Nevin Manimala Statistics

Both pH and salinity shape the microbial communities of the lakes in Badain Jaran Desert, NW China

Sci Total Environ. 2021 Jun 6;791:148108. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148108. Online ahead of print.


Badain Jaran Desert (BJD), characterized by extremely arid climate and tallest sand dunes in the world, is the second largest desert in China. Surprisingly, there are a large number of permanent lakes in this desert. At present, little is known about the composition and distribution of microbial communities in these desert lakes, which are an important bioresource and play a fundamental role in the elemental cycles of the lakes. In this study, the physicochemical characteristics and microbial communities of water samples from 15 lakes in BJD were comparatively investigated. The results showed that the lakes were rich in Na+, Cl, CO32- and HCO3 while Ca2+ and Mg2+ were scarce, with pH 8.52-10.27 and salinity 1.05-478.70 g/L. Bacteria dominated exclusively in low saline lakes (salinity < 50 g/L) while archaea were predominant in hypersaline lakes (salinity > 250 g/L), which abundance increased along salinity gradient linearly. Genera Flavobacterium, Synechocystis and Roseobacter from phyla Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria were the major members in low saline lakes whereas Halomonas, Aliidiomarina and Halopelagius from Gammaproteobacteria and Euryarchaeota were abundant in moderately saline lakes (salinity 50-250 g/L). The hypersaline lakes were predominated by extreme halophiles such as Halorubrum, Halohasta and Natronomonas from Euryarchaeota. The correlation among the microbes in the lakes was mainly positive, suggesting they can survive in the harsh environments through synergistic interactions. Statistical analyses indicated that physicochemical characteristics rather than spatial factors shaped the microbial communities in the desert lakes. The pH was the most important environmental factor controlling alpha diversity, while salinity was the major driver determining microbial community structure in BJD lakes. In contrast, geographic factors had no significant impact on the microbial community compositions.

PMID:34126487 | DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148108

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Diagnostic accuracy of the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) for cases of feline mycobacteriosis

Prev Vet Med. 2021 Jun 8;193:105409. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105409. Online ahead of print.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) for diagnosing infections with members of the Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis-complex (MTBC) and non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in domestic cats, and to generate defined feline-specific cut-off values using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to improve test performance. Records of 594 cats that had been tested by IGRA were explored to identify individuals that had a culture and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-confirmed case of mycobacterial disease, and those that had a final diagnosis of non-mycobacterial disease. A total of 117 cats – 80 with mycobacterial disease and 37 diagnosed with a condition other than mycobacteriosis – were identified for further detailed analysis. This population was used to estimate test sensitivity and specificity, as well as likelihood ratios for the IGRA to correctly identify a cat with or without mycobacterial disease. Agreement between IGRA results and culture/PCR using current and proposed new cut-off values was also determined. ROC analysis of defined confirmed infected and non-mycobacterial disease control cats allowed an adjustment of current test cut-offs that increased the overall test sensitivity for MTBC infections from 83.1 % (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 71.5-90.5 %) to 90.2 % (95 % CI: 80.2-95.4%), and M. bovis infection from 43 % (95 % CI: 28.2-60.7%) to 68 % (95 % CI: 51.4-82.1%) while maintaining high test specificity (100 % in both cases). Overall agreement between IGRA results and culture/PCR, while recognising that neither culture nor PCR tests have perfect sensitivity, improved from weak (κ = 0.57) to moderate (κ = 0.71) using new proposed IGRA test cut-off values. Application of these results, based upon the statistical analysis of accumulated test data, can improve the diagnostic performance of the feline IGRA, particularly for identifying infections with M. bovis, without compromising specificity.

PMID:34126470 | DOI:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105409

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Quantitative study of preoperative staging of gastric cancer using intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging as a potential clinical index

Eur J Radiol. 2021 Mar 4;141:109627. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.109627. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: To determine the utility of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted imaging in quantitative analysis of preoperative tumor (T) and node (N) stages of gastric cancer, and to quantify the diagnostic threshold of IVIM parameters for serosal invasion and lymphatic metastasis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: From October 2016 to February 2020, 98 patients with gastric cancer who were receiving treatment in Zhongshan Hospital, China, were subject to an IVIM sequence imaging analysis. The IVIM sequence data were imported into software for post-processing of tumor regions of interest, and the IVIM parameters (the microvascular volume fraction (f), the molecular diffusion coefficient (D) and perfusion-related incoherent microcirculation (D*) were calculated. The variation of these IVIM parameters with different tumor-node metastasis (TNM) stages were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. The IVIM parameters of serosal invasion and lymphatic metastasis were examined by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis and t-tests.

RESULTS: A total of 98 gastric cancer patients (65 males and 33 females) with an average age of 61.9 years were enrolled in this study. There were 14 patients in stage T1, 14 in stage T2, 10 in stage T3 and 60 in stage T4a+b. There were 37 patients in stage N0, 19 in stage N1, 18 in stage N2 and 24 in stage N3. Statistically significant associations were found between the D values and T stages of gastric cancer. The D values of stage T4 cancers were significantly different from those of stage T2, T3 and T4 cancers. The D value decreased with increasing T stage. The mean D values of stages were 1.432 × 10-3 mm2/s (T1), 1.225 × 10-3 mm2/s (T2), 1.154 × 10-3 mm2/s (T3) and 0.9468 × 10-3 mm2/s (T4). The extent of the invasion of serosa was found to be significantly correlated with D value, with the diagnostic threshold for D being 1.107 × 10-3 mm2/s. In addition, different pathological N stages of gastric cancer lesions showed statistically significantly variations in f values, but no correlation was found with different N stages. Finally, the extent of lymphatic metastasis was found to be correlated with D values, with the diagnostic threshold being 1.1739 × 10-3 mm2/s. There was no statistically significant correlation between the IVIM MRI parameters and tumor size. The grade of tumor was found to be significantly correlated with D* value, with the diagnostic threshold for D* being 1.516 × 10-2 mm2/s. There was no statistically significant correlation between the ADC value and tumor size. There was a significant difference in the ADC values among different T and N stage cancers. ADC value had statistically significant to distinguish gastric cancer with or without serosal invasion, its detection efficiency was not as high as that of D value, with an AUC of 0.628 and 0.830, respectively. The ADC value was not statistically significant in distinguishing gastric cancer with or without lymphatic metastasis (P ≥ 0.05). The ADC value had not statistically significant in distinguishing gastric cancer between low and medium-high grade (P ≥ 0.05).

CONCLUSION: We found that significant differences existed between whole-volume IVIM parameters of different T or N stages in gastric cancers, and were able to quantify different T or N stages of gastric cancer by the values of these parameters. The results of this quantitative study provide new tools for evaluating the prognosis of gastric cancer and will be valuable for the development of an new imaging method for determining the morphological stages of gastric cancer.

PMID:34126429 | DOI:10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.109627

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Evaluation of Long-Term Clinical Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction Rate Following Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy in Men With Erectile Dysfunction: A Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up on a Prospective Open-Label Single-Arm Clinical Study

Sex Med. 2021 Jun 11;9(4):100384. doi: 10.1016/j.esxm.2021.100384. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: Low intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LIESWT) improves erectile function (EF) in men with vascular erectile dysfunction (ED) but longer-term outcomes remain unknown.

AIM: To evaluate the clinical outcomes of LIESWT at a minimum 5-year follow-up.

METHODS: This is an open-label single-arm prospective study involved men with vascular ED who received LIESWT.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Changes in patient demographics, IIEF-5 and Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction (EDITS) scores, as well as overall satisfaction score (on a 5-point scale) were reviewed at 12, 24, 48, and 60 months after completion of LIESWT. A chi-square contingency analysis was used to examine the relationship between erectile function score and treatment satisfaction, with statistical significance set at 5%.

RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 69.9 (63-82; median 76) months. The mean IIEF-5 scores for pretreatment and after treatment at 12, 24, 48, and 60 months were 14.8, 17.6, 16.8, 16.5, and 16.5 while the percentages of patients who reported an improvement in IIEF-5 score by 5 points were 60%, 45%, 40%, and 40%; and EDITS scores >50% were recorded in 70%, 55%, 50%, and 48% of patients at 12, 24, 48, and 60 months post-LIESWT. Ten patients required medical therapy and 2 patients opted for penile prosthesis implantation. The overall satisfaction rate appeared sustained subsequent follow-up (score 4 out of 5; 68% vs 50% vs 40% vs 40% at 12, 24, 48, and 60 months). There were minor time-limited, but no significant adverse event reported.

CONCLUSION: This long-term study showed the observed clinical improvement in EF continues to deteriorate but appears to plateau at 40% clinical efficacy at 48-60 months after completion of LIESWT. The absence of penile pain and deformity at 5-year follow-up supports the long-term safety data of LIESWT in men with ED. Chung E, Cartmill R. Evaluation of Long-Term Clinical Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction Rate Following Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy in Men With Erectile Dysfunction: A Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up on a Prospective Open-Label Single-Arm Clinical Study. Sex Med 2021;XX:XXXXXX.

PMID:34126432 | DOI:10.1016/j.esxm.2021.100384

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The anxiolytic effects of exercise for people with anxiety and related disorders: An update of the available meta-analytic evidence

Psychiatry Res. 2021 Jun 11;302:114046. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114046. Online ahead of print.


Exercise as a treatment option for people with mental disorders is a field of growing interest. The increased number of published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects of exercise in the treatment of anxiety and related disorders in recent years calls for an update of the available meta-analytic evidence. Electronic databases (PubMed, CINAHL, PSYCArticles, and Embase) were searched up to 17.2.2021, for RCTs evaluating the effects of exercise on anxiety and stress symptoms in adults with anxiety and related disorders. A random effects meta-analysis was conducted. A total of 13 RCTs comprising 731 adult participants (exercise n=376; control n=355) were included. Exercise had a small, bordering medium, but statistically significant effect on decreasing anxiety symptoms compared to control condition (standardized mean difference=-0.425, 95%CI -0.67 to -0.17; I2 = 47.9%) in people with anxiety and related disorders. Our meta-analysis updates the existing evidence supporting exercise as an efficacious intervention for anxiety and related disorders. Although the updated meta-analytic evidence is less heterogenous than previously reported, future research is still needed to explore the factors moderating the effects of exercise on outcome such as frequency, intensity, duration of the sessions, and type of exercise and qualification of the provider in more detail.

PMID:34126464 | DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114046

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Language profiles of Welsh-English bilingual children with Down syndrome

J Commun Disord. 2021 Jun 1;93:106126. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106126. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Given that children with Down syndrome (DS) have language learning difficulties, concerns have been raised about the capacity of these children to acquire two (or more) languages. This research examines the language profiles of bilingual children with DS and typically developing (TD) children in comparison to monolinguals, with a view towards identifying the factors associated with language abilities within these populations.

METHOD: Four groups of children were recruited: Welsh-English bilinguals with DS (n=10), English monolinguals with DS (n=10), TD Welsh-English bilinguals (n=10) and TD English monolinguals (n=10). Children were individually matched on nonverbal cognitive ability (NVCA) to each child in the bilingual DS group and the four groups were matched on socioeconomic status and gender. Bilinguals were matched on current and lifetime exposure to Welsh and age of first exposure to their L2. Within DS and TD groups, chronological age was statistically controlled for. Language abilities were assessed via standardised assessments and specially designed tasks. Bilinguals were assessed in both of their languages.

RESULTS: Results show no effect of language status on measures of expressive and receptive language abilities or phonological awareness. Language impairments were evident for both DS groups, particularly for expressive morphosyntax. Welsh receptive vocabulary scores of the bilinguals with DS were comparable to the TD bilinguals. Working memory, phonological awareness and chronological age were the strongest predictors of receptive language outcomes in both DS groups, explaining 90% of the variability.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we report no adverse outcomes on language development for bilinguals with DS. To our knowledge, this is the first group study of bilingualism in children with DS within the UK. Findings align with and add to the growing body of literature that reports that bilingualism does not negatively impact the language development of children with developmental disabilities. Clinical and educational implications are discussed.

PMID:34126402 | DOI:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106126

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Deep learning for tracing esophageal motility function over time

Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2021 Jun 1;207:106212. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106212. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Esophageal high-resolution manometry (HRM) is widely performed to evaluate the representation of manometric features in patients for diagnosing normal esophageal motility and motility disorders. Clinicians commonly assess esophageal motility function using a scheme termed the Chicago classification, which is difficult, time-consuming and inefficient with large amounts of data.

METHODS: Deep learning is a promising approach for diagnosing disorders and has various attractive advantages. In this study, we effectively trace esophageal motility function with HRM by using a deep learning computational model, namely, EMD-DL, which leverages three-dimensional convolution (Conv3D) and bidirectional convolutional long-short-term-memory (BiConvLSTM) models. More specifically, to fully exploit wet swallowing information, we establish an efficient swallowing representation method by localizing manometric features and swallowing box regressions from HRM. Then, EMD-DL learns how to identify major motility disorders, minor motility disorders and normal motility. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use Conv3D and BiConvLSTM to predict esophageal motility function over esophageal HRM.

RESULTS: Test experiments on HRM datasets demonstrated that the overall accuracy of the proposed EMD-DL model is 91.32% with 90.5% sensitivity and 95.87% specificity. By leveraging information across swallowing motor cycles, our model can rapidly recognize esophageal motility function better than a gastroenterologist and lays the foundation for accurately diagnosing esophageal motility disorders in real time.

CONCLUSIONS: This approach opens new avenues for detecting and identifying esophageal motility function, thereby facilitating more efficient computer-aided diagnosis in clinical practice.

PMID:34126411 | DOI:10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106212

Nevin Manimala Statistics

An overview of research of essential oils by self-organizing maps: A novel approach for meta-analysis study

Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2021 Jun 14. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12773. Online ahead of print.


Essential oils (EOs) are commercially important products, sources of compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities considered indispensable for several fields, such as the food industry, cosmetics, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, sanitary and agricultural industries. In this context, this systematic review and meta-analysis, a novel approach will be presented using chemometric tools to verify and recognize patterns of antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal activities of EOs according to their geographic, botanical, chemical, and microbiological distribution. Scientific papers were selected following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses statement flow diagram, and the data were evaluated by the self-organizing map and hierarchical cluster analysis. Overall, this novel approach allowed us to draw an overview of antioxidants and antimicrobials activities of EOs reported in 2019, through 585 articles evaluated, obtaining a dataset with more than 10,000 data, distributed in more than 80 countries, 290 plant genera, 150 chemical compounds, 30 genera of bacteria, and 10 genera of fungi. The networks for geographic, botanical, chemical, and microbiological distribution indicated that Brazil, Asia, the botanical genus Thymus, species Thymus vulgaris L. “thyme,” the Lamiaceae family, limonene, and the oxygenated monoterpene class were the most representative in the dataset, while the species Escherichia coli and Candida albicans were the most used to assess the antimicrobial activity of EOs. This work can be seen as a guide for the processing of metadata using a novel approach with non-conventional statistical methods. However, this preliminary approach with EOs can be extended to other sources or areas of food science.

PMID:34125485 | DOI:10.1111/1541-4337.12773

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Left Lateralization of Neonatal Caudate Microstructure Affects Emerging Language Development at 24 months

Eur J Neurosci. 2021 Jun 14. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15347. Online ahead of print.


The complex interaction between brain and behavior in language disorder is well established. Yet to date, the imaging literature in the language disorder field has continued to pursue heterogeneous and relatively small clinical cross-sectional samples, with emphasis on cortical structures and volumetric analyses of subcortical brain structures. In our current work, we aimed to go beyond this state of knowledge to focus on the microstructural features of subcortical brain structures (specifically the caudate nucleus) in a large cohort of neonates, and study its association with emerging language skills at 24 months. Variations in neonatal brain microstructure could be interpreted as a proxy for in-utero brain development. As language development is highly dependent on cognitive function and home literacy environment, we also examined their effect on the caudate-language function relationship utilizing a conditional process model. Our findings suggest that emerging language development at 24 months is influenced by the degree of left lateralization of neonatal caudate microstructure, indexed by DTI-derived fractional anisotropy (FA). FA is an indirect measure of neuronal and dendritic density within grey matter structures. We also found that the caudate-language function relationship is partially mediated by cognitive function. The conditional indirect effect of left caudate FA on language composite score through cognitive function was only statistically significant at low levels of home literacy score (-1 SD). The authors proposed that this may be related to “compensatory” development of cognitive skills in less favorable home literacy environments.

PMID:34125467 | DOI:10.1111/ejn.15347

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Multi-institutional analysis of treatment modalities in basal ganglia and thalamic germinoma

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Jun 14:e29172. doi: 10.1002/pbc.29172. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Central nervous system (CNS) germinomas are treatment-sensitive tumors with excellent survival outcomes. Current treatment strategies combine chemotherapy with radiotherapy (RT) in order to reduce the field and dose of RT. Germinomas originating in the basal ganglia/thalamus (BGTGs) have proven challenging to treat given their rarity and poorly defined imaging characteristics. Craniospinal (CSI), whole brain (WBI), whole ventricle (WVI), and focal RT have all been utilized; however, the best treatment strategy remains unclear.

METHODS: Retrospective multi-institutional analysis has been conducted across 18 institutions in four countries.

RESULTS: For 43 cases of nonmetastatic BGTGs, the 5- and 10-year event-free survivals (EFS) were 85.8% and 81.0%, respectively, while the 5- and 10-year overall survivals (OS) were 100% and 95.5%, respectively (one patient fatality from unrelated cause). Median RT doses were as follows: CSI: 2250 cGy/cGy(RBE) (1980-2400); WBI: 2340 cGy/cGy(RBE) (1800-3000); WVI: 2340 cGy/cGy(RBE) (1800-2550); focal: 3600 cGy (3060-5400). Thirty-eight patients (90.5%) received chemotherapy. There was no statistically significant difference in the EFS based on initial field extent (p = .84). Nevertheless, no relapses were reported in patients who received CSI or WBI. Chemotherapy alone had significantly inferior EFS compared to combined therapy (p = .0092), but patients were salvageable with RT.

CONCLUSION: Patients with BGTGs have excellent outcomes and RT proved to be an integral component of the treatment plan. This group of patients should be included in future prospective clinical trials and the best RT field should be investigated further.

PMID:34125480 | DOI:10.1002/pbc.29172