Nevin Manimala Statistics

Incidence and prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in Denmark from 1998 to 2018: a nationwide register-based study

Scand J Rheumatol. 2021 Dec 16:1-9. doi: 10.1080/03009742.2021.1957557. Online ahead of print.


Objective: To investigate the incidence and prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the adult Danish population.Method: In this nationwide register-based cohort study, patients with incident RA between 1998 and the end of 2018 were identified using Danish administrative registries. The age- and sex-standardized incidence rate (IR), incidence proportion (IP), lifetime risk (LR), and point prevalence (PP) of RA were calculated. RA was defined as a first-time RA diagnosis registered in the Danish National Patient Registry combined with a redeemed prescription of a conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug in the following year. In addition, three different case definitions of RA were explored.Results: The overall age- and sex-standardized IR of RA from 1998 to 2018 was 35.5 [95% confidence interval (CI) 35.1-35.9] per 100 000 person-years while the IP was 35.2 (95% CI 34.8-35.5) per 100 000 individuals. The IR was two-fold higher for women than for men. The LR of RA ranged from 2.3% to 3.4% for women and from 1.1% to 1.5% for men, depending on the RA case definition used. The overall PP of RA was 0.6% (95% CI 0.5-0.6%) in 2018: 0.8% (95% CI 0.7-0.8%) for women and 0.3% (95% CI 0.3-0.4%) for men. The prevalence increased about 1.5-fold from 2000 to 2018.Conclusion: The IR and PP were approximately two-fold higher for women than for men. The prevalence of RA in Denmark increased significantly from 2000 to 2018. The RA case definition had more impact on the results than the choice of denominator.

PMID:34913402 | DOI:10.1080/03009742.2021.1957557

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Expression of nSATB2 in Neuroendocrine Carcinomas of the Lung: Frequent Immunopositivity of Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma with a Diagnostic Pitfall

Int J Surg Pathol. 2021 Dec 16:10668969211065757. doi: 10.1177/10668969211065757. Online ahead of print.


Small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and pulmonary large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) are both classified as lung neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC). It has recently been reported that the special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2 (STAB2), known as a colorectal cancer marker, is also expressed in NECs occurring in various organs including the lung. However, few studies have examined any differences of SATB2 immunopositivity between SCLC and LCNEC. We investigated SATB2 expression in 45 SCLC and 14 LCNEC cases using immunohistochemistry as well as the expression of caudal-type homeobox 2 (CDX2) and keratin (KRT) 20. The LCNEC cases were more frequently positive for SATB2 (ten out of 14, 71%) than the SCLC ones (seventeen out of 45, 38%) with a statistically significance (P = 0.035). Furthermore, two LCNEC cases were positive for CDX2 while no positive findings were observed for any SCLC cases, the difference of which, however, was not statistically significant (P = 0.053). KRT20 was negative in all LCNEC and SCLC cases. These results require our attention when we use SATB2 and CDX2 as colorectal cancer markers because their expression in pulmonary NECs can lead to a misdiagnosis that the tumor is of metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma, especially when the patient has a past history of colorectal cancer. Analyzing the relationship between the demographic/clinical variables and the SATB2 expression in the SCLC cases, just high Brinkman index (≥ 600) was significantly related to the positivity of SATB2 (P = 0.017), which is interesting considering the strong relationship between SCLC and smoking.

PMID:34913369 | DOI:10.1177/10668969211065757

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The impact of exercise perceptions and depressive symptoms on polycystic ovary syndrome-specific health-related quality of life

Womens Health (Lond). 2021 Jan-Dec;17:17455065211065865. doi: 10.1177/17455065211065865.


BACKGROUND: Studies indicate that women with polycystic ovary syndrome have high depressive symptom scores and more perceived barriers than benefits to exercise, factors that may affect health-related quality-of-life. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to explore the impact of perceived exercise benefits and barriers, exercise outcome expectations, and depressive symptoms on polycystic ovary syndrome-specific health-related quality-of-life.

METHODS: A survey link was posted on polycystic ovary syndrome Facebook groups. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (n = 935) answered questionnaires about demographics, polycystic ovary syndrome-specific health-related quality-of-life, exercise benefits and barriers, exercise outcome expectations, and depressive symptoms. Data were collected using Qualtrics, transferred to SPSS, and statistically analyzed using regression analyses. Mean responses were reported for the questionnaires, with exercise benefits and barriers means divided for a ratio.

RESULTS: Respondents were 32 ± 10.6 years of age, mostly White (72%), and employed full-time (65%). The total mean scores were health-related quality-of-life, 2.7 ± 0.1; exercise outcome expectation, 2.4 ± 0.8; and depressive symptoms, 12.4 ± 5.8. The benefit/barrier ratio was 0.9. HRQoL increased 0.32 points for every additional perceived exercise benefit and 0.61 points for every additional exercise outcome expectation (EOE). HRQoL was reduced by 1.19 points for every additional perceived exercise barrier and 2.82 points for every additional one-point increase of the depressive symptoms score.

CONCLUSIONS: Respondents reported low health-related quality-of-life, greater exercise barriers than benefits, neutral exercise outcome expectations, and high depressive symptoms. These results suggest that promoting exercise benefits, overcoming exercise barriers, and addressing management of depressive symptoms are important foci of future efforts to improve health-related quality-of-life among women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

PMID:34913389 | DOI:10.1177/17455065211065865

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Determinants of restaurant consumers’ intention to practice COVID-19 preventive behavior: an application of the theory of planned behavior

Nutr Res Pract. 2021 Dec;15(Suppl 1):S79-S93. doi: 10.4162/nrp.2021.15.S1.S79. Epub 2021 Jul 20.


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of knowledge about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on behavioral intentions to practice COVID-19 preventive behaviors using the theory of planned behavior (TPB).

SUBJECTS/METHODS: A total of 519 restaurant customers’ responses was collected in this study through an online self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on socio-demographic factors. One-way analysis of variance and t-test were conducted to determine differences in the constructs from the TPB according to age and sex. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM).

RESULTS: SEM revealed the positive effect of knowledge about COVID-19 on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in restaurants. Attitude, subjective norm, behavior intention, and knowledge positively affected COVID-19 preventive behavior intentions in restaurants.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study confirmed that the TPB is helpful in elucidating the determinants of consumers’ intention to practice COVID-19 preventive behavior in restaurants. These findings can help policy makers and professionals provide material for further public health interventions and inform them about awareness-raising, guidelines, and health education programs.

PMID:34909135 | PMC:PMC8636395 | DOI:10.4162/nrp.2021.15.S1.S79

Nevin Manimala Statistics

COVID-19 and changes in Korean consumers’ dietary attitudes and behaviors

Nutr Res Pract. 2021 Dec;15(Suppl 1):S94-S109. doi: 10.4162/nrp.2021.15.S1.S94. Epub 2021 Sep 23.


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has dramatically changed nearly every aspect of our lives. Although Dietary lifestyle includes attitudes and behaviors to meet their most basic needs, but few studies have examined the pattern of changes in dietary lifestyle driven by COVID-19. This study explores changes in dietary attitudes and behaviors among Korean consumers after COVID-19.

SUBJECTS/METHODS: An online survey was conducted with 549 Korean adults aged 20 and older to identify general demographics and changes in dietary attitudes and behaviors. Data were collected from Oct 12 to Oct 18, 2020. Frequency, percentage, and mean values were calculated and a K-means cluster analysis was performed to categorize consumers based on the 5S of dietary attitudes (i.e., savor-oriented, safety-oriented, sustainability-oriented, saving-oriented, and socializing-oriented).

RESULTS: Findings indicate consumers considered safety, health, and freshness to be most important when choosing groceries and prepared meal such as home meal replacement and delivery food. Among the types of services, a large proportion of consumers increased their delivery and take-out services. Regarding retail channels, the increase in the use of online retailers was remarkable compared to offline retailers. Finally, consumers were classified into four segments based on changes in dietary attitudes: “most influenced,” “seeking safety and sustainability,” “abstaining from savor and socializing,” and “least influenced.” Each type of consumer exhibited statistically significant differences by sex, age, household composition, presence of disease, and perceived risk of COVID-19.

CONCLUSIONS: This exploratory study provides initial insights for future research by identifying various aspects of dietary attitudes and behaviors among Korean consumers after COVID-19.

PMID:34909136 | PMC:PMC8636393 | DOI:10.4162/nrp.2021.15.S1.S94

Nevin Manimala Statistics

High flow nasal cannula therapy versus continuous positive airway pressure and nasal positive pressure ventilation in infants with severe bronchiolitis: a randomized controlled trial

Pan Afr Med J. 2021 Nov 3;40:133. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.40.133.30350. eCollection 2021.


INTRODUCTION: non-invasive ventilation is widely used in the respiratory management of severe bronchiolitis.

METHODS: a randomized controlled trial was carried out in a tertiary pediatric university hospital´s PICU over 3 years to compare between continuous positive airway pressure/nasal positive pressure ventilation (CPAP/NPPV) and high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) devices for severe bronchiolitis. The trial was recorded in the national library of medicine registry (NCT04650230). Patients aged from 7 days to 6 months, admitted for severe bronchiolitis were enrolled. Eligible patients were randomly chosen to receive either HFNC or CPAP/NPPV. If HFNC failed, the switch to CPAP/NPPV was allowed. Mechanical ventilation was the last resort in case of CPAP/NPPV device failure. The primary outcome was the success of the treatment defined by no need of care escalation. The secondary outcomes were failure predictors, intubation rate, stay length, serious adverse events, and mortality.

RESULTS: a total of 268 patients were enrolled. The data of 255 participants were analyzed. The mean age was 51.13 ± 34.43 days. Participants were randomized into two groups; HFNC group (n=130) and CPAP/NPPV group (n=125). The success of the treatment was significantly higher in the CPAP/NPPV group (70.4% [61.6%- 78.2%) comparing to HFNC group (50.7% [41.9%- 59.6%])- (p=0.001). For secondary outcomes, lower baseline pH was the only significant failure predictor in the CPAP/NPPV group (p=0.035). There were no differences in intubation rate or serious adverse events between the groups.

CONCLUSION: high flow nasal cannula was safe and efficient, but CPAP/ NPPV was better in preventing treatment failure. The switch to CPAP/NPPV if HFNC failed, avoided intubation in 54% of the cases.

PMID:34909101 | PMC:PMC8641623 | DOI:10.11604/pamj.2021.40.133.30350

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Perception of mental health and professional quality of life in Tunisian doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive cross-sectional study

Pan Afr Med J. 2021 Nov 5;40:139. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.40.139.30358. eCollection 2021.


INTRODUCTION: few research studies about mental health problems in medical staff during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic have been reported. The Aim of the study is to assess the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia, affecting the professional quality of life of physicians during COVID-19 pandemic.

METHODS: doctors answered an online questionnaire regarding their perception of insomnia, anxiety and professional quality of life during COVID-19 pandemic with psychological parameters including the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and Professional quality of life version 5 (ProQOL5).

RESULTS: anxiety was found in 64.8% of the participants. This disorder was respectively moderate and severe in 12.4% and 6.7% of cases. Insomnia was found in 51.4% of respondents, 29.5% of whom worked in the COVID circuit (p=0.17). Insomnia was assessed as mild, moderate and severe in respectively 38.1%, 11.4% and 1.9% of cases. Compassion satisfaction was moderate in 72.4 of cases and high in 24.8% of cases. The entire population with low CS belonged to the 20-29 age group (p=0.019). Compassion satisfaction was statistically higher in married people (32.7%) (p=0.004). This entity varied significantly with occupational grade (p=0.003), seniority in grade (p=0.011) and working in the private health sector (p=0.046). Burnout was moderate in 73.3% and low in 26.7% of cases. Burnout was significantly higher among single people (p=0.03) and statistically altered in the staff working in the COVID unit (p=0.028). Secondary traumatic disorder was above moderate in 69.6%.

CONCLUSION: a high prevalence of psychological symptoms was found among doctors during COVID-19. Medical health workers are in need of health protection and adequate working conditions.

PMID:34909107 | PMC:PMC8641639 | DOI:10.11604/pamj.2021.40.139.30358

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Food handling practices and associated factors among food handlers working in public food and drink service establishments in Woldia town, Northeast Ethiopia

Pan Afr Med J. 2021 Nov 2;40:128. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.40.128.19757. eCollection 2021.


INTRODUCTION: foodborne disease (FBD) is a major public health problem globally. Inadequate food workers’ knowledge, attitude, and low level of food handling practices (FHPs) may all contribute to the possibility of FBD outbreaks in public food service establishments. This study aimed to assess FHPs and associated factors among food handlers working in public food and drink service establishments in Woldia town, Northeast Ethiopia.

METHODS: an institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted from 01 to 29, January 2017. A total of 288 food handlers were recruited through a simple random selection method. A structured interviewer-administered questionnaire and observation checklists were used to collect the respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge status on FHPs, and food handling working practices data. Descriptive statistics, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were employed using SPSS version 20 software. Those variables with a p< 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

RESULTS: out of 288 participants, 91.7% were female, and 82.3% were single, while 69.8% were literate. One hundred eighty-four (63.9%) of them were under 15-25 years of age, with a median age of 23.3 years. The proportion of good FHP was (n=134, 46.5%) (95% CI: 41.00-52.4%). Advanced age (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) =12.01, 95% CI: 1.96-73.52), education (participants who attend grades 7-12 (AOR=2.33, 95% CI: 1.14-4.79), and above secondary education (AOR=2.29, 95% CI: 1.05-4.61), work experience above six years (AOR=2.43, 95% CI: 2.08-3.17), received formal training (AOR=1.79, 95% CI: 1.68-4.71), and inspection visits by a concerned body (AOR=2.24, 95% CI: 1.05-3.09) were factors positively associated with handling practices.

CONCLUSION: the study revealed that FHP in the study area was low. Age, education, service year, training received and sanitary inspection visits by the regulatory personnel were factors significantly associated with FHPs. This finding highlights the importance of employing regular sanitary inspection visits to public food service establishments by the concerned authority to ensure that all food handlers have the knowledge and the skill to provide safe food.

PMID:34909096 | PMC:PMC8641629 | DOI:10.11604/pamj.2021.40.128.19757

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Analysis of snakebite data in Volta and Oti Regions, Ghana, 2019

Pan Afr Med J. 2021 Nov 3;40:131. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.40.131.28217. eCollection 2021.


INTRODUCTION: globally about 5.4 million people are affected by snakebite annually leading to 2.7 million cases of snakebite envenoming and 81,000-138,000 deaths. In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of disease caused by snakebite is often underestimated despite its status as a category A neglected tropical disease. We reviewed snakebite data to determine the magnitude of snakebite by person, place, and time in the Volta and Oti Regions of Ghana.

METHODS: we conducted a descriptive secondary data analysis using snakebite data from 2014-2018 extracted from the District Health Information and Management Systems (DHIMS 2) database. Data were analyzed descriptively by person, place, and time using summary statistics and results were presented in proportions and graphs. Missed outbreaks were determined through calculation of cumulative sum (CUSUM 2).

RESULTS: a total of 2,973 cases of snakebites were reported over the 5 years of which 1675 (56.3%) were males. Majority 867 (29.2%) of snakebite victims were between 20-34 years of age with recorded 5-year average incidence of 24 snakebite cases per 100,000. Nkwanta North District recorded the highest cases 499 (16.8%) with most of the snakebite cases 2,411 (81%) recorded in the rainy season. Overall, there was a decreasing trend of snakebites and four missed snakebite outbreaks occurred during the period. No snakebite death was recorded.

CONCLUSION: a 5-year average snakebite incidence of 24 cases per 100,000 persons was recorded and Nkwanta North District recorded the highest cases with peaks occurring in rainy and harvesting seasons. Four outbreaks were missed. There is a need to conduct periodic data analysis for effective intervention programs.

PMID:34909099 | PMC:PMC8641636 | DOI:10.11604/pamj.2021.40.131.28217

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Assessment of urogenital schistosomiasis among basic school children in selected communities along major rivers in the central region of Ghana

Pan Afr Med J. 2021 Oct 13;40:96. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.40.96.26708. eCollection 2021.


INTRODUCTION: urogenital schistosomiasis affects school-aged children with impacts on health, growth, and cognitive development. Basic schools along active water bodies have a possibility of a high infection among the children.

METHODS: we performed a school-based cross-sectional assessment of urogenital schistosomiasis among children in four selected rural communities along major rivers in the central region of Ghana. Three hundred and nine (309) basic school children class 1 to junior high school (JHS) 3 were recruited. Sociodemographic data and information on behavioral influences were collected with a structured written questionnaire. Laboratory examinations were conducted on fresh urine samples. Descriptive statistics and cross-tabulations with measures of association between variables, adjusted and unadjusted logistic regression analysis were performed on measured variables.

RESULTS: we recorded a 10.4% prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis. Schools in communities along the Kakum river recorded the highest disease burden (65.6%). The odds of infection among pupils who engage in irrigation activities were 4 folds more than those who do not engage in irrigation activities (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) (95%CI): 4.3 (1.6-12.1), P-value=0.005). Pupils of caregivers who resort to self-medication using local herbal concoctions had 14-fold more odds of infection compared to those who visit the health facility (aOR (95%CI): 14.4 (1.4-143.1), P-value=0.006).

CONCLUSION: poor health-seeking behaviors and lack of access to health facilities influenced the disease proportion among the children in these endemic communities.

PMID:34909084 | PMC:PMC8607954 | DOI:10.11604/pamj.2021.40.96.26708