Nevin Manimala Statistics

Correlation Analysis for Selection of Microtitanium Plates with Different Specifications for Use in a Cervical Vertebral Dome Expansion Laminoplasty

Orthop Surg. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/os.13102. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: To analyze correlations between the selection of microtitanium plates with different specifications for use in a cervical vertebral dome expansion laminoplasty.

METHODS: Sixteen patients that underwent the cervical vertebral dome expansion laminoplasty with a cervical spinal stenosis angioplasty procedure for treatment of their cervical spinal cords were recruited at our hospital. From February 2017 to September 2018, medical records confirmed that all patients underwent cervical CT and MRI tests pre- and postsurgery. The anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal, changes in the cross-sectional area of the spinal canal, and the pre- and postsurgery distance of the cervical spinal cord after applying microtitanium plates with different lengths were measured by Mimics version 17.0 software (Materialise NV, Leuven, Belgium). A statistical regression and correlation analysis of relevant specification parameters of the microtitanium plate was then studied.

RESULTS: As the size of the microtitanium plate increased, we found that the cross-sectional area of cervical spinal canal and distance between the descendants of the lamina and the distance of cervical spinal cord concordantly increased, and these data changes linearly. The regression equation associated with sagittal diameter, cross-sectional area, and posterior movement distance of the cervical spinal cord was obtained.

CONCLUSION: According to the correlation analysis of imaging data changes, the regression equation was obtained to guide the selection of microtitanium plates with appropriate specifications in a cervical vertebral dome expansion laminoplasty.

PMID:34523793 | DOI:10.1111/os.13102

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A systematic review and meta-analytic evaluation of psychosocial interventions in parents of children with cancer with an exploratory focus on minority outcomes

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Sep 15:e29328. doi: 10.1002/pbc.29328. Online ahead of print.


Parents of children with cancer are prone to psychosocial distress, yet little is known about intervention response among diverse parents. Our systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the efficacy of psychosocial interventions on anxiety and depression among parents of children with cancer and explored race and/or ethnicity differences in the efficacy of these interventions. Twenty articles met inclusion. The aggregate effect size on anxiety (-0.01, 95% CI: -0.95, 0.93, p = .97) and depression (-0.56, 95% CI: -1.65, 0.54, p = .32) showed micro to medium effects, with larger negative effect sizes indicating that anxiety and depression scores after treatment were lower for parents in intervention group as compared to control group. Neither aggregate effect size was statistically significantly different from zero. Due to underrepresentation of minorities, we could not perform subgroup or moderator analyses. Several efficacious psychosocial interventions were found to reduce parental anxiety. Future studies to examine psychosocial interventions in minority parents are warranted.

PMID:34523798 | DOI:10.1002/pbc.29328

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Original Designed Uniportal-Bichannel Spinal Endoscopic System (UBiSES) for Foraminoplasty in Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomy

Orthop Surg. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/os.13050. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: The study introduced uniportal-bichannel spinal endoscopic system (UBiSES) and explored the feasibility of applying UBiSES to conduct lumbar foraminoplasty in percutaneous endoscopic transforaminal discectomy (PETD).

METHODS: This is a cohort study. 36 patients confirmed as L5/S1 lumbar disc herniation (LDH) in our hospital from March, 2019 to November, 2019 were enrolled. 36 patients were divided into two groups named the UBiSES group (n = 18, male: female = 8:10) and the TESSYS group (n = 18, male: female = 10:8). The average age of the UBiSES group and the TESSYS group were 40.94 ± 12.39 years old and 39.78 ± 13.02 years old respectively. PETD via uniportal-bichannel foraminoplasty assisted by UBiSES was adopted on the UBiSES group while PETD via conventional foraminoplasty was performed on the TESSYS group. One experienced surgeon with more than 4000 cases of lumbar surgery performed PETD on all patients. The demographic data, the duration of working cannula placement (minutes), decompression time (minutes), radiation exposure time (seconds), complications, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores and modified MacNab criteria were recorded and analyzed. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) were conducted to evaluate the radiographic improvement.

RESULTS: PETD via lumbar foraminoplasty was successfully performed in all cases. The follow-up points were 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. The average follow-up period of all patients was 15.78 ± 2.29 months. There was no statistic difference in age (P = 0.81), sex (P = 0.51) and follow-up (P = 0.14) between two groups. The duration of working cannula placement was 19.08 ± 2.30 min in the UBiSES group and 24.90 ± 4.71 min in the TESSYS group and there was significant difference between two groups (P < 0.05). There was no statistic difference in decompression time between the UBiSES group (44.18 ± 5.70 min) and the TESSYS group (47.46 ± 5.96 min) (P = 1.70). The radiation exposure time was 28.00 ± 4.70 s in the UBiSES group and 40.50 ± 5.73 s in the TESSYS group respectively, and has significant difference between two groups (P < 0.05). Furthermore, there was significant different in the duration of working cannula placement and radiation exposure time in male or female between the UBiSES group and the TESSYS group (P < 0.05). For male or female, no difference observed in decompression time and follow-up period between two groups. Postoperative VAS of low back and leg at every follow-up point (1 day, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months) was improved significantly in both groups compared with their preoperative VAS (P < 0.05). The postoperative ODI (3 months, 6 months, 12 months) has decreased significantly in both the UBiSES group and the TESSYS group compared with their preoperative ODI (P < 0.05). 94.44% patients received an excellent or good recovery in the UBiSES group and 88.89% for the TESSYS group. There was no poor result reported in both groups. The radiographic images showed satisfactory foraminoplasty and sufficient decompression of nerve in both groups. No postoperative complications were observed during follow-ups in the UBiSES group. Two patients in the TESSYS group experienced postoperative dysesthesia and the symptom was disappeared in 5 days and 7 days respectively with dexamethasone and neurotrophic drugs treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: The original designed UBiSES could effectively and safely enlarge the foramen with an extensive surgical view and space under full-time and real-time visualization and get satisfactory efficacy.

PMID:34523790 | DOI:10.1111/os.13050

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Rapid evidence synthesis approach for limits on the search date: how rapid could it be?

Res Synth Methods. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1002/jrsm.1525. Online ahead of print.


Rapid reviews have been widely employed to support timely decision-making, and limiting the search date is the most popular approach in published rapid reviews. We assessed the accuracy and workload of search date limits on the meta-analytical results to determine the best rapid strategy. The meta-analyses data were collected from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR). We emulated the rapid reviews by limiting the search date of the original CDSR to the recent 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 7, 5, and 3 years, and their results were compared to the full meta-analyses. A random sample of 10% was drawn to repeat the literature search by the same timeframe limits to measure the relative workload reduction (RWR). The relationship between accuracy and RWR was established. We identified 21,363 meta-analyses of binary outcomes and 7683 meta-analyses of continuous outcomes from 2693 CDSRs. Our results suggested that under a maximum tolerance of 5% and 10% on the bias of magnitude, a limit on the recent 20 years can achieve good accuracy and at the same time save the most workload. Under the tolerance of 15% and 20% on the bias, a limit on the recent 10 years and 15 years could be considered. Limiting the search date is a valid rapid method to produce credible evidence for timely decisions. When conducting rapid reviews, researchers should consider both the accuracy and workload to make an appropriate decision. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

PMID:34523791 | DOI:10.1002/jrsm.1525

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Assessment of pharyngeal motor function using a novel velopharyngeal squeeze maneuver and a novel endoscopic pharyngeal contraction grade scale in patients with dysphagia after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Head Neck. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1002/hed.26871. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: To investigate a novel velopharyngeal squeeze maneuver (VPSM) and novel endoscopic pharyngeal contraction grade (EPCG) scale for the evaluation of pharyngeal motor function.

METHODS: During endoscopic examination of 77 post-irradiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients and control subjects, VPSM was rated and lateral pharyngeal wall movement graded with EPCG scale during swallowing. Pharyngeal constriction ratio (PCR) measured by videofluoroscopy was used for correlation.

RESULTS: VPSM and EPCG scale showed almost perfect intra-rater and inter-rater reliability (Kappa: >0.90). VPSM was present in 61% of patients suggesting good pharyngeal motor function. VPSM was predictive of EPCG scale (Wald statistic = 29.99, p < 0.001). EPCG scale also correlated strongly with PCR (r: 0.812) and was predictive for aspiration (odds ratio: 22.14 [95% CI 5.01-97.89, p < 0.001]).

CONCLUSIONS: VPSM and EPCG scale are two novel tools to assess pharyngeal motor function, and both correlate well with pharyngeal contractility and aspiration.

PMID:34523766 | DOI:10.1002/hed.26871

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Age of onset modulates resting-state brain network dynamics in Friedreich Ataxia

Hum Brain Mapp. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25621. Online ahead of print.


This magnetoencephalography (MEG) study addresses (i) how Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) affects the sub-second dynamics of resting-state brain networks, (ii) the main determinants of their dynamic alterations, and (iii) how these alterations are linked with FRDA-related changes in resting-state functional brain connectivity (rsFC) over long timescales. For that purpose, 5 min of resting-state MEG activity were recorded in 16 FRDA patients (mean age: 27 years, range: 12-51 years; 10 females) and matched healthy subjects. Transient brain network dynamics was assessed using hidden Markov modeling (HMM). Post hoc median-split, nonparametric permutations and Spearman rank correlations were used for statistics. In FRDA patients, a positive correlation was found between the age of symptoms onset (ASO) and the temporal dynamics of two HMM states involving the posterior default mode network (DMN) and the temporo-parietal junctions (TPJ). FRDA patients with an ASO <11 years presented altered temporal dynamics of those two HMM states compared with FRDA patients with an ASO > 11 years or healthy subjects. The temporal dynamics of the DMN state also correlated with minute-long DMN rsFC. This study demonstrates that ASO is the main determinant of alterations in the sub-second dynamics of posterior associative neocortices in FRDA patients and substantiates a direct link between sub-second network activity and functional brain integration over long timescales.

PMID:34523778 | DOI:10.1002/hbm.25621

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Emotional dysfunction in avoidant personality disorder and borderline personality disorder: A cross-sectional comparative study

Scand J Psychol. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12771. Online ahead of print.


According to the literature, avoidant personality disorder (APD) is often overlooked in research on personality disorders. In the present study, patients with APD were compared to patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) with respect to emotional dysfunction. Emotional dysfunction was operationalized through the Affect Integration Inventory. Sixty-one patients receiving treatment at specialized outpatient hospital facilities for either BPD (n = 25) or APD (n = 36) (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition) were included in a cross-sectional study. Supporting our expectations of no difference in the global capacity for affect integration between groups, the estimated difference was 0.00 (95% confidence interval [CI] [-0.53, 0.53]). On the other hand, the expected increased dysfunction in APD regarding Expression could not be confirmed. Furthermore, problems with specific affects distinguished the groups; integration of Interest was worse in APD (p = 0.01), whereas integration of Jealousy was worse in BPD (p = 0.04). In terms of prototypical modes of experiencing affects, APD was characterized by decreased access to the motivational properties of Interest (p < 0.01), while BPD was more driven by Interest (p < 0.01), Anger (p < 0.01), and Jealousy (p = 0.01). In conclusion, even though the two disorders are characterized by similar overall levels of emotional dysfunction, they differ systematically and predictably regarding specific affects and modes of experiencing. These findings carry implications for the understanding of emotional dysfunction in APD and BPD, suggesting specific areas of emotional dysfunction that could be targeted in tailored psychotherapeutic interventions.

PMID:34523729 | DOI:10.1111/sjop.12771

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Non-pharmacological measures implemented in the setting of long-term care facilities to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections and their consequences: a rapid review

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Sep 15;9:CD015085. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD015085.pub2.


BACKGROUND: Starting in late 2019, COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, spread around the world. Long-term care facilities are at particularly high risk of outbreaks, and the burden of morbidity and mortality is very high among residents living in these facilities.

OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of non-pharmacological measures implemented in long-term care facilities to prevent or reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection among residents, staff, and visitors.

SEARCH METHODS: On 22 January 2021, we searched the Cochrane COVID-19 Study Register, WHO COVID-19 Global literature on coronavirus disease, Web of Science, and CINAHL. We also conducted backward citation searches of existing reviews.

SELECTION CRITERIA: We considered experimental, quasi-experimental, observational and modelling studies that assessed the effects of the measures implemented in long-term care facilities to protect residents and staff against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Primary outcomes were infections, hospitalisations and deaths due to COVID-19, contaminations of and outbreaks in long-term care facilities, and adverse health effects.

DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently screened titles, abstracts and full texts. One review author performed data extractions, risk of bias assessments and quality appraisals, and at least one other author checked their accuracy. Risk of bias and quality assessments were conducted using the ROBINS-I tool for cohort and interrupted-time-series studies, the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) checklist for case-control studies, and a bespoke tool for modelling studies. We synthesised findings narratively, focusing on the direction of effect. One review author assessed certainty of evidence with GRADE, with the author team critically discussing the ratings.

MAIN RESULTS: We included 11 observational studies and 11 modelling studies in the analysis. All studies were conducted in high-income countries. Most studies compared outcomes in long-term care facilities that implemented the measures with predicted or observed control scenarios without the measure (but often with baseline infection control measures also in place). Several modelling studies assessed additional comparator scenarios, such as comparing higher with lower rates of testing. There were serious concerns regarding risk of bias in almost all observational studies and major or critical concerns regarding the quality of many modelling studies. Most observational studies did not adequately control for confounding. Many modelling studies used inappropriate assumptions about the structure and input parameters of the models, and failed to adequately assess uncertainty. Overall, we identified five intervention domains, each including a number of specific measures. Entry regulation measures (4 observational studies; 4 modelling studies) Self-confinement of staff with residents may reduce the number of infections, probability of facility contamination, and number of deaths. Quarantine for new admissions may reduce the number of infections. Testing of new admissions and intensified testing of residents and of staff after holidays may reduce the number of infections, but the evidence is very uncertain. The evidence is very uncertain regarding whether restricting admissions of new residents reduces the number of infections, but the measure may reduce the probability of facility contamination. Visiting restrictions may reduce the number of infections and deaths. Furthermore, it may increase the probability of facility contamination, but the evidence is very uncertain. It is very uncertain how visiting restrictions may adversely affect the mental health of residents. Contact-regulating and transmission-reducing measures (6 observational studies; 2 modelling studies) Barrier nursing may increase the number of infections and the probability of outbreaks, but the evidence is very uncertain. Multicomponent cleaning and environmental hygiene measures may reduce the number of infections, but the evidence is very uncertain. It is unclear how contact reduction measures affect the probability of outbreaks. These measures may reduce the number of infections, but the evidence is very uncertain. Personal hygiene measures may reduce the probability of outbreaks, but the evidence is very uncertain. Mask and personal protective equipment usage may reduce the number of infections, the probability of outbreaks, and the number of deaths, but the evidence is very uncertain. Cohorting residents and staff may reduce the number of infections, although evidence is very uncertain. Multicomponent contact -regulating and transmission -reducing measures may reduce the probability of outbreaks, but the evidence is very uncertain. Surveillance measures (2 observational studies; 6 modelling studies) Routine testing of residents and staff independent of symptoms may reduce the number of infections. It may reduce the probability of outbreaks, but the evidence is very uncertain. Evidence from one observational study suggests that the measure may reduce, while the evidence from one modelling study suggests that it probably reduces hospitalisations. The measure may reduce the number of deaths among residents, but the evidence on deaths among staff is unclear. Symptom-based surveillance testing may reduce the number of infections and the probability of outbreaks, but the evidence is very uncertain. Outbreak control measures (4 observational studies; 3 modelling studies) Separating infected and non-infected residents or staff caring for them may reduce the number of infections. The measure may reduce the probability of outbreaks and may reduce the number of deaths, but the evidence for the latter is very uncertain. Isolation of cases may reduce the number of infections and the probability of outbreaks, but the evidence is very uncertain. Multicomponent measures (2 observational studies; 1 modelling study) A combination of multiple infection-control measures, including various combinations of the above categories, may reduce the number of infections and may reduce the number of deaths, but the evidence for the latter is very uncertain.

AUTHORS’ CONCLUSIONS: This review provides a comprehensive framework and synthesis of a range of non-pharmacological measures implemented in long-term care facilities. These may prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections and their consequences. However, the certainty of evidence is predominantly low to very low, due to the limited availability of evidence and the design and quality of available studies. Therefore, true effects may be substantially different from those reported here. Overall, more studies producing stronger evidence on the effects of non-pharmacological measures are needed, especially in low- and middle-income countries and on possible unintended consequences of these measures. Future research should explore the reasons behind the paucity of evidence to guide pandemic research priority setting in the future.

PMID:34523727 | DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD015085.pub2

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Differences in the skin microbial community between patients with active and stable vitiligo based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing

Australas J Dermatol. 2021 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/ajd.13721. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Recent studies have described an association between altered skin microbial community and epidemiology of skin diseases, such as vitiligo, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. In this study, we conducted microbiological analysis on patients at different stages of vitiligo to determine whether the dysbiosis is associated with disease progression.

METHODS: To characterise the skin microbes in vitiligo patients, we profiled samples collected from 40 patients with active and stable vitiligo using the Novaseq sequencer. Alpha diversity was used to measure richness and uniformity, while Beta diversity (Non-Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling) analysis was used to show the differences. Moreover, the species differences were evaluated by LEfSe analysis and the flora gene function was predicted using Statistical Analysis of Metagenomic Profiles (STAMP).

RESULTS: The alpha diversity results showed no significant differences between active vitiligo and stable vitiligo, while beta diversity and LEfSe analysis results showed the differences in community composition. Streptomyces and Streptococcus were enriched in active vitiligo compared to stable vitiligo. In addition, the flora gene function of mixed acid fermentation was more pronounced in active vitiligo, while the function of lipid IVA biosynthesis was more significant in stable vitiligo.

CONCLUSION: This study has shown the differences in epidermal microbes between active vitiligo and stable vitiligo. Our results suggest that maintaining the flora balance might be a potential therapeutic target for vitiligo.

PMID:34523726 | DOI:10.1111/ajd.13721

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Identification of causal metabolites related to multiple autoimmune diseases

Hum Mol Genet. 2021 Sep 15:ddab273. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddab273. Online ahead of print.


OBJECT: Observational studies provide evidence that metabolites may be involved in the development of autoimmune diseases (ADs), but whether it is causal is still unknown.

METHODS: Based on the large-scale GWAS summary statistics, two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) was performed to evaluate the causal association between human serum metabolites and multiple ADs, which were inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ulcerative Colitis (UC), crohn’s disease (CD), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), type 1 diabetes (T1D), multiple sclerosis (MS), primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Comprehensive sensitive analysis was used to validate the robustness of MR results and multivariable MR analysis was conducted to avoid potential pleiotropic effect of other complex traits. Finally, metabolic pathway analysis was performed based on causal metabolites for each ad, respectively.

RESULTS: We identified 6 causal features of metabolite after Bonferroni adjustment, i.e. glycerol 2-phosphate for T1D, hexadecanedioate, phenylacetylglutamine and laurylcarnitine for RA, glycine and arachidonate (20:4n6) for CD. Then comprehensively sensitive analysis proved the robustness of the causal associations. We also observed some overlaps of metabolites among different ADs, indicating the similar mechanisms. After controlling for several common traits, multivariable MR analysis ruled out most of potential pleiotropic effects and validated the independence of identified metabolites. Additionally, a total of 6 metabolic pathways have been identified for different ADs.

CONCLUSIONS: This study provided novel insights into investigating causal role of serum metabolites in development of multiple ADs through a comprehensive genetic pathway.

PMID:34523675 | DOI:10.1093/hmg/ddab273