Nevin Manimala Statistics

Plant-Based Dietary Patterns, Body Composition, Muscle Strength and Function in Middle and Older Age: A Systematic Review

J Nutr Health Aging. 2021;25(8):1012-1022. doi: 10.1007/s12603-021-1666-7.


BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia is prevalent in middle-aged and older adults. A plant-based diet may be linked to changes in body composition and musculoskeletal health.

OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aimed to investigate the effects of plant-based dietary patterns on the body composition, muscle strength and function in middle-aged and older adults. PRISMA guidelines were followed.

METHOD: A systematic search was completed on databases including MEDLINE, Embase, Global Health, PREMEDLINE, Cochrane library, CINAHL and Scopus on articles published until 1st March 2019. Search terms included ‘middle-aged’, ‘older adult’, ‘plant-based diet’ and ‘muscle strength’. Title and abstract screening were conducted on 1,868 publications after deduplication. Sample size, subject characteristics, recruitment, inclusion and exclusion criteria, dietary measures, health outcome measures, statistical results and confounders were sorted by author, study type, year and country. The quality of evidence of extracted data was assessed using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) and the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) tools.

RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: 17 papers were included from 31 articles selected for full review. The majority of the studies were cross-sectional studies (n = 9) and RCTs (n = 6).The remaining studies were cohort studies. Positive associations were found between plant-based dietary patterns; negative association with body composition; and inconclusive association with muscle function. However, further studies are needed to improve the understanding.

PMID:34545922 | DOI:10.1007/s12603-021-1666-7

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Reliable Identification of Endometrial Precancers Through Combined Pax2, β-Catenin, and Pten Immunohistochemistry

Am J Surg Pathol. 2021 Sep 21. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000001810. Online ahead of print.


The diagnosis of endometrial atypical hyperplasia/endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia (AH/EIN) remains challenging and subjective in some cases, with variable histologic criteria and differences of opinion among gynecologic pathologists, potentially leading to under/overtreatment. There has been growing interest in the use of specific immunohistochemical markers as adjuncts in AH/EIN diagnosis. For example, the World Health Organization 2020 Classification specifies that loss of Pten, Pax2, or mismatch repair proteins are desirable diagnostic criteria. Other markers, most notably β-catenin and Arid1a, are also aberrantly expressed in some AH/EIN. However, the performance of some markers individually-and more importantly as a group-has not been rigorously explored, raising questions as to which marker(s) or combination(s) is the most effective in practice. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections from AH/EIN cases (n=111) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for 6 markers: Pax2, Pten, Mlh1, β-catenin, Arid1a, and p53. Aberrant expression was tabulated for each case and marker. An additional set of normal endometria (n=79) was also analyzed to define optimal diagnostic criteria for marker aberrance. The performance characteristics of each marker, the entire panel, and subsets thereof were quantitatively and statistically analyzed. In order of number of cases detected, the most frequently aberrant markers in AH/EIN were Pax2 (81.1% of cases), Pten (50.5%), β-catenin (47.7%), Arid1a (7.2%), Mlh1 (4.5%), and p53 (2.7%). The majority of cases showed aberrant expression of ≥2 markers. All 6 markers together identified 92.8% of cases. Arid1a, Mlh1, and p53 were robust and readily scored markers, but all cases showing aberrant expression of these 3 markers were also detected by Pax2, Pten, or β-catenin. A focused panel of only 3 markers (Pax2, Pten, and β-catenin) showed optimal performance characteristics as a diagnostic adjunct in the histopathologic diagnosis of AH/EIN. Use of this panel is practicable and robust, with at least 1 of the 3 markers being aberrant in 92.8% of AH/EIN.

PMID:34545858 | DOI:10.1097/PAS.0000000000001810

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Reaction Time-Based Cognitive Assessments in Virtual Reality – A Feasibility Study with an Age Diverse Sample

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 Sep 21;283:139-145. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210552.


INTRODUCTION: While virtual reality (VR) is an emerging paradigm in a variety of research contexts, VR-based embodiment effects on behavior and performance still lack in sufficient evidence regarding to bias in cognitive performance assessment.

METHODS: In this methodological observational study, we compare the VR measurement of cognitive performance with a conventional computer-based testing approach in real life (RL) in younger and older adults. The differences between VR and RL scenarios are investigated using the background of two theoretical models from cognitive psychology. Furthermore, data assessment reliability and validity are analyzed, concerning the feasibility of technological and ergonomic aspects.

RESULTS: A within-group comparison showed no change in information processing speed in either one of the two age groups, i.e., both groups perform equally well in RL and in a VR testing environment.

CONCLUSION: The use of lifelike VR environments for cognitive performance tests seems not to lead to any performance changes compared to RL computer-based assessments, making VR suitable for similar applications. On technical concerns, we recommend the careful use of reaction time paradigms regarding to input hardware and stimuli presentation.

PMID:34545829 | DOI:10.3233/SHTI210552

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Patient Portals: Objectives, Acceptance, and Effects on Health Outcome – A Scoping Review of Reviews

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 Sep 21;283:194-201. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210560.


Patient portals provide patients access to their electronic health record and other functions as secure messaging. For over a decade, more and more patient portals are developed for various settings. The aim of this scoping review of reviews is to systematically search the literature for existing reviews to provide an overview of patient portals’ objectives, acceptance and effects on outcome. We followed the PRISMA Statement and its extension for scoping reviews, and searched for articles published in 2011-2021. The 19 included articles were considerably heterogeneous concentrating on health outcome or patient portal facilitators and barriers.

PMID:34545836 | DOI:10.3233/SHTI210560

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The effect of COVID-19 on children with congenital talipes equinovarus in a tertiary service in the United Kingdom

J Pediatr Orthop B. 2021 Sep 17. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000916. Online ahead of print.


During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, many aspects of healthcare have been hindered. The primary aim of this study was to identify what the impact of COVID-19 was on the delivery of outpatient care for children with congenital talipes equinovarus deformity (CTEV) at a large tertiary hospital in the UK. This study reviewed the patients who commenced their Ponseti treatment between March and September 2020, representing the cohort who received hands-on care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Equivalent 6-month periods were searched in 2019 and 2018 as control cohorts. This study included a total of 45 children (72 affected feet) presenting for treatment of clubfoot. Twenty-three babies were seen with CTEV in 2020. For the same time period in 2018 and 2019, 11 babies were treated each year. The distance commuted to by families was higher in 2020 compared to 2019 and 2018, although the difference did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.301). Treatment with Ponseti casting was commenced at a mean age of 52 days, with no statistically significant differences between cohorts (P = 0.758). Using strict precautions, the Ponseti service at a large tertiary hospital in the UK grew in size and successfully provided treatment for children presenting with CTEV during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study has shown that with careful protocols in place, children with CTEV can be treated successfully during times of pandemic, thereby reducing the post-pandemic burden of older children requiring treatment.

PMID:34545852 | DOI:10.1097/BPB.0000000000000916

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Development of a Dashboard for Rare Diseases – A Technical Case Report

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 Sep 21;283:78-85. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210544.


About 30 million people suffer from a rare disease in Europe. Those affected face a variety of problems. These include the lack of information and difficult access to scientific knowledge for physicians. For a higher visibility of rare diseases and high-quality research, effective documentation and use of data are essential. The aim of this work is to optimize the processing, use and accessibility of data on rare diseases and thus increase the added value from existing information. While dashboards are already being used to visualize clinical data, it is unclear what requirements are prevalent for rare diseases and how these can be implemented with available development tools so that a highly accepted dashboard can be designed. For this purpose, based on an analysis of the current situation and a requirements analysis, a prototype dashboard for the visualization of up-to-date key figures on rare diseases was developed at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus in Dresden. The development was based on the user-centered design process in order to achieve a high-level user-friendliness. The requirements analysis identified parameters that stakeholders wanted to see, focusing primarily on statistical analyses. The dashboard handles the automated calculation of statistics as well as their preparation and provision. The evaluations showed the prototypical dashboard would be considered valuable and used by potential users. This work demonstrates that stakeholders are interested in access to prepared information and exemplifies a way to implement it. The dashboard can increase the usage of existing information in terms of a higher accessibility and thus improve the knowledge about rare diseases.

PMID:34545822 | DOI:10.3233/SHTI210544

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Calculating Key Figures for Radiology Departments Using a Clinical Data Warehouse – A Technical Case Report

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 Sep 21;283:69-77. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210543.


Optimizing the utilization of radiology departments is one of the primary objectives for many hospitals. To support this, a solution has been developed, which at first transforms the export of different Radiological Information Systems (RIS) into the data format of a clinical data warehouse (CDW). Additional features, like for example the time between the creation of a radiologic request and the finalization of the diagnosis for the created images, can then be defined using a simple interface and are calculated and saved in the CDW as well. Finally, the query language of the CDW can be used to create custom reports with all the RIS data including the calculated features and export them into the standard formats Excel and CSV. The solution has been successfully tested with data from two German hospitals.

PMID:34545821 | DOI:10.3233/SHTI210543

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Using objective clinical metrics to understand the relationship between the electronic health record and physician well-being: observational pilot study

BJPsych Open. 2021 Sep 21;7(5):e174. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2021.993.


BACKGROUND: Electronic health records (EHRs) are a significant contributor to physicians’ low satisfaction, reduced engagement and increased burnout. Yet the majority of evidence around EHR and physician harms is based on self-reported screen time, which may both over- and underreport actual exposure.

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to examine how objective EHR use correlates with physician well-being and to develop preliminary recommendations for well-being-based EHR interventions.

METHOD: Prior to the onset of COVID-19, psychiatry residents and attending physicians working in an out-patient clinic at an academic medical centre provided consent for access to EHR-usage logs and completed a well-being assessment made up of three scales: the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Urecht Work Engagement Scale and the Professional Quality of Life Measure. Survey responses and objective EHR data were analysed with descriptive statistics.

RESULTS: Responses were obtained from 20 psychiatry residents (total eligible residents n = 27; 74% participation) and 16 clinical faculty members (total eligible faculty n = 24; 67% participation) with an overall response rate of 71% (total eligible residents and faculty n = 51 and total residents and faculty who completed survey n = 36). Moderate correlations for multiple well-being domains emerged in analysis for all participants, especially around the time spent per note and patient visits closed the same day.

CONCLUSIONS: EHR-usage logs represent an objective tool in the evaluation and enhancement of physician well-being. Results from our pilot study suggest that metrics for note writing efficiency and closing patient visits the same day are associated with physician well-being. These metrics will be important to study in ongoing efforts involving well-being-based EHR interventions.

PMID:34545781 | DOI:10.1192/bjo.2021.993

Nevin Manimala Statistics

One Conference, Three Proceedings – Which Papers Should I Submit and How? A Publication Strategy for Young Scientists Regarding the GMDS Annual Conference and Beyond (Editorial)

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 Sep 21;283:12-19. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210535.


The primary intention of any scientific work is to share the gained knowledge and to contribute to the knowledge and progress in the scientific domain. The wide range of journals and conferences, each with specific submission requirements, can be difficult to navigate, especially for young scientists without extensive experience. But a suitable publication strategy can be helpful, especially at the beginning of a scientific career. Using the annual conference of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) e.V. as an example, this editorial highlights fundamental differences, advantages and disadvantages, as well as assistance in selecting the right form of submission.

PMID:34545815 | DOI:10.3233/SHTI210535

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Tacrolimus Trough Intravariability in Patients Treated With the Prolonged-Release Formulation Is a Risk Factor for Acute Graft Rejection

Exp Clin Transplant. 2021 Sep;19(9):910-913. doi: 10.6002/ect.2021.0231.


OBJECTIVES: Tacrolimus has a narrow therapeutic window, and lack of adherence to the therapeutic regimen is a main risk factor for acute graft rejection; hence, the prolonged-release formulation was created. A high intrapatient variability for tacrolimus trough levels has been associated with worse graft outcomes; therefore, we investigated the correlation between the tacrolimus variation coefficient and the development of biopsy-proven acute graft rejection in kidney transplant patients with typical maintenance immunosuppression versus the prolonged-release formulation.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a single-center observational retrospective study that included all adult kidney transplants from deceased donors between January 2011 and December 2014 for which the transplant recipients were given maintenance therapy with tacrolimus prolonged-release formulation (Advagraf). The overall tacrolimus variation coefficient was calculated for the follow-up period from transplant until December 2019. Biopsy-proven acute graft rejection results were collected throughout follow-up. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software.

RESULTS: The study was composed of 147 patients with a mean follow-up time of 60.4 ± 15 months. The mean age of the patients was 47.5 ± 11.9 years and 67.3% were men. Of these 147 patients, 29 had at least 1 episode of acute graft rejection during follow-up. There was a significant correlation between patients with a higher tacrolimus variation coefficient and the presence of biopsy-proven acute graft rejection. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to determine an intrapatient variability cutoff point of 28.3% for tacrolimus. Younger patients were also more likely than older patients to develop acute graft rejection in our sample.

CONCLUSIONS: High intrapatient variability of tacrolimus trough levels is a risk factor for acute graft rejection in kidney transplant patients.

PMID:34545776 | DOI:10.6002/ect.2021.0231