOB), des Therapieverlaufs und des Outcomes der Patienten.

ERGEBNISSE: 1). Bei den 25 Kindern bestand ein nephrotisches Syndrom (NS) über einen Zeitraum von einem bis 36 Monaten. Bei allen Patienten wurde die Diagnose PB nach FOB gestellt, wobei in 8 Fällen (32%) eine beatmungspflichtige respiratorische Insuffizienz vorlag. Alle Patienten zeigten anfänglich Symptome einer Atemwegserkrankung wie Fieber und Husten, gefolgt von Atemnot und progredienter Verschlechterung 1 bis 3 Tage nach Erkrankungsbeginn. Dabei kam es rasch zum Auftreten bidirektionaler Atemnot, in schweren Fällen bis hin zur respiratorischen Insuffizienz. 2). Laboruntersuchung auf Erreger: Influenza-A-Virus H1N1 (11 Fälle), Influenza-B-Virus (9 Fälle), Adenovirus (3 Fälle) und Mycoplasma pneumoniae (2 Fälle). Es fand sich kein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied (P>0,05) zwischen Kindern, die ein “gewöhnliches” NS mit komplizierender Influenza-Virus (IV)-Infektion (ohne begleitende Atemnot) aufwiesen, und Kindern mit Nierenerkrankung, die eine PB entwickelten, hinsichtlich der Leukozyten- und Lymphozytenwerte sowie der Entzündungsmarker C-reaktives Protein (CRP), Procalcitonin (PCT) und humorale Immunität (IgG-Wert). Allerdings wurde bei der letzteren Patientengruppe ein signifikant höherer Gesamt-IgG-Wert und ein signifikant niedriger Albumin-Spiegel im Blut nachgewiesen (P<0.05). 3). Bei allen 25 Kindern erfolgte eine FOB und Therapie mit Lavage, bei 15 Kinder fanden sich typische verzweigte Ausgüsse der Bronchialäste und bei 10 Patienten desintegrierte und zähe Ausgüsse. Gemäß der histopathologischen Klassifikation waren alle Kinder vom Typ I. 4). Zwanzig Kinder (80%) mit Influenza erhielten das Virostatikum Oseltamivir, 20 Kinder (80%) eine Antibiotikatherapie, in 5 Fällen (20%) wurden oral gegebene Hormone durch intravenös in derselben Dosis verabreichtes Methylprednisolon ersetzt und 20 Kinder (80%) erhielten intravenös verabreichte Gammaglobuline (400-500 mg/kg Körpergewicht x 3 Tage). Diese Kinder zeigten eine bemerkenswerte Verbesserung nach der Therapie und es traten keine Todesfälle auf.

SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Bei Kindern mit NS besteht ein hohes Risiko für eine Influenza-Virus-Infektion. Kinder mit schwerem NS sind anfälliger für PB. Bei Auftreten von Symptomen wie Atemnot, Giemen und Brummern sowie progredienter bidirektionaler Dyspnoe sollte baldmöglichst eine FOB-Untersuchung und eine therapeutische Lavage durchgeführt werden. Erhöhte IgE-Werte im Blut und Hypoproteinämie stellen möglicherweise Risikofaktoren für PNS mit komplizierender PB im Kindesalter dar.

PMID:33684950 | DOI:10.1055/a-1288-3670